NEW StrangeBrew Elsinore Thread

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Hi doug

i have a limited number of relays so i have set up gpio22 attached to a relay with a 240v socket. when i am on a brew day i want to use gpoi22 to power a heater element plugged into the socket. then when i am done i was hoping to go into edit mode delete gpio22 from the heating webui box and put gpio22 into the cooling box then hit update. my relay board requires both heating and cooling to be inverted. i then unplug my brewing heating element and plug in the fridge.

so here is that sequence of events

this is what i get when i first fire elsinore up from putty when it has been closed down in heating set to gpio22

Apr 19, 2015 8:47:28 PM <init>
INFO: Launching on port 8080
Apr 19, 2015 8:47:28 PM <init>
INFO: Enabled logging at level:WARNING

this is what i get when i first then open up open the webrowser on elsinores ip address

Warning: NLS unused message: CHANGE_SCALE in:
Warning: NLS unused message: DUTY in:
Warning: NLS unused message: CALIBRATION in:
Warning: NLS unused message: HIDE in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHOW in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_COOL in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_HEAT in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_GPIO in:
Warning: NLS unused message: UPDATE_GRAVITY in:
Warning: NLS unused message: DESCRIPTION in:
Warning: NLS unused message: TARGET in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHUTDOWN in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHUTDOWN_SYSTEM in:

this is then what i get whislt in edit mode i move "GPIO22" from the heating box to cooling box and hit update

Apr 19, 2015 8:51:18 PM editVessel
WARNING: Updated temp name Fridge
Apr 19, 2015 8:51:18 PM editVessel
WARNING: Updated PID NameFridge
Could not find definitions file at: extras/gpio_definitions_lookup.xml
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping

nothing comes up on the server screen at all when i then try and activate cooling in hysteria mode. the web ui is still interactive though. sometimes it just says 0% cycle and does nothing to the relay. then sometimes it says -100% and does nothing. very occasionally the relay will come on and click. once it came on and cycled rapidly on and off like it was in manual mode with a short cycle time but it was in hysteria. to note i do leave it to see if it is the time delay (which) is set at 1 minute - still nothing. i have tried every combination i can think of. reboots combinations of on offs mouse clicks etc etc to see if i can reporduce whats going on - i cant

when i then try and shut down elsinore when GPIO22 is in the cooling box and reboot all the PID buttons have gone when it comes back on yet when i go into edit mode GPIO22 is still in the appropriate box? hit update and the pid buttons reappear but still no action from the relay

this bit may be really relevant !?!?
when i then try put GPIO22 back into the heating box and hit update it says the following

GPIO Doesn't exist, may have already closed

this error just keeps cycling every second or so and heating doesnt work. if i then reboot all is fixed -everything is great and heating works a treat. seems the GPIO is closing when i switch the pid from heating to cooling???

this may be i Pi thing i suppose if its not happening to others ??

hope my rambling make some sense to you
let me know if there is anything else i can provide to help


i have a limited number of relays so i have set up gpio22 attached to a relay with a 240v socket. when i am on a brew day i want to use gpoi22 to power a heater element plugged into the socket. then when i am done i was hoping to go into edit mode delete gpio22 from the heating webui box and put gpio22 into the cooling box then hit update.

Can I ask why you didn't lead with this? Rather than just saying "****s broke".
i think it tried to but didnt explain it very well

i suppose everyone has built there electroninc hardware differently and there brewing method and the way they use there brewing equipment is different

i assumed everone had a few relays that they could change to heating or cooling or pumping or whatever depending what was plugged into that relay at the time

as long as we get beer at the end of it all!!

thankyou for your continued support

I have also been having difficulties getting cooling to work (on BBB), and I am not sharing/switching GPIOs, so I don't believe that is the cause. I am currently managing it by setting the fridge to an inverted heater gpio in hysteria, which works well enough so it's not really a problem for me. It does sound to be the same issue Mike has been having. This is with SBE up to date with your commit from tonight.

