Scary things......................

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Ale's What Cures You!
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HBT Supporter
Jun 4, 2006
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UP/Snowbird in Florida
I'm not really afraid of many things at all, not alligators or bears, not sharks, not weird food.
But I am afraid of clowns.

I'm on the local rummage sale website, and I see something even more terrifying than the worst clown ever.


OMG, those ceramic "Raggedy" fake dolls should be burned at the stake immediately. They are absolutely horrifying! It would cause nightmares and bedwetting in any child's room.

This is one of the scariest things I've ever seen.

I need a beer.

What scares you, that isn't really expected?
Not a fan of clowns either.

I don't like the weird mystical Santa that almost looks like a wizard. Not really scared of it but I like my Santa to be a jolly old soul.
I'm afraid that one day a well-respected authority on brewing will sample one of my brews and declare that it's the best beer he/she every had. Then he/she would offer their help and expertise in setting me up as a professional brewmaster in my own brewery. It would become known worldwide and I would be more successful than my wildest dreams.

Then I would suddenly realize that I'd totally wasted the first 70 years of my life, having completely missed my calling.

Hmmm. Nothing to worry about after all.

Brooo Brother
I would not burn them, they might even look more terrifying when melting.

My irrational fear is large fans. I saw a horror movie as a child, or someone got chopped up in one of those gigantic industrial fans, and they have freaked me out ever since.
Especially as a kid I was and still am to a degree, being by myself in a spooky place. It has to be naturally spooky though, like an attic or basement in a really old house or a graveyard at night. I’m Ok if there’s another person with me. It can’t be made to be spooky like a Halloween haunted house.
This absolutely freaks me out, I start to hyperventilate when I see this stuff. It got worse when I learned what its called, and did a google image search on the word.

Also, goat's eyes for some reason freak me out real bad. something about those weird pupils make me want to run away.

Oh, and being in confined spaces makes me panic but only if there are other people nearby, especially if someone is blocking my escape path like in a store with dead end aisles, yikes!

I have always had a fear of heights. I'm taking flying lessons right now partly as a way to confront that, and it turns out that it's more the vertigo from standing at the edge of a building or something and looking down. I'm not too bad in a plane, haven't even thought about it the last two times I've flown.
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I have always had a fear of heights. I'm taking flying lessons right now partly as a way to confront that, and it turns out that it's more the vertigo from standing at the edge of a building or something and looking down. I'm not too bad in a plane, haven't even thought about it the last two times I've flown.

Oh, YEAH!!! Me too, and I've been a pilot for 55 years. Like most fears or phobias, it's totally irrational fear. Flying in an airplane has never bothered me, but standing on or near a precipice literally makes me hyperventilate. Even driving on winding mountain roads leaves me "squeezing the black juice" out of the steering wheel.

It amazes me how many pilots (professional, private and military) have told me they also have a "dislike" of heights. Most, like me, are a bit reluctant to admit it.

Two years ago we were hiking and camping in Zion National Park. When planning our hikes I'd Googled "Angels Landing" trail and couldn't even finish watching the You Tube video. Totally freaked me.

Brooo Brother
Snakes. 100% crippling, irrational phobia. I forever have a crooked arm and numbish fingers in one hand because of an elbow dislocation due to the fear. Damn danger noodles are the bane of my existence. And it doesn't matter what kind. Small, big, 'harmless', venomous etc etc. They all suck. I despise when folks are like "OMGah, but it doesn't even have venom?!? lolllll" THATS NOT THE POINT. I cant even have belts laying on the bedroom floor because there have been incidents.
My sister and I went as Raggedy Ann and Andy at Halloween for a couple of years when we were kids.

I was also one of those kids who caught every non-venomous snake (and one tarantula) I found and brought them home. Sometimes those little teeth would break off in my hand like glass, but they were easy enough to pull out - not like those stupid cactus needles...
Heights give me vertigo, unless I can grab onto something. It doesn't make any sense, but being able to grab onto a branch or something makes it vanish instantly.
Probably my worst fear is tight spaces. I can only handle about 30 minutes in the crawl space under my house and spelunking has ZERO appeal.
oh, and besides the whole bears overcoming sharks thing (seriously, preserve the balance, stop eating shark fin soup and using longlines)
  • the dark
  • the light
  • heights
  • depths
  • confined spaces
  • wide open spaces
  • strangers
  • intimacy
  • spiders
  • a sudden and mysterious lack of spiders
my first kiss was with a red head....i think they look gorgeous ....

that's how they get you. And then you find out that the crazy is closer to the surface. When you play with the fire you're gonna get burned.
Oh, YEAH!!! Me too, and I've been a pilot for 55 years. Like most fears or phobias, it's totally irrational fear. Flying in an airplane has never bothered me, but standing on or near a precipice literally makes me hyperventilate. Even driving on winding mountain roads leaves me "squeezing the black juice" out of the steering wheel.

It amazes me how many pilots (professional, private and military) have told me they also have a "dislike" of heights. Most, like me, are a bit reluctant to admit it.

