Scariest Movie Ever!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2008
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Quebec, Canada
Wonder what you think was the most bad ass scariest movie you ever saw?

I vote for the original Exorcist, i saw it when i was about 13 at my gramma's house, her house is a freaking old farmer's house in the middle of nowhere, she only had a Black and white TV and it was the only channel i could get (no cable back in the days).

I had the choice of watching it, or go upstairs in that creepy room alone to sleep... i chose the movie, i think it might not have been such a good idea after all.

scared the **** out of me for a whole two weeks solid, had nightmares and all.

What's your scariest movie experience?
My whole family was eating lunch after church one lovely Sunday, and somehow we started talking about The Exorcist. My dad was surprised that I had never seen it. So we stopped by the video store and rented it, then we all went down into the basement and turned the lights out. (mother excluded...she thought it was a BAAAD idea)

I remember having the whole room behind me (I was sitting on the furthest couch) and just having the feeling that at any moment something could sneak up behind me. That, and my father (ya know...the protector :rolleyes:) would turn around every time something made me jump and whisper "it gets worse."

I didn't make it very far...I think about the time she was banging herself with the cross is when I ran upstairs. I spent three days awake watching movies because every time I was free to think, I would see that demon face. I was scared for weeks until I finally forced myself to watch it at my cousins house. We watched it during the day with all the lights on, but it was still scary. I think I was 11.

Nothing has really scared me since.
Death goes to church????

Man....I can't really thing of a movie that scared the crap out of me...unless it was situational...

I remember beink a small child and watching the day the earth stood still late at night, and my big brother (who was 16 years older than me) fell asleep...and it was like 2 in the morning, no sounds in my neighborhood, my brother not moving...and the earth standing still while Gort slowly descended from the space ship...

Also Jacob's Ladder disturbed the hell out of me...
Way of the Master with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Some terrifying stuff there I tell ya!!

In all seriousness, I would have to go with either "The Exorcist" or "Evil Dead". There was just something about the one zombie girl laughing in Evil Dead that freaked me out. Maybe even the original "Night of the Living Dead". Black & white horror movies rule!!
LOL, I was at a friends house when I was 10 or 12 and we watched Pumpkinhead! I thought that was one of the best and scariest movies I'd ever seen at the time. I watched part of it a few years back on cable...laughed my ass off! Not scary, not good...unless you're 10 :D.

Death goes to church????

Man....I can't really thing of a movie that scared the crap out of me...unless it was situational...

I remember beink a small child and watching the day the earth stood still late at night, and my big brother (who was 16 years older than me) fell asleep...and it was like 2 in the morning, no sounds in my neighborhood, my brother not moving...and the earth standing still while Gort slowly descended from the space ship...

Also Jacob's Ladder disturbed the hell out of me...

I don't go to church NOW ;)

Jacob's Ladder is a killer movie. I just watched it for the first time last year.
Something about Demonic possesion and Evil spirits roaming around the house, like in the original "Amityville" kind of movies and such always freaked the hell out of me, it doesn't affect me much if im watching those kind of movies with someone, but it's a different situation when im all alone in the house on a cold winter night, then i wont watch them at all.
And im not easily impressed by people in daily life usually, it's those freaking evil spirits that i cant see or grab that freak me out, and so it is with the scary movies.

People with axes or chain saws or knife in movies dont have much of an effect on me either.
I remember sneaking a VHS of Aliens borrowed from a friend over to my Dad's church late one night. I must have been 11 or so. Anyways first ever R rated movie I had ever seen. I was watching in a room with a dropped ceiling and made it all way to the scene where the aliens penetrated their defenses and dropped down through the ceiling. I swore I saw some of the ceiling tiles move and went running home as fast as I could. Of course I woke my dad up, and got a serious spanking!
The Exorcist is most definitely the scariest movie I have seen. The part that freaked me out was the part were she is coming down the stares backwards, and the weird face that kept appearing.
I'd have to vote for Hellraiser, Pinhead is "exquisitely empty". I love that movie, gave me nightmares for a week as a kid. Awesome.
I'd have to vote for Hellraiser, Pinhead is "exquisitely empty". I love that movie, gave me nightmares for a week as a kid. Awesome.

