So, My GF has BV

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2011
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San Diego
If you don't know what it is, google it. We have been faithful to each other...from my standpoint anyways. Although, I just went on a trip to Portland this past weekend and she went out to the bar with her friend, to dance. I was faithful.


We are now house sitting for her family friend. They have a hot tub..and I read that BV is very easily contracted from a hot tub...and that's what she thinks it is.

Should I pry any further, or assume the hot tub is to blame?
Unless you have 10 other reasons to believe she has been messing around, let it go, be sympathetic, and make sure she takes her full antibiotic treatment.

Vaginas are magnets for micro-organisms if not properly maintained and cared for.
What he said... I was just reading on it and *****ing will cause it as well. So it sounds like the hot tub could have caused it. You can get a yeast infection.from just taking antibiotics... if you trust her. I'd let it go
Like its been said before, if you trust her let it go. And if you don't, well, spy gadgets are easier than ever to pick up these days.
Unless you have 10 other reasons to believe she has been messing around, let it go, be sympathetic, and make sure she takes her full antibiotic treatment.

Vaginas are magnets for micro-organisms if not properly maintained and cared for.

This. If you are suspicious, just watch but don't push it. People will always make a mistake sooner or later. Otherwise, there is a VERY real possibility that you can get something from a hot tub. A buddy of mine was shopping for a hot tub and tested a couple of them out in a showroom. He got folliculitis. You would think that a showroom would have all the proper chemistry controls in place to make sure the customer has a good buying experience, but it can happen anywhere.
Did she have a BV before you left for Portland? If not and you came back to her and it was all stretched out and tore up then I'd be concerned. Big Vaginas can still get the job done as long as you have decent size hydrometer, but for me it'd be like tossing a hotdog down a hallway.
There is soo much potential here for me to say something I'll probably regret...


In seriousness, is there a standard amount of time between4 contact and full blown infection? Does it even fit the schedule? Is there even an accurate diagnosis?
Its easy to go down the rabbit hole when something like this happens, but it sounds to me as if she offered you this information...

I would think she would be sneaky about her ailment if she had something to hide...
How did you find out she has it? Did she volunteer the info or did something happen that made her tel you? If you trust her, leave it alone, if not, pry like hell and stay away from the thang!
Just for the record, from the CDC website...

"Not much is known about how women get BV. There are many unanswered questions about the role that harmful bacteria play in causing BV. Any woman can get BV. However, some activities or behaviors can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina and put women at increased risk including:
•Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners

It is not clear what role sexual activity plays in the development of BV. Women do not get BV from toilet seats, bedding, swimming pools, or from touching objects around them. Women who have never had sexual intercourse may also be affected."

for what it's worth.
Worst case scenario, let's play devil's advocate and say she did sleep around on you. Are you that far along in your relationship to believe that you should be mutually exclusive? Does she feel that way? Maybe you can mutually agree that if either of you gets caught messing around, the relationship is over. Beyond that, let it go. There's no rings on fingers yet.

Antibiotics will give you BV, as well as anything that upsets the natural balance in the self cleaning oven. If you trust her, let it go. If you can't let it go, talk to her and tell her you're having problems letting it go (and the real reasons why).

She did have the guts to tell you, unless you discovered the news while you two were fooling around (eww). If she'd tried to hide it, something might be up, but I doubt it.
Really no more reason to be suspicious than a UTI, even. There are so many ways women can get BV, most of them having nothing to do with sex.

If you're aware of this fact and still can't let it go, then clearly you're having some trust issues that should probably be addressed.
These threads usually go bad. But BV is not an indicator of multiple sexual partners. What it IS the result of is a chemical and or biological change in the balance of the indigenous micro flora within the vagina.

But in all seriousness, your GF gets one case of the stinky tweeter and you think she's cheating? I'm with the rest, unless she's given you something else to be suspicious about I wouldn't worry. Ya never know that infection source could be you. Did you wash that soldier before you sent him to war? I'm not playin sides but a one time thing I'd be mortified and supportive. It can happen to the best of people.
Thanks for all the advice everyone, I was hammered the night I posted this lol. I do trust her, but I just worry when she goes to the club without me. I've been cheated on before and it's ****ty, so I was dwelling on that idea in my drunken state.

That's what I get for drinking rum, instead of beer.
Thanks for all the advice everyone, I was hammered the night I posted this lol. I do trust her, but I just worry when she goes to the club without me. I've been cheated on before and it's ****ty, so I was dwelling on that idea in my drunken state.

That's what I get for drinking rum, instead of beer.