Here's how it goes. I set the the cool GPIO to GPIO2_1, click update.
Server messages are:
WARNING: Updated temp name Keg%20Fridge
Apr 19, 2015 7:39:13 PM editVessel

Click hysteria, set to 41F/43F/5 mins, click send command.
No new server messages, getstatus page says:

At this point the duty cycle shows 0% when it should be 100%. The GPIO is not activated. Unfortunately the messages are rather uninformative here for troubleshooting. I don't know if this feature worked in older versions as I hadn't tried it until this weekend. Here's the relevant section of server messages when following the same procedure in debug mode.

Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM ParseParams
INFO: Key: 28-00043b696dff
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM ParseParams
INFO: Entry: {"mode":"hysteria","deviceaddr":"","heatgpio":"","coolgpio":"GPIO2_1","heatinvert":"false","coolinvert":"false","auxgpio":"","cutoff":"-999","calibration":"0F","hidden":"false","vol_ain":"","vol_add":"","vol_off":"","vol_units":"","setpoint":"0","dutycycle":"0","cycletime":"0","heatcycletime":"0","heatp":"0","heati":"0","heatd":"0","coolcycletime":"0","coolp":"0","cooli":"0","coold":"0","min":"41","max":"43","time":"5"}
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM ParseParams
INFO: Found valid data for 28-00043b696dff
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Duty cycle: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Set Point: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Cycle time: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: heat P: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Heat I: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Heat D: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Cycle time: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Cycle time: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: cool P: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Heat I: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Heat D: 0
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Mode: hysteria
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Min: hysteria
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Max: hysteria
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Time: 5
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:37 PM updatePID
INFO: Form: 28-00043b696dff
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:38 PM serve
INFO: URL : /getstatus method: GET
Apr 19, 2015 7:55:39 PM serve
INFO: URL : /getstatus method: GET
You need to set the cool PID settings if you want to use PID mode. You'll have a tab for Heat and a tab for Cool when in Auto mode.

As for hysteria, it won't go on if it's within 2F of the target temperature range, this is a safety I added and I haven't gotten around to making it configurable.
dear all

after several hours of sitting in front of the computer with a glass of ice water and a glass of hot water and a beer obviously ! im a little bit further on

jangeeva i think your correct it doesnt matter if you are switching gpios or not. i thought cooling used to work but i did not do proper tests on it in the past with everything connected up

in summary i have found the following

when using hysteria mode

when assigning your settings to a single temp probe

1) if you assign a GPIO to heating alone it works great with no problems

2) if you assign a GPIO to cooling alone for some reason it doesnt work. no matter what combinations i have tried

3) if you assign a GPI0 to heating and another different GPIO to cooling it works great!! at the moment i have gpio17 in the heating box and gpio22 in the cooling box (both inverted)

4) sharing gpios between different temp probes is a no no. i think this has been discussed in previous threads

so if you want to cool beer you have to have 2 separate gpios assigned to a temp probe / pid. you could have any random gpio number that your not using or dont have a relay connected assigned to heating if you aim is only to cool

there is now only one minor glitch when i am running with 2 gpios assigned to my fridge temperature probe. when i shut down elsinore and reboot it does not remeber that my cooling output is inverted. every other setting is saved. i have to place a tick in the inverted box each time i reboot and hit update. i have tried shutting down with both the new shutdown button and using ctrl c and it doent seem to want to remember that i had been running inverted.

doug this might help you. im sure you programmed elsinore how you intended to use heating / cooling but as i think we all set ourselves up differently

my eventual aim is to do my brew then dump my probes into my kegerator and control the ferment. then when thats done chill my beer to the optimum temperature for drinking ! all whilst having lovely graphs to look at and monitor whats going on from work :cross:

i think im days away from doing my first big brew just need to experiment with temperature stabilty in the kegerator


when i shut down elsinore and reboot it does not remeber that my cooling output is inverted. every other setting is saved. i have to place a tick in the inverted box each time i reboot and hit update. i have tried shutting down with both the new shutdown button and using ctrl c and it doent seem to want to remember that i had been running inverted.