That scared me when I was little, but I didn't know what it was until I was in my 20s.

Pumpkinhead and The Unborn were a couple that freaked me out, too, but couldn't remember what they were.
2 movies come to mind. First one I was about 11 or so and it was an old black and white movie called "The Brain from Planet ????" I forget the name of the planet. It was a disembodied brain floating around. All night I kept seeing this brain floating around. :D
The other one was Amityville Horror. Went and saw it at the theater and the GF and I had to leave. Cool movie though.:rockin:

EDIT: A few years back I bought one of those deals on TV. It was the 50 Horror Classics. What a crack up. :D It should have been 50 Cheesiest Not-So_Horror Classics. They are good for a laugh though. There was this one with giant leaches. It was so obvious it was people in suits. You could make out the shoulders and everything. :D
My Brother gave me a bootleg VHS. It didn't have any intro or credits just the movie and it was The Blair Witch Project. I don't know how he got it but he got it awhile before it came to theaters and before there was any advertising at all. So none of us knew what it was, if it was real or fake. My friend and I watched it above his Father's barn in this unfinished apartment we used to party at. Was pretty eerie.
Anything by Michael Moore. The fact that people might actually listen to that a-hole is petrifying to me.

In the true spirit of the thread I was spooked by Rosemary's Baby and by The Omen. The scene in The Omen where the guy got decapitated by the piece of plate glass was groundbreaking and haunting. I even liked the remake with Liev Shreiber.
Blair Witch, for two reason:

1) I grew up in hills and woods very similar.
B) I watched it with my (then) 13 year old who was going to a summer camp the next day.

Yep. Something about never seeing the boogey man makes him (her) even more real.
The exorcist is my favorite, but if you haven't seen the exorcism of emily rose, you should. not quite as scary as The Exorcist, and not really scary in the same way, but really scary.
The first time I saw the Exorcist (at a movie theater) I was on LSD...I thought it was funny...go figure...

I asked for my money back when I saw the Blair Witch Project...worse film ever...then I got re-screwed on Cloverfield...same movie as far as I'm concerned.
Exorcist. First scary movie I ever watched. I will always remember that attic door rattling at the beginning. For some reason, that freaked me out as a kid.
Scariest movie ever? I think I cried and wanted to kill myself after I saw this guy.

My whole family was eating lunch after church one lovely Sunday, and somehow we started talking about The Exorcist. My dad was surprised that I had never seen it. So we stopped by the video store and rented it, then we all went down into the basement and turned the lights out. (mother excluded...she thought it was a BAAAD idea)

I remember having the whole room behind me (I was sitting on the furthest couch) and just having the feeling that at any moment something could sneak up behind me. That, and my father (ya know...the protector :rolleyes:) would turn around every time something made me jump and whisper "it gets worse."

I didn't make it very far...I think about the time she was banging herself with the cross is when I ran upstairs. I spent three days awake watching movies because every time I was free to think, I would see that demon face. I was scared for weeks until I finally forced myself to watch it at my cousins house. We watched it during the day with all the lights on, but it was still scary. I think I was 11.

Nothing has really scared me since.

