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Sep 24, 2015
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I will confess: I'm an unredemable smoker. I probably smoke 25-40 cigarettes daily (please don't go all carcinogenic on me). Point is, when discussing beer tastes with friends, some argue that my smoking habit precludes me from savouring the subtler tastes in their favourite beers (which I sometimes am not quite enthusiastic about). The thing is, sometimes, when I approve of a particular beer, those who support it argue smoking doesn't quite inhibit my taste (someteimes they're even the same ones who argued otherwise a month ago), so, can excessive smoking inhibit your tasting ability to a point where your opinion should be disregarded? Because that might just be the end of my short-lived brewing endeavor, since my search for the perfect beer is only rivaled by my search of the perfect tobacco.

ASIDE: Incindentally, is there a way to infuse the subtle aromas of fine tobacco in beer without making it unbearably unpleasant? Thanks in advance¡
I will say, after smoking and then quitting, then taking it up years later and quitting again, that yes - your taste & smell go up significantly after you quit.
Yes it does. But...not so much so that your tasting abilities should be excluded. It's as much the ability to describe what you're tasting as the flavors themselves. Or, as my specialist said of certain male problems, " It's as much between the eyes as between the thighs". Interesting insight from an Indian Doctor...
Keep on brewing. There are many things that will change the flavor and nuances of your favorite beer. The absolute beer killer for me is having brushed my teeth within 4 or 5 hours of pouring a beer.
It's good to quit, I've done it several times though finally I'm done with it. Beer and cigars work together though.
Being a smoker doesn't invalidate your opinion. Brewing might be more of a challenge if you are going to try to brew for your buddies' tastes, but if your goal is to brew beers that you like, then go for it.

I don't smoke but there are beers I brew that my friends don't care for, it's just a matter of taste.
I quit smoking 26 years ago and I can attest, smoking actually makes beer taste better! Or is it the other way around?
I will confess: I'm an unredemable smoker. I probably smoke 25-40 cigarettes daily (please don't go all carcinogenic on me). Point is, when discussing beer tastes with friends, some argue that my smoking habit precludes me from savouring the subtler tastes in their favourite beers (which I sometimes am not quite enthusiastic about). The thing is, sometimes, when I approve of a particular beer, those who support it argue smoking doesn't quite inhibit my taste (someteimes they're even the same ones who argued otherwise a month ago), so, can excessive smoking inhibit your tasting ability to a point where your opinion should be disregarded? Because that might just be the end of my short-lived brewing endeavor, since my search for the perfect beer is only rivaled by my search of the perfect tobacco.

ASIDE: Incindentally, is there a way to infuse the subtle aromas of fine tobacco in beer without making it unbearably unpleasant? Thanks in advance¡
Definetly takes away. If you want the best flavors of both you could quit and enjoy good cigars and such on occasion. That way your taste buds would recover and you can concentrate more on the flavors of tobacco when done well and not consumed everyday. The occasional cigar with an imperial stout or smoked porter....mhhh. Just an idea though.

Also, I do believe you can infuse tobacco into beer. I actually intend to experiment with that myself in the future (when I do another stout). I am intending to copy a technique used to make a tobacco infused chocolate mousse (which is great). There you do a quick high pressure infusion of the cream. Takes around 30seconds only.That way the nastyness and nicotine don´t come out as it would with steeping in hot cream.
As said many times already, yes smoking cigarettes definitely diminishes the taste buds. I smoked for just about 4 years (pack to a pack and a half a day) when I was in my 20's. So so glad I quite. Since then I've lost several VERY close family members from it and friends of the family as well. I highly suggest you try to quit.

That said, I now smoke a cigar a day, when I get home from work, just one and no inhaling, and the different is enormous! You don't get the fiending need to smoke. I have one and don't even think about it after. No feeling the need to smoke in the morning, after meals, after sex, after getting off public transportation, etc and it doesn't ruin the taste buds.

All preaching aside (and sorry for that but I just felt I had to add), people have indeed infused tobacco into beer. Not sure of the results but I'd think it'd be awful. Keep in mine the taste of tobacco being burned is way different.

As said many times already, yes smoking cigarettes definitely diminishes the taste buds. I smoked for just about 4 years (pack to a pack and a half a day) when I was in my 20's. So so glad I quite. Since then I've lost several VERY close family members from it and friends of the family as well. I highly suggest you try to quit.

That said, I now smoke a cigar a day, when I get home from work, just one and no inhaling, and the different is enormous! You don't get the fiending need to smoke. I have one and don't even think about it after. No feeling the need to smoke in the morning, after meals, after sex, after getting off public transportation, etc and it doesn't ruin the taste buds.

All preaching aside (and sorry for that but I just felt I had to add), people have indeed infused tobacco into beer. Not sure of the results but I'd think it'd be awful. Keep in mine the taste of tobacco being burned is way different.