Did you say all of your outputs are inverted? There's an inverted argument you can pass to, does that work for you?
Give it a go now without a heating GPIO.

With latest commits...

I edit the the appropriate probe, removing what was specified as the dummy heating GPIO. When I go to save the changes, I received this notification on the /controller page.

"Bad inputs when updating. Please check the system log"

The log is empty.

I had to shut down quickly because even though the changes did not appear to save and the GPIO should've been off, the GPIO was actually active, cooling my kegs without having received the command.

I deleted my configuration file, and tried with a fresh set up. I edited the appropriate probe, named it and tried to specify a GPIO. After clicking update the name has been changed correctly but there are no buttons that would indicate the probe was linked to any sort of GPIO. This happens with both heating and cooling GPIOs.

I can try to get you some more information this evening. At first glance I didn't see any meaningful server messages.

As a side note, I believe a small bug has been introduced into SB's graphs when additional characters were supported in a recent commit. Only blank graphs appear on the /controller page, and when you click on the small blank graph you are brought to the full size blank graph. However, if you click view all inputs on the full graph page, you can see the intended data. Does that make sense?

The most stable SBE version for me right now includes up until April 6th's commits. The only thing off is when heating and cooling GPIOs are both specified, the duty bounces between -100% and 100%. I don't have anything plugged in to actually heat during 100% duty, so it doesn't make a difference to me. Only being set up to heat or cool at a given time is perfectly workable (even in my garage with its wild temperature swings this time of year). The ultimate for simultaneous heating/cooling hysteria mode would be the ability to specify different time lengths in hysteria for heating and cooling (i.e. I don't want a fridge compressor turning on for very short periods of time, but I don't mind if a light bulb or ceramic heater only turns on for a minute), and different buffers on the target temperature range for the heating and cooling GPIOs (again, you may want to be more conservative with the buffer for a fridge than a heater). These sorts of advanced heating/cooling hysteria set ups could also be easily managed right now by having two probes set up, each with their own time lengths and temperature ranges - one for cooling one for heating.
This weekend I had a Elsinore first real use. :mug:

I've done a lot of beer and everything went pretty well.

But had couple of problems:

-Sometimes elsinore not save the correct GPIO SSR configuration. This happens randomly. And as much as I repeat is not saved. The solution is to put an empty GPIO number, and save it, and then put the correct GPIO SSR and saves fine.

Sometimes when restart elsinore, not load GPIO configuration well and leave it blank.

All this is only in heat mode. Cool mode I no test.

- I think many of these failures come when clicking the "accept" buttons, the url parameters nor are cleared, once the action.
This causes that when refresh the page, or click on another section, these parameters interfere with previous operation.

Problem've had to change the temperature calibration, which is not stored well and I had to delete the url parameters to be saved.

- Sometimes by double-clicking the bar probe to edit, see the option to "eliminate" without having dragged the bar. Perhaps this option should be less sensitive and drag force at least a couple of inch before it active "eliminate" ..

Thank you.
Im having problems too after a fresh install this morning. It sounds like the same issue as your having jangevaa.

Ive spent the afternoon messing with it including doing a complete fresh install of raspian an elsinore in case i had something corrupted on my SD

So from a virgin install this is what i find

Temp probes all function correctly in celcius or f
I can label the probes with a name and that name is stored in the config file
The name for a probe is still present after a reboot
If i assign a gpio to a probe the relay clicks as it normally would do when i hit update. The gpio output also seems to be inverted when i tick that box and hit update
When the webui refreshes everything has disappeared from the settings boxes apart from the name for the probe
Most importantly none of the pid buttons appear ie no auto /manual /off / hysteria buttons
I can assign a switch / pump a gpio and it works fine and relays respond as normal
Ive not tested graphs
When i reboot the switches and probe names are saved but still nothing else appears
If i go into the config file the probe names are there and the gpio assigned to the switches is there but other than that its a bit empty!

