Stuck Fermentation/No Activity after 48hrs.......please HELP!!!!!!

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Thanks for the replies and input all. After I took a gravity reading last night and saw that there had been no active fermentation yet, I went back down a few hours later to check on it, and it was finally bubbling a little bit in the blowoff tube......showing signs of active fermentation for the first time in 3 days.

I'll take another gravity reading this afternoon and post.....for those of you that care to follow. Cheers!

Looks like we might not all be liars ;) about brewing anyway. Sounds like you are off and running. Good luck
Sooooo, here I am 5 days after pitching, and i'm still at my OG of 1.072. I've tried raising the temp to 72 and swirling it a bit every few hours to help with suspension. It's stuck.

I need to re-pitch but I don't have a LHBS in town. I have, however, located a few packs of Danstar Nottingham. Would this be an acceptable/comparable strain to pitch onto (2) vials of WLP001 to jump start them????

I can't believe that 2 vials of WLP001 would both be dead, but they sure aren't coming to the party. :-( My sanitation and other brewing practices were the same as the other identical batch, but this one is DOA.....for now. Nottingham to the rescue??????
I think nottingham is slightly more attenuative and not quite as clean as WLP001 (some more esters) - but darn close. But like JP said, not much of a choice. I think you will be happy with it.

danstar webstite

1. High attenuation, reaching a final gravity near 1008 (2°P).
2. The aroma is slightly estery, almost neutral and does not display malodours when properly handled. Because of flocculation, it may tend to slightly reduce hop bitter levels.
I agree. Notty should be a good choice in substitute of US-05 or a good vial of 001.

For future planning, try to keep a bag or two of each Safale 05 and Safale 04 on hand. Safale 05 is sorta like the dry version of WLP01/wyeast 1056. Safale 04 will cover you for browns, stouts, english styles, etc. I like s04 in stouts, but given that I wash my yeast and have a big backlog of the liquid yeast, my dry packets will likely expire before I use them.
Sooooo, here I am 5 days after pitching, and i'm still at my OG of 1.072. I've tried raising the temp to 72 and swirling it a bit every few hours to help with suspension. It's stuck.

I need to re-pitch but I don't have a LHBS in town. I have, however, located a few packs of Danstar Nottingham. Would this be an acceptable/comparable strain to pitch onto (2) vials of WLP001 to jump start them????

I can't believe that 2 vials of WLP001 would both be dead, but they sure aren't coming to the party. :-( My sanitation and other brewing practices were the same as the other identical batch, but this one is DOA.....for now. Nottingham to the rescue??????

I'd be quick about it. Wort sitting for 5 days at near 70F is going to breed "stuff". There's always bacteria, no matter how good your sanitation is, and they are always multiplying. You're gonna lose the race here if you don't get some yeast in there.
Ya, I'm starting to get worried about infection as it has been sitting so long, even with good sanitation.

Should I pitch 1 or 2 packs of Nottingham? Initially, i'm thinking about just sprinkling 2 packs into the carboy, and not rehydrating. I can see the cake from the 2 vials of 001 just sitting on the bottom of the hop trub, so i'm hoping that by sprinkling a couple packs of Nottingham, it will awake the 001.....and if not 2 packs of should be enough to get it going one way or another.
I would rehydrate for 5-10 minutes water at 90-100F. Pitch both packets since your gravity is 1.072.

rehydrating gets your yeast active so they can get to work ASAP (important to get this ferment going ASAP).

just curious, can you see the yeast in suspension in the wort? Right before take off I notice on my bigger brews, lots of yeast in suspension, and lot of times they are slowly moving upward if you look at the with a flashlight. (I would still pitch the dry yeast - just curious)
That's the problem, there is nothing in suspension. The yeast cake grew for the first 2 days, but now the cake is ~1/2" thick on the bottom, sitting on the trub.
It looks now how my last batch (identical) did when it was finished after 3 weeks. The yeast looks like it is spent and just sitting on the bottom.
Ya, I'm starting to get worried about infection as it has been sitting so long, even with good sanitation.

Why not reboil it? You'll lose some hop aroma, but you can add some fresh hops post-boil again.

If you have none (as I suspect you do based on the yeast situation), toss some hops in the secondary after a week or 2. That should give you time to order some.
+1 for hydrating the yeast. It's a process bakers call proofing... No proof no bread, no proof no beer... That is if it doesn't get going with a dry pitch

No, brewers don't (normally) proof yeast. Proofing requires sugar.

Rehydrating is simply adding water. It doesn't give any indication whether the yeast is viable or not.

Smack packs are proofing mechanisms, and it's why I'll always buy Wyeast over White Labs liquid yeast.
That's the problem, there is nothing in suspension. The yeast cake grew for the first 2 days, but now the cake is ~1/2" thick on the bottom, sitting on the trub.
It looks now how my last batch (identical) did when it was finished after 3 weeks. The yeast looks like it is spent and just sitting on the bottom.

Personally, I'd still wait, but that's just me I guess. BTW have you checked your hydrometer accuracy? Just a thought, maybe it slipped. Anyway, I'd wait, if it didn't get infected with the saccharomyces, I'd try to infect it with some other animal or just feed it to the oud bruin vat:D