This explains so much...;)
Most horror flicks aren't really scary to me. They have their moments where every once in a while I'll jump because I'm surprised, but not scared. The only movie I've watched that ever creeped me out was White Noise with Michael Keaton. Watch that movie alone in a room with all the lights off late at night. Freaked me the **** out.
When I was a kid I was terrified of Sasquatch, I dont know why or how i came being afraid of it but there was this movie called "Watchers" and it kept me up for a week. Since then no movie scared me only segments of movies for example: The first time I saw the Shining, The two little girls and the jacked up old lady in the bath tub gave me nightmares.
This is kinda lame, but the original Gremlins scared the crap out of me as a little kid. Those little critters running around gouging people freaked me out! I watched it again years later and loved it, so maybe the original viewing had something to do with twisting my tastes to that kind of thing.
Oh, I remember some older kids got a copy of Children of the Corn and it completely weirded me out. Seemed like the whole rest of the summer, every time I went into the cornfield, I could see ONE cornplant leaf waving all by itself, as though beckoning me to come further in...
Its funny that everyone saw the scariest movie when they were like 12-13 or something. Once you're 16 or older no matter what its just not scary anymore.
Its funny that everyone saw the scariest movie when they were like 12-13 or something. Once you're 16 or older no matter what its just not scary anymore.

I don't know about that every time I go hunting I think about that damn Watchers Movie or sasquatch, Even with a .50 cal Muzzle Loader I think wow I only have one shot Im going to have to fight Sasquatch with a Knife **** is scary man.
I hate slasher flicks; I think they're lame. That said, the scariest movies I've ever seen were either by Hitchcock or in the same vein. Spellbound was an awesome flick, especially for the time period. The Sixth Sense, another hitchcock-like movie, was awesome, too.
I was never really into horrow movies i guess i'm a puss in that regard but these movies scared the bejesus out of me...
The Watcher in the Woods (disney i think) when I was like 10.

A few years later I thought I had manned up, but watched Amityville horror at a friends house. Later that night at home i was jolted out of bed by the smokealarm going off...
Went downstairs to see my dad messing with the stove, i asked if he forgot to turn off, but no he said I lit all by itself something to do with the keep warm timer and a bad thermostat....
I didn't sleep comforatbly for a week.
Fighting Sasquatch with a knife :cross: You see, game warden, I need this M249 to hunt with cause of Sasquatch. Sound reasoning to me.

Cujo is it for me. For one, dogs and rabies are real. I was also very close to one of our family dogs and the thought of my best friend, the one living thing that was always there for me, turning on me like that and having to be destroyed, wow... Thinking of that little boy getting his dingus bitten off also had me on edge, and I had to pee.

After that scene, I did get up to pee. Didn't notice my dad was not in the room. As I turned into the unlit hallway, he starts making rabid barking dog noises! Scared me so bad I jumped back and hit the hinge on a closet door, slid down on it and nearly removed my spine. Thankfully, I forgot all about having to pee. If not, I would have known which is worse, pissed off or pissed on.

The Time Machine, original, was another one. Those Morlocks that lived underground. I was sure they were under my bed trying to get at my toes. And if they got my toes, now I couldn't stand to fight or run away. They'd have me for sure. It also really bothered me how people just went along with some of the stuff in that movie. I was terrified that society would come to that one day and I'd have to fight both fronts.
The last movie to really genuinely scare me was The Ring. The first time I saw it, I was living in a dorm, and I had a roommate. We watched the DVD, and I didn't think much of it.

Well, apparently the DVD has an Easter Egg that lets you just watch the video then cuts to static. My roommate thought it would be funny to turn that on at about 3 AM with the volume on full blast. Waking up to that... well, it scared the crap out of me.
The last movie to really genuinely scare me was The Ring. The first time I saw it, I was living in a dorm, and I had a roommate. We watched the DVD, and I didn't think much of it.

Well, apparently the DVD has an Easter Egg that lets you just watch the video then cuts to static. My roommate thought it would be funny to turn that on at about 3 AM with the volume on full blast. Waking up to that... well, it scared the crap out of me.

:D That's classic. Gotta love roommates.
A recent movie i saw called "Grave Dancers".
Wasn't that scary but i liked it a lot, think the story is very good.

White Noise was a good one too IMO.

Think one can see a pattern here, when it comes to scary movies, i prefer those with ghosts of any kinds. :)

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