I didnt notice any error messages appearing on the webui like jangevaa saw

Doug let me know what further info or files you need posting - if any


On a side note and for future reference how do you back date to a previous version?

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew
On a side note and for future reference how do you back date to a previous version?

When in the directory that SB is installed to, type

git checkout [commit]

where [commit] is a unique identifier that github produces for each commit, e.g. the last commit on April 6th is identified by 707f85a1d7e8e4b1b04c97b7abc2f35bd7f6f1ae

If you want to return to the current version of master, type

git checkout master
Brilliant thanks for that. Still learning ! A lot!! I've got 2 sd cards so I'll set one up with the April version so I can continue my kegerator testing this weekend


-Sometimes elsinore not save the correct GPIO SSR configuration. This happens randomly. And as much as I repeat is not saved. The solution is to put an empty GPIO number, and save it, and then put the correct GPIO SSR and saves fine.

Sometimes when restart elsinore, not load GPIO configuration well and leave it blank.

All this is only in heat mode. Cool mode I no test.

I've added more save points, however, I keep saying this please provide the full log

- I think many of these failures come when clicking the "accept" buttons, the url parameters nor are cleared, once the action.
This causes that when refresh the page, or click on another section, these parameters interfere with previous operation.

Nothing to do with this.

Problem've had to change the temperature calibration, which is not stored well and I had to delete the url parameters to be saved.

Probably fixed by the above.

- Sometimes by double-clicking the bar probe to edit, see the option to "eliminate" without having dragged the bar. Perhaps this option should be less sensitive and drag force at least a couple of inch before it active "eliminate" .

Do you mean "Delete"? This will only happen if you are moving the mouse around when double clicking, nothing I can do about this.
When the webui refreshes everything has disappeared from the settings boxes apart from the name for the probe

Can you expand on this please? Screenshots FULL LOGS NO SNIPPETS

Most importantly none of the pid buttons appear ie no auto /manual /off / hysteria buttons
Please provide information such as the full server log,and the console log.

If i go into the config file the probe names are there and the gpio assigned to the switches is there but other than that its a bit empty!


Doug let me know what further info or files you need posting - if any


On a side note and for future reference how do you back date to a previous version?

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew[/QUOTE]
I don't think you guys how annoying and frustrating it is for me to keep repeating myself. I make NO money from this. I have spent over two years on it, and you keep demanding I fix issues with little to no information that helps me at all.

I'm signing off the forum for a week or two to calm down.

I don't think you guys how annoying and frustrating it is for me to keep repeating myself. I make NO money from this. I have spent over two years on it, and you keep demanding I fix issues with little to no information that helps me at all.

I'm signing off the forum for a week or two to calm down.


I can certainly say that I can relate to your frustration, having worked in IT for 15 years now. Constantly being asked to fix things when you can't see how or if they are even broken. I do however think that some of this has been misconstrued. Maybe there is a language barrier that some of us are working to overcome. Maybe some of the folks that are utilizing the software aren't the most technical or just aren't good with Linux.

Screenshots & Log Files are like gold when you are trying to troubleshoot an issue. If anyone needs assistance retrieving a logfile from Elsinore (elsinore.log) or taking a Screenshot (prt scr button on the keyboard) let me know and I'll do my best to assist.

Either way Doug, thanks for creating a sweet piece of software and taking the time out of your schedule to improve it & support it.
I've added more save points, however, I keep saying this please provide the full log

Nothing to do with this.

Probably fixed by the above.

Do you mean "Delete"? This will only happen if you are moving the mouse around when double clicking, nothing I can do about this.

Ok. Sorry and thanks.
I try recover log or more information.

It's possible accumulative historical log mode (for example 1 month data).
Maybe there is a language barrier that some of us are working to overcome. Maybe some of the folks that are utilizing the software aren't the most technical or just aren't good with Linux.