Two years ago we were hiking and camping in Zion National Park. When planning our hikes I'd Googled "Angels Landing" trail and couldn't even finish watching the You Tube video. Totally freaked me.

Brooo Brother

It turns out that most of what I thought of as fear of heights in a plane was a feeling that I wasn't in control of what was happening. On my discovery flight I was absolutely terrified for about the first 30 seconds--I was afraid I'd do something stupid and we'd wing-over into the ground.

I'm still a little hinky with turbulence, but I believe that will go away the more of it I experience. My reaction to it with the yoke seems pretty intuitive, and unless one is in a thunderstorm, the wings aren't going to break off.

I've been in the Sears Tower (it's named the Willis Tower now) with some groups I was leading; I spent my time on the observation deck on the inside away from the windows, and encouraged my charges that after a brief look outside our going down would be a GOOD THING. :)

And the St. Louis Arch? Gave me the willies. We went to the top and as I'm standing there I'm thinking that there's nothing below my shoes for 400 feet. WIllies.
my first kiss was with a red head....i think they look gorgeous ....

that's how they get you. And then you find out that the crazy is closer to the surface. When you play with the fire you're gonna get burned.
I've got one of the darker-maned Irish breeds. Crazy is still quite close to the surface.
oh, and besides the whole bears overcoming sharks thing (seriously, preserve the balance, stop eating shark fin soup and using longlines)
  • the dark
  • the light
  • heights
  • depths
  • confined spaces
  • wide open spaces
  • strangers
  • intimacy
  • spiders
  • a sudden and mysterious lack of spiders
Brings to mind my only rational fear... intimacy with strangers.
Unless there is beer involved, that is.

Totally with you on the spiders tho, the only thing scarier than trying to smash one is suddenly losing sight of one. I won't sleep in that part of the house until it turns up and gets murdered.
Brings to mind my only rational fear... intimacy with strangers.
Unless there is beer involved, that is.

Totally with you on the spiders tho, the only thing scarier than trying to smash one is suddenly losing sight of one. I won't sleep in that part of the house until it turns up and gets murdered.
When I was a kid, I was playing hide and seek with some neighborhood kids and decided to hide in the neighbor's dog house. I crawled in there and turned myself around with my back pushed in tight and hunched up as much as I could to hide in the shadows. However, when my eyes adjusted to the darkness I was shocked to see a huge black widow spider and it's egg sack vibrating madly right above the doorway, my only exit. Come to think of it, that might have birthed my fear of confined spaces...
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Looks like we're finally getting an all-clear signal.
That was wild though - pretty much five years worth of Tornado Warnings in five hours.
Totally surprised we didn't lose power even for a blink considering the wind + gusts had to be peaking in the 60s.

Anyway...I am moderately acrophobic. I can ride in airplanes, ski lifts, stand against windows in tall buildings, all just fine.
Driving across wicked high bridges used to be an adventure in trying not to red-out from hyperventilation before getting safely across, but that has greatly dissipated. Now I just ***** "why TF did they build this bridge 300 feet in the fricken' sky?"

But...put me in a situation that I could jump and plunge to my death, well, that's my "snakes".
My family took me to the top of 30 Rock once. They ogled the view right to the edges.
I spent the entire time with my back firmly glued to the brick block house atop the elevator shafts :D

Paraphrasing a Mojo Nixon song; "we ain't got nothing to fear, but runnin out, out of beer." or something like that....

Disturbingly enough though, I think most of my fears are rational, which are the scariest kind.

Maybe I'll add high levels of pain, and no good way to end it, trusting medical industrial complex to care for me or anyone I care for... real fears.

As for redheads, I was with one once long term, and she quite rationally dumped me. I was afraid I'd never get with as cool a woman again, and alas that.....

I'll take weirdly dressed performers, multi legged creatures, no legged creatures and natural disaster over any of that.

Shoot, it's only tuesday....still, the beer is excellent, and dinner was 3 star diner grade, work tomorrow, which I am told I should be grateful for as well...

Carrion,...fellow critters...{;
If it wasn’t a 5 hour drive on the west side of the lake, I’d be all over that for a Michigan Brewery tour!
Oh, YEAH!!! Me too, and I've been a pilot for 55 years. Like most fears or phobias, it's totally irrational fear. Flying in an airplane has never bothered me, but standing on or near a precipice literally makes me hyperventilate. Even driving on winding mountain roads leaves me "squeezing the black juice" out of the steering wheel.

It amazes me how many pilots (professional, private and military) have told me they also have a "dislike" of heights. Most, like me, are a bit reluctant to admit it.

Two years ago we were hiking and camping in Zion National Park. When planning our hikes I'd Googled "Angels Landing" trail and couldn't even finish watching the You Tube video. Totally freaked me.

Brooo Brother
I’ve done that hike and there is some serious exposure on the second half of hike. My wife started the hike w me but had to stop after the switch backs.
For me the scary part is having to rely on those posts and chains.
Eastern Penitentiary Haunted House
Normally these things don’t scare me. A few years back I was working in Philly and went with some coworkers.
I don’t know what it was, maybe the old prison as a backdrop but my heart was racing more than a few times!


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