Good points here. As I said, infusing tobacco into beer, or any food really, can go horribly wrong and in most cases will be disgusting. However, with the right method it can work. That dark chocolate mouse that I mentioned is delicious. I make it with good vanilla flavored pipe tobacco and that just works so well. The depth and detail added is awesome.
Yes, it is different than burned, but you know how a good cigar smells amazing even when not burned as well. So with the right tobacco the flavor extraction works too if you know how to avoid all the nasty parts.

Pretty sure that can be extended to beer, but, again, I will test that. Actually, due to this thread I will soon get two bottles of Yeti or so and sit down with a friend to try this. One normal, one infused. Will report back with results.
Thinking about this we are kinda making an argument akin to quitting macro lager. If you drink a lot of that stuff you should stop. The enjoyment goes down, you taste little, etc. So stop that stuff and switch to cigars / pipes / craft beer. Less, but better. Enjoyment goes up.

So I think some of us really are saying quit - quit the crappy stuff. ;)
I love to smoke. I smoke any time I can. I tend to smoke more during the summer than the winter. The weather tends to keep me inside, but sometimes it's not enough to get me to stop. I also smoke more on the weekends than the weekdays...just more time during the days. Hell, sometimes I'll smoke for like 15 hours straight. Today I'm doing beef short ribs with oak. Next weekend I'm thinking some baby backs or a game hen with cherry.

Kidding aside, when you said infuse beer with tobacco the first thing that popped in my head was pipe tobacco. Something kinda sweet with a solid room note.

Bee tee dubs... 6 years quit from cigarettes. Pipes and cigars on occasion.
There is no debate I'm afraid. The science is solid and there are many, many good studies done on this topic published in respected peer reviewed journals.

Here is but one short synopsis of one such study.

Smoking massively reduces one's ability to perceive tastes and smells. If this is something that concerns you it is one more reason (should you need another ) not to smoke.

This is not surprising as the effects of smoking are on every cell in the body. No surprise, the taste buds and the olfactory bulb are not immune.
Quit smoking 5 years ago after 2 packs a day can't say I ever noticed a big change in flavor, but my sense of smell became many times better. Not always a plus in a house full of stinky teenagers several cats and dogs lol
Quit smoking 5 years ago after 2 packs a day can't say I ever noticed a big change in flavor, but my sense of smell became many times better. Not always a plus in a house full of stinky teenagers several cats and dogs lol

Believe it or not the greater majority of what we perceive as taste comes from our sense of smell. It's said our actual taste buds only allow us to perceive salty/sweet/bitter/sour flavors with the rest coming from olfactory receptors in our nasal cavity.

Smoking massively reduces one's ability to perceive tastes and smells. If this is something that concerns you it is one more reason (should you need another ) not to smoke.

Slightly OT, but this is what baffles me about some of the contestants on shows like Hell's Kitchen. There are always a few competitors seen firing up heaters at the end of the day after they leave the kitchen. If your aspiration is to create winning dishes in a top-notch restaurant, it seems silly that you'd inhibit the very senses that will help guide you in your profession.
Also, I do believe you can infuse tobacco into beer. I actually intend to experiment with that myself in the future (when I do another stout). I am intending to copy a technique used to make a tobacco infused chocolate mousse (which is great). There you do a quick high pressure infusion of the cream. Takes around 30seconds only.That way the nastyness and nicotine don´t come out as it would with steeping in hot cream.
Please get back on this. I'd love to try doing it. I never wanted to though because I've never used tobacco and the nicotine makes me nauseous as all hell. I love the smell of pipes and some cigars and it seems like that aroma would be awesome in a darker earthier beer. I just have no idea how I'd get that without the nicotine.
I quit smoking just over 3 years (best decision EVER) and I can honestly say things have more smells and tastes. However, I wouldn't say that beers tasted too different, from what I can remember, when I was smoking. Even now I don't think I'd give a friend a hard time over tasting beer because they smoked. We all taste different aspects of the same things anyway so idk how you could discount someones opinion just because they smoke.

As far as quitting brewing just because you smoke... You should brew because you love the hobby. You should brew because you enjoy sharing what you create even though some folks might no like it. You should brew because it's our god given right! lol... Ok, maybe that went a little too far... but in all seriousness you should brew for you. If people dig your beer then that's great but it shouldn't be the reason you brew. All of us who used to be smokers know you can definitely taste the beer even though it might not be as "clear" as someone who doesn't smoke. In the end, it's just beer. Drink it how you want to.
Well, it took a while, cause I forgot for a bit, but I finally just infused a bottle of Yeti with vanilla flavored pipe tobacco. Results are pleasant. The process (Isi whip pressure infusion for 3min or so) took out a lot of the carbonation (thanks to straining), but in this beer that is no issue and it´s not flat. Side by side with the original it is actually more pleasant. Sadly the time was not enough to dissolve the nitro in the beer it seems. Or if it did it is subtle.