Either way Doug, thanks for creating a sweet piece of software and taking the time out of your schedule to improve it & support it.

I would like to second this comment. Im afraid I am as good as useless when it comes to computing. I have been following hbt on the side for nearly a year watching elsinore develop but only had the courage to buy a pi 3 months ago and "have a go". Before then i did not even know what a pi or linux was! still dont to be honest ! All my posts whilst technically lacking were never meant to be a moan or critisism - elsinore is superb just as it is. I was and will continue to do my best to help. But i will in reality be able to offer very little - my skills in life lie elsewhere !

As i have said before I have great admiration for the skill and time it must take to develop something like elsinore I can only imagine how many hours it must take slaving away in front of the computer. A real labour of love !

again doug thank you for your services to brewing a better beer

I've put together a FAQ about bug reporting in SBE. Let me know if I've missed anything!

I'm also starting to post things on the /r/StrangeBrew page... This thread has gotten pretty difficult to follow, I don't think 100 pages of discussion in its current format will be as useful to new users as something topic-organized on reddit.

great idea.

I think i will be able to work out how to do most of the thigs you mention. im going to have a play and do some googling !!

with regard to the missing pid buttons ive found a simple fix for the time being. back date to the apr 6th version. put in all your gpio settings and names pups etc. you can the update to latest version so you have the shutdown buttons etc. which i have found very usefull.

ive got a very busy 2 weeks coming up so will have no play time but i will try and produce some log outputs on my return


I've added more save points, however, I keep saying this please provide the full log

I recover this log, but the more problematic logs I can't recovery.

sudo ./
Starting Elsinore as root
abr 19, 2015 6:51:35 PM main
INFORMACIÓN: Running Brewery Controller.
abr 19, 2015 6:51:37 PM readConfig
abr 19, 2015 6:51:37 PM enableRecorder
INFORMACIÓN: Enabling the recorder
Looking for: brcm_bcm2708
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section switches
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section phSensors
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section general
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section timers
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section device
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Parsing XML Device: SondaTapaSSR
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Not enough volume data points, 0 found
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: Adding28-000005e60612
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: 28-000005e60612 added.
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM startDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Adding SondaTapaSSR GPIO is ()
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is: -999
abr 19, 2015 6:51:43 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is now: -999
Looking for: brcm_bcm2708
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Invalid GPIO provided
jGPIO.InvalidGPIOException: Could not match . As a valid gpio pinout number
        at jGPIO.GPIO.getPinNumber(
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section device
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Parsing XML Device: SondaDentro
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Not enough volume data points, 0 found
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: Adding28-000433584aff
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: 28-000433584aff added.
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM startDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Adding SondaDentro GPIO is (null)
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is: -999
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is now: -999
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseXMLSections
INFORMACIÓN: Checking section device
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Parsing XML Device: System
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM parseDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Not enough volume data points, 0 found
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM <init>
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: System added.
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM startDevice
INFORMACIÓN: Adding System GPIO is (null)
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is: -999
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM setScale
ADVERTENCIA: Cut off is now: -999
abr 19, 2015 6:51:48 PM <init>
abr 19, 2015 6:51:49 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: Launching on port 8080
abr 19, 2015 6:51:49 PM <init>
INFORMACIÓN: Enabled logging at level:WARNING
Warning: NLS unused message: PUMPS in:
Warning: NLS unused message: NEW_PUMP in:
Warning: NLS unused message: PUMP_ON in:
Warning: NLS unused message: PUMP_OFF in:
Warning: NLS unused message: PUMPNAMEBLANK in:
Warning: NLS unused message: DELETE_PUMP in:
Warning: NLS unused message: CHANGE_SCALE in:
Warning: NLS unused message: DUTY in:
Warning: NLS unused message: CALIBRATION in:
Warning: NLS unused message: HIDE in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHOW in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_COOL in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_HEAT in:
Warning: NLS unused message: INVERT_GPIO in:
Warning: NLS unused message: UPDATE_GRAVITY in:
Warning: NLS unused message: DESCRIPTION in:
Warning: NLS unused message: TARGET in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHUTDOWN in:
Warning: NLS unused message: SHUTDOWN_SYSTEM in:
abr 19, 2015 6:53:55 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaTapaSSR
Looking for: brcm_bcm2708
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
Looking for: brcm_bcm2708
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
abr 19, 2015 6:54:10 PM editVessel
Looking for: brcm_bcm2708
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
abr 19, 2015 6:56:51 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaTapaSSR
abr 19, 2015 6:56:51 PM editVessel
abr 19, 2015 6:58:10 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaTapaSSR
abr 19, 2015 6:58:11 PM editVessel
abr 19, 2015 7:10:47 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaTapaSSR
abr 19, 2015 7:10:47 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Couldn't access URL: /editdevice
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        ... 8 more
abr 19, 2015 7:10:47 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Failed to find URI: /editdevice
abr 19, 2015 7:11:07 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaDentro
abr 19, 2015 7:11:07 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Couldn't access URL: /editdevice
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        ... 8 more
abr 19, 2015 7:11:07 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Failed to find URI: /editdevice
abr 19, 2015 7:17:44 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaDentro
abr 19, 2015 7:17:44 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Couldn't access URL: /editdevice
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        ... 8 more
abr 19, 2015 7:17:44 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Failed to find URI: /editdevice
abr 19, 2015 7:17:59 PM editVessel
ADVERTENCIA: Updated temp name SondaDentro
abr 19, 2015 7:17:59 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Couldn't access URL: /editdevice
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
        ... 8 more
abr 19, 2015 7:17:59 PM serve
ADVERTENCIA: Failed to find URI: /editdevice