Don't worry about it bro, doubts are part of being human. Its what we do with those doubts that matters. All relationships take hard work on both ends. I agree with you about her going to the club without you and perhaps that's something the two of you can talk about. Don't give up bro!
Wikipedia says if her vag has a pH > 4.5, its an indicator.

Go get your pH meter and Star San?

This sight says they cannot get it from places like swimming pools. I'd say that would include hottubs.It also says that intercourse is not required either.

I'd go off past indicators with your particular relationship. Be supportive until you find out 100% that she cheated on you, which I hope you never do. Good luck.
Jealousy or phobia of the unknown is pretty universal. I commend you for coming to friends (ie anonymous and drunken strangers) rather than confronting her drunkenly and unnecessarily.
So, it turns out that she did cheat on me. She went on a trip to Corvallis(Oregon State campus) to visit her friends from high school, this past weekend. Got extremely drunk to the point where she was puking and made out with some random guy. She confessed yesterday, bawling her eyes out.


This was before her trip, and I'm 100% she was telling me the truth. BTW, it is possible to get it from hot tubs..I consulted her mother(who is a doctor) Hot tubs generally don't have enough chlorine in them to rid the water of's just a breeding ground for nasty ****.

Pretty ****ing pissed that she cheated on me, I mean..she didn't have sex with anyone else..but its still the principal ya know? After she threw herself at me, crying, she had the nerve to try and kiss me. It's really frustrating, since this has happened to me before.

Also, thank you for the support..I love the people on the interwebz.
That's a tough decision and is up to you. How much do you want it to work, and does she have any hot friends that you often drink around?
OP, my ex cheated on me before we got married and after. They don't change. Depends if you want an open relationship or not.
.... BTW, it is possible to get it from hot tubs..I consulted her mother(who is a doctor) Hot tubs generally don't have enough chlorine in them to rid the water of's just a breeding ground for nasty ****.

haha, you called the mom? That must have been a fun call. When I answer the phone and it's my mother in law I play hot potato with the phone and chuck it to my wife.
Sorry to hear bro. Something I have learned in these situations is the cheated-upon party, by the time they have confirmation, have made up their minds about what they are going to do before they ask advice. All advice-givers are just muddying the water.

All I will say is you were suspicious enough to think it might have been another guy when you out of town... and THEN later on she kisses another guy as if by prophecy. Am I wrong in assuming she had been distant and/or things had been less rosey in the past couple months?... I can finish that thought, or not, your call. Best of luck to you, bro.
The wife of a good friend of mine went "out with the girls" a week or so before their wedding. Another friend & I happened upon her that night while we were out & about. She was definitely not thinking wedding the last we saw her. They got married & then divorced due to her need for "something different". Unfortunately that was after having 3 kids. It went on for years but finally was enough for my friend & he initiated the proceedings. I can tell ya more stories but the best advice I can offer based on my observations. RUN!
My main problem is that I care too much...and I don't give in/up easily. I moved here from san diego for her(she got a good job) and I've had regrets of leaving since I've been up here.

I had a job I liked, and had just gotten a promotion...and I had cheap ass rent and my roomate was chill..PLUS I lived 15 minutes from the beach. I had everything, except her and I'm starting to feel like I made a huge mistake, throwing my life away just to be **** on. I don't wanna give up on our relationship though, because of those reasons.

Pretty awful situation that I got myself into. Now I'm contemplating whether or not she even deserves a measly rose for valentines day. I ****ing hate this "holiday" as it is..and this gives me a reason to not spend my money lol.

I did just keg my fresh batch of 7% abv bavarian hefeweizen after all is said and done, my day will end well :)
My main problem is that I care too much...and I don't give in/up easily. I moved here from san diego for her(she got a good job) and I've had regrets of leaving since I've been up here.

I had a job I liked, and had just gotten a promotion...and I had cheap ass rent and my roomate was chill..PLUS I lived 15 minutes from the beach. I had everything, except her and I'm starting to feel like I made a huge mistake, throwing my life away just to be **** on. I don't wanna give up on our relationship though, because of those reasons.

Pretty awful situation that I got myself into. Now I'm contemplating whether or not she even deserves a measly rose for valentines day. I ****ing hate this "holiday" as it is..and this gives me a reason to not spend my money lol.

I did just keg my fresh batch of 7% abv bavarian hefeweizen after all is said and done, my day will end well :)

So you have your mind made up. The hard part is done, time to clean up the carcasses and get back to SD.
Been there Bud. It's not easy, but you will always regret what you didn't do. 10 years from now with a kid or two it will be the same if you stay here.
I read one post you made and saw the word regret. You seem young enough to correct that.

Do it before you're 50 thinking "what if?"

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