In the aroma I have smooth vanilla pipe tobacco joining the stout aromas in a very nice way. Fits right in. In terms of flavor it actually seems to smooth out the Yeti, taking the bitterness down a touch and especially rounding the charred notes. Tastes just like it smells and the vanilla and leathery notes fit right in.
I used a good pinch and actually think that might have been a tad too much.

Overall I think this was a success and I recon I will do it again. That is if I don´t get sick from this, which remains to be seen. Writing this as I drink it.

Should it make me sick I will update this, but I think the time and temperature was not enough to extract dangerous levels of nicotine.
Please get back on this. I'd love to try doing it. I never wanted to though because I've never used tobacco and the nicotine makes me nauseous as all hell. I love the smell of pipes and some cigars and it seems like that aroma would be awesome in a darker earthier beer. I just have no idea how I'd get that without the nicotine.

First update finally posted.

I have the same issue with nicotine. Once in a blue moon I like to have a touch of snus, little packets of tobacco you place under your lip, cause it gives a nice little high, but I really need to watch the time and not everstay it as it quickly makes me feel like I have a really bad hangover.

Hope this does not give me that.
I am an ex-smoker of 12 years, and I quit 12 years ago. They say once a smoker always a smoker, I say BS. I don't crave, want or even think about smoking, but that did take more than 12 months to achieve after quiting. Just the smell of it makes me ill.

After I quit, I got the super power of smell and taste, everything changed when it came to drink and food, perfume and flowers, etc... So I am in the camp of yes, everything tastes better or even worse depending.

But on the flip side, I now have more money for beer.
I quit back in the '80s. I don't miss tobacco, and I have no cravings for it. In fact, smoke in a room gives me migraines.

Kudos to anyone who quits. Tobacco is so addictive and it is very difficult to shake the habit.
I will confess: I'm an unredemable smoker. I probably smoke 25-40 cigarettes daily (please don't go all carcinogenic on me). Point is, when discussing beer tastes with friends, some argue that my smoking habit precludes me from savouring the subtler tastes in their favourite beers (which I sometimes am not quite enthusiastic about). The thing is, sometimes, when I approve of a particular beer, those who support it argue smoking doesn't quite inhibit my taste (someteimes they're even the same ones who argued otherwise a month ago), so, can excessive smoking inhibit your tasting ability to a point where your opinion should be disregarded? Because that might just be the end of my short-lived brewing endeavor, since my search for the perfect beer is only rivaled by my search of the perfect tobacco.

ASIDE: Incindentally, is there a way to infuse the subtle aromas of fine tobacco in beer without making it unbearably unpleasant? Thanks in advance¡

Yes, smoking affects taste/smell.

Dunhills were my favorite cigs, when I could get them. I spent a lot of time in Europe where I smoked them exclusively.

No idea how to infuse tobacco flavors into beer, but as with most things like this, a tincture made with herb and vodka, then added to fermentor, is probably the best way. I used to get cans of loose tabacco (Bugler) to roll my own. That might be the easiest way to get the quantity of tobacco you'd need. No idea how much you'd need, but probably a bunch.

I quit smoking a lot of years ago, cold turkey, and never relapsed once. Not a puff, because I know what that leads to. I don't ever think about it at all, except in my dreams, where it's recurrent - just had one of those dreams last night. There's a lot of commentary in this thread for anyone considering quitting, or just talking about it: I Quit Smoking
I love cigars, but you don't want to drink nuanced beers with them, it's just lost to the overpowering tobacco flavor.

I made a Surly Smoke clone, haven't had a cigar with it yet, but maybe smoked malt would give you what you're looking for.
I didn't smoke long. A few months 47 years ago and occasionally in college 43 years ago. I do remember thing tasting very much different when smoking.

There are few odors that bother me now more than cigarette smoke. I am so glad you cannot smoke in public places any more. Though it probably saved me thousands of dollars - avoiding bars because of the smoke. Nothing is worse to me than the smell of your clothes after a night in a bar (before the ban)

That said I cannot think of many things more disgusting that infusing beer with tobacco......
I was not a smoker but I did use a can of Copenhagen a day for 22 years. Quite 2 years ago and I can honestly say I still have cravings every day.
I played with the idea of trying to infuse beer with incense aroma. I love Nag Champa. I burn it all the time. Spent the day in the garage today mortising and painting new doors for my home. Garage was hippie heaven all day.

Maybe some ideas here: Bubble Nag Champa through a beer?

You sure you're not just looking for ideas for another April 1st HBT article?:)