Broadcast message from root@rpi (Sun Apr 19 23:24:42 2015):

The system is going down for system halt NOW!

Do you mean "Delete"? This will only happen if you are moving the mouse around when double clicking, nothing I can do about this.

Yes, "delete". I had double clic in probe bar, and appears "delete" instead of edit probe. This is aleatory. No hapen ever.
I've put together a FAQ about bug reporting in SBE. Let me know if I've missed anything!

I'm also starting to post things on the /r/StrangeBrew page... This thread has gotten pretty difficult to follow, I don't think 100 pages of discussion in its current format will be as useful to new users as something topic-organized on reddit.

Congratulations for your useful and good blog :ban:

I encourage you to continue on the same line and I thank you .
I don't seem to be able to convert a probe to a PID. When I enter a heat GPIOx to the probe I get the following log:

WARNING: Updated temp name Kettle
Looking for: brcm_bcm2709
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping
Looking for: brcm_bcm2709
No definitions file found, assuming direct mapping

The probe doesn't change to a PID and the GPIO setting didn't commit.

I am able to add pump switches without any issues.

Any idea?
I don't seem to be able to convert a probe to a PID. When I enter a heat GPIOx to the probe I get the following log:

The probe doesn't change to a PID and the GPIO setting didn't commit.

I am able to add pump switches without any issues.

Any idea?

I used the latest commit briefly and experienced something similar. If I started with a new configuration file, I could not save GPIO information for the probes. If I started with a configuration file that already had GPIOs associated with temperature probes, I got the notification on the /controller page of
"Bad inputs when updating. Please check the system log" when I tried to edit them. For the time being, I am using an earlier version of SB.
I used the latest commit briefly and experienced something similar. If I started with a new configuration file, I could not save GPIO information for the probes. If I started with a configuration file that already had GPIOs associated with temperature probes, I got the notification on the /controller page of
"Bad inputs when updating. Please check the system log" when I tried to edit them. For the time being, I am using an earlier version of SB.

