Small All Grain Questions

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Jersey Shore
Hi AG Brewers,

I'm Postman and I've been extract brewing for a year (with success) and have lately been researching the heck out of Partial Mash. I have not done one yet, but this has led me to heavily consider small-AG batches instead. The method that has intrigued me involves using a 2-3 gal water cooler, a veggie steamer and a grain bag. Looks simple, cheap and fun.

Here are some questions I have.

1. I think I sparge through a colander into the brew kettle. If that is so, do I sparge up to my desired volume ~ 2.5 gal? But...I've also read somewhere about draining the cooler and refilling it to let the sparge sit 5-10 min? Which method is better.
2. If using the colander method, does hot side aeration exist?
3. Would I need to take a hydrometer reading of the hot wort to see if I need to add some DME? If so, what is the conversion of DME/gravity points?
4. Do I just take a 5 gal grain recipe and sale down?
5. I've been looking at Beersmith, doing example recipes. Is that the best method for determining mash and sparge volumes?
6. Revvy mentions that he was working on an article about mini AG in a Mr.Beer. Does that article exist somewhere?

Sorry for all the noob questions and believe me, I've tried to find these answers through massive searches. I've probably have crossed the answers somewhere, but they have not clicked yet. I've developed consistent brewing methods, anal sanitation, yeast starters and lately temp control. Now I'm ready for the next step. I think I have the AG basics understood and am really excited to find that I can jump into AG w/o much $$$. Any help would be much appreciated.


Postman ~ NJ
For the sparge, to add the water all at once and drain it all at once is a "batch sparge". For a partial mash or a small batch, I think that would be the way to go. It might be difficult to fly sparge with such a small volume. You can sparge up to your boil volume, but don't go over .5 gallons of water per pound of grain in the sparge. That would be the max without risking oversparging and extracting tannins.

HSA is debated, but I wouldn't necessarily worry about it for sparging. You're talking about lifting the colander and pouring hot water through the grains, right? That wouldn't really be very efficient (that's why I think you may want to batch sparge) but I don't think HSA would be a problem.

Yes, you'd have a target preboil volume (beersmith helps alot with that!), and you'd take a sample of your wort and chill it quickly for an SG sample. (SG samples over about 100 degrees are notoriously inaccurate, even with temperature correction). So, cool that sample while the wort is coming to a boil and then add DME if needed.

You can definitely take a 5 gallon recipe and scale it down. It's probably easiest just to cut the recipe right in half, especially if you have a 3 gallon carboy.

I really like Beersmith and use it for every recipe. But YOU still decide the mash and sparge volumes. You set it up in Beersmith in advance, and it does the calculations for you. I set mine up to mash at 1.25 quarts of water per pound of grain, and then it will calculate the amount of water and the strike temperature for me. I then sparge to reach my volume (6 gallons) and it calculates that temperature for me, too.
Starting here about midway down, I posted a lot of info and pictures about small batch AG, including recipes. Start there and read towards the most recent posts.

And HSA is of little concern to the homebrewer....
Revvy, did you forget to include a link here, or am I missing something. I am contemplating going to AG in this direction (2.5 gallon batches that is) and would like some more insight.


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