You are correct. I had to revert to commit 249d4ea to successfully create a PID.
First Off Running Ubuntu Trusty on Beaglebone Black

Everything appears to be working until I try and configure my Mash Tun. The Heat GPIO entry doesn't save and the 4 buttons (Auto, Histeria, Manual, OFF) don't show up and no option for setting MASH entries exist. The sensor names save as well as the -2F offset for one of my sensors saves. After UI shutdown and nano the elsinore.cfg file the only PRIO pin that is saved is one I created for my RIMS pump. What am I missing. My linux is rusty at best, been about 8 years since I used it last. My Beaglebone Black experience is very rudimentary as well as this is my first foray into programming hardware

Second question is regarding the DS2450 and OWFS. Since the DS2450 is obsolete, what are the best options for analog sensors?

Guidance and help would be appreciated.
First Off Running Ubuntu Trusty on Beaglebone Black

Everything appears to be working until I try and configure my Mash Tun. The Heat GPIO entry doesn't save and the 4 buttons (Auto, Histeria, Manual, OFF) don't show up and no option for setting MASH entries exist. The sensor names save as well as the -2F offset for one of my sensors saves. After UI shutdown and nano the elsinore.cfg file the only PRIO pin that is saved is one I created for my RIMS pump. What am I missing. My linux is rusty at best, been about 8 years since I used it last. My Beaglebone Black experience is very rudimentary as well as this is my first foray into programming hardware

Second question is regarding the DS2450 and OWFS. Since the DS2450 is obsolete, what are the best options for analog sensors?

Guidance and help would be appreciated.

I think you will want to roll back to a previous commit using the git command, April 6th seems to be the one everyone is playing with at the moment. Check out the instructions below by jangevaa.

As for the DS2450 I'm afraid I can't really be much help with that. :mug:

When in the directory that SB is installed to, type

git checkout [commit]

where [commit] is a unique identifier that github produces for each commit, e.g. the last commit on April 6th is identified by 707f85a1d7e8e4b1b04c97b7abc2f35bd7f6f1ae

If you want to return to the current version of master, type

git checkout master
I think you will want to roll back to a previous commit using the git command, April 6th seems to be the one everyone is playing with at the moment. Check out the instructions below by jangevaa.

As for the DS2450 I'm afraid I can't really be much help with that. :mug:

OK I rolled back as instructed and was able create the PID for my Mash Tun without issue. I just can't edit the settings properly. I made an error setting a mash temp and I can't delete it. Just keep telling me it can't parse the delete value.

Thanks for the help but I think I will leave SB alone and check back in 6 months or so to see if its a bit more user friendly. As much as I like to tinker with gadgets I don't think I want to entrust a 6 bbl batches of beer to something that doesn't always save configuration and don't want put my neck on the line with the head brewer. Back to web based fermentation monitoring and traditional PID based controller I have already built.

I will check back on the progress.
I have just started using elsinore today for the first time. I dont have any hardware connected at the moment other than 2 temp probes. The ui doesn't seem to let me make changes brewery name, probe names or add timer. I have reverted back to commit 8d2dbdac5b31fb8a94d3cd6af25a977057bc2657 (6th Aprill) which has allowed me to rename my brewery at least. Was hoping to do some tests tomorrow with a SSR connected. Does anyone have any suggestion which commit I can try that might be more stable?
I have just started using elsinore today for the first time. I dont have any hardware connected at the moment other than 2 temp probes. The ui doesn't seem to let me make changes brewery name, probe names or add timer. I have reverted back to commit 8d2dbdac5b31fb8a94d3cd6af25a977057bc2657 (6th Aprill) which has allowed me to rename my brewery at least. Was hoping to do some tests tomorrow with a SSR connected. Does anyone have any suggestion which commit I can try that might be more stable?

Everything should be working with the probes on that commit. You're the first to mention anything about the timers? Can you provide more information?
I just can't edit the settings properly. I made an error setting a mash temp and I can't delete it. Just keep telling me it can't parse the delete value.

Can you provide some more information on this? I haven't encountered this issue before.
Can you provide some more information on this? I haven't encountered this issue before.
I swore I wouldn't touch this again, but i did. Apparently when I used git to go back to April 6, it appeared to work. As in I now had the auto-Hysteria-Manual-Off buttons. What I didn't get were the options for configuring ,Mash steps. Nor does the edit or lock button do anything. I was supposed to brew 2 batches today but I wasted all day on this software. Now when I try to launch I get a message telling me I'm not on a branch - which is a new one on me. Time to reimage the BBB and move to Kriek. I'm so through with this.

My RPI ver2 and arduino were configured and running with BrewPi in an afternoon and have been doing so for a month without issues. I had SBE up and running fine for a week, I shut it down to move it to the brewery. Restarted it and all configuration was back to square 1. If this were to happen with 275Lbs of grain in my Mash Tun the resultant reaction would register as an earthquake, and I would be out of a job.

My big concern is the reliance on DS2450 for analog sensors - I didn't discover until after I ordered my sensors that the DS2450 is obsolete and virtually unavailable so this to me is the project killer. Unless there is a work around I have missed.
I think I have found a fix for renaming the probes and possible addressing some of the issues with UI not saving. I tried renaming the probes again this morning and it didn't work. When I accidentally double clicked the update button, it worked. I repeated this for second probe and single click didn't work, but double click did. This was the same for adding a timer. Maybe worth giving this a go.
Wait, help me understand.
A guy spends two years investing his time and talent, writing an application, posts it to the web, where you download it for free. Then when you want use in a commercial environment, run into problems, you complain? Instead, dust off your programming skills, roll up your sleeves and pitch in, instead of saying you'll check back in six months or you're so through with this. SMH.
Wait, help me understand.
A guy spends two years investing his time and talent, writing an application, posts it to the web, where you download it for free. Then when you want use in a commercial environment, run into problems, you complain? Instead, dust off your programming skills, roll up your sleeves and pitch in, instead of saying you'll check back in six months or you're so through with this. SMH.

Mea Culps. Well when you put it that way. Frankly I never looked at that way but you are correct. I would gladly pay for the software, because there are some of us that are not meant to be programmers and I am their Poster Child. Just never could stay focused long enough coupled with a low frustration threshold. As a network implimentation/security manager my mantra was always "Hardware Good, Software Evil" I posted out of frustration with myself more than the program. I also have continued working with it because I hate being beaten by anything. That said, with apologies to all those that contribute to this and Doug in particular, I will redouble my efforts.

In addition, I am working on this to show my friends in the local brew club and 2 friends that are starting up a new brewery the possibilities of what can be done. If successful then it will be finding a commercially supported solution. Hopefully that could be this in time.

So perhaps I could get an answer to a few basic questions;

1) I would prefer to bypass the GUI for configuration as much as possible. Where are the configuration settings stored? I know when I delete the elsinore.cfg file and launch SB not all of my changes are erased.

2) When a change such as adding a Switch is done, does the action of adding an open GPIO pin activate said pin or does something have to be done with the overlay file?
As in I now had the auto-Hysteria-Manual-Off buttons. What I didn't get were the options for configuring ,Mash steps. Nor does the edit or lock button do anything.

I asked last time for Browser Console logs, server logs, and more information like what browser you're using. I fully admit there is probably a bug here. But I cannot diagnose it without any information.

Restarted it and all configuration was back to square 1. If this were to happen with 275Lbs of grain in my Mash Tun the resultant reaction would register as an earthquake, and I would be out of a job.
How did you shutdown? Did you use the shutdown button in the UI? I have made saving data more resilient but again, no idea what you are doing.

My big concern is the reliance on DS2450 for analog sensors - I didn't discover until after I ordered my sensors that the DS2450 is obsolete and virtually unavailable so this to me is the project killer. Unless there is a work around I have missed.

Unfortunately I do not have endless piles of money to buy every single piece of hardware available under the sun. I have had people ask about MCP* support for analogue sensors and when I actually have money available I will buy some.

I am sorry that you decided to base a business on an open source project, as much as I would like to support you, I do have a day job, and I have to balance that with my personal life.