Needing HOPS Feedback from you guys.

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Jul 16, 2006
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Redding Ca
Alright guys and gals well many of you probably already know that the hops industry is changing rather quickly. I need some serious help from the minds of the HBT consumer. Since its you all that lead the industry in knowledge of all things Home Brewing. I need some help.

I currently carry close to 100 different types of hops in stock in both 1 oz and 1# packs. Well, our vendors are changing a LOT the their selections from 1# to 8oz packs. Also we buy and keep in stock US and import hops. Well we are looking at reducing the hops that we currently carry because of all the new hops that are coming out and we just don't have room for them all in 1oz, 1# AND 8oz packs.

What I am curious about is 1, if the price is the same per ounce would you rather have the option of an 8 oz pack over a 1# pack and 2, do you guys really care if the hops come from the UK or the US so if you have the option of buying say, UK Goldings Vs. US Goldings for instance. We have found that we are carrying several different types of Goldings for our customers like EKG, UK and US. On that same note we are carrying hops like Azacca to Zythos and many others that are quite unique and we just cant continue to carry them all with the room we have.

Anyhow, any help here would be huge for us and we can try and better serve you all on the hops side.

If price per ounce is the same between 8oz and 1lb packs, the smaller pack sounds wonderful. And personally, I find a large difference between US and UK Fuggles. I can't say anything about the Goldings, as I don't use them enough to make a comparison. Honestly, though, stock what sells. Get rid of anything that doesn't. I don't think anyone could reasonably expect you to be the Amazon of the homebrew world.
Hey Jay,

Thanks for supporting this community.

This info may not be 'actionable', but I hope it helps in some way.

I brew smaller batches (~3 gal), so I may not turn over as many hops as larger vol. brewers.

At the same price/oz I would probably spring for the half pound over the 1lb.

I do prefer to buy UK-grown hops for english styles if possible.

I only buy hops by the pound. I think it's crazy to charge the same per oz for an 8 oz bag as a pound. I agree about getting rid of stuff that doesn't sell. When dealing with an item where freshness is a factor, nobody is satisfied with old hops.
I would also prefer 8oz over 1lb as long as shipping price remains unchanged and price for 2 8oz bags is same as 1lb bags. This would be helpful for wanting hops you don't use as much as well but wanting that bulk hop price.

The fact is 1lb doesn't really make anything easier because the bags have to be split and re packaged anyways. The only pro of 1lb was price.
Another vote for 8oz over 1lb at the same price per oz.

In terms of the source, that has to be balanced against price and freshness; all things being equal I'd take EKG over any others, but all things are almost never equal.
What sells well, and what doesn't. You should have that information already for however long you have been in business.

If you drop a hop because of slow movement, make sure you have something similar so that someone can still buy a 'complete' assortment of hops if they want them. Maybe split the hops into different groups, English Style, American, Noble, Australian/NZ, etc, and see which ones from each group are not moving quickly.

I don't know why you would price 8 ozs bags the same price as a lb pack (oz for oz), but if that were the case, I'd buy the 8 ozs bags every time. If I was buying 2 lbs of the same hop (which I have done in the past), I'd buy multiple 8 ozs bags so I could keep the hops longer in the original unopened bag.
As far as the 8oz for the 1# price I would go for that as well. I might even be inclined to try more varieties if that were the case. As far as source, I like to use hops to style, english hops for english beers etc. But when I can't do that I'll use the closest alternative.
Thanks for the feedback you guys! The 8oz Vs 1# is really because my vendors are moving that direction and then charging me the same price per OZ so of course I am going to pass that bonus off to you guys. You all know that's just how I roll! I too like to go for the UK and import hops for the style when I can. So I am leaning that way myself. Its just the US versions of the import hops tend to be cheaper as you all know.

So putting cost into the mix are you all more prone to spend a little more to get the import hop?

You guys are helping a LOT so I am very thankful for the feedback.

From what ive heard the UK and US goldings are quite different. I would label them as such.
I like to try new hop varieties when I get the chance, so I prefer 8oz packs over 1 pounders. In regards to origin, I like to be traditional and buy imported hops for specific intercontinental beers. I don't mind the extra coin if it means a more authentic profile.

Hope that helps!
I don't mind buying 8 oz at the same price per ounce as a pound. I would welcome that so long as the price is competitive.
I will never buy a traditional variety grown in a different country. That doesn't work for me. The abomination called South American Cascade is the number one reason I won't do this.
I'd prefer the 8oz packages. And I also buy import hops for certain beer styles. Don't mind the extra money.
8 oz is preferred over 1 lb.

IMO, EKG is significantly different from Kent Golding. But Kent Golding, UK Golding and US Golding are fungible. Terroir wins over geographic proximity.
Whitbread Golding Variety is also distinct for me.

I wouldn't worry so much about country of origin as much as variety for bittering, flavor, aroma, dry hop and by style of brew.

FWIW, I have switched OHBS four times when the previous store did not have a specific hop Twice it was for Styrian Aurora, once for East Kent Golding, and once for Whitbread Golding Variety. If I had to, then I might substitute (or pick a different recipe). But in each of those four times, I didn't have to substitute. Instead I had the choice to shop elsewhere, and so tried four new stores that could complete an order. I have also switched twice for malts (two pairs of two) [and twice for particular clone kits]. That's six times that I've tried a new store because the old stores didn't have all the hops or malts for a recipe. Out of the seven ingredients that have led to my switches, NorCal has EKG. If it sells, then EKG is probably a keeper.
I don't buy hops online much, since I tend to stock up at local stores, but if I did, I'd prefer 8oz even if there was a SMALL difference in price. For packaging reason and because 8 oz is closer to what I'd use in a reasonable amount of time in most cases.

And I'd rather spend a bit more to get the flavor and aroma I'm looking for, even if it means paying a bit more to buy a foreign hop. (Although I do use a lot of American hops, so...)
If I had the option to buy 8oz packages for the same oz price as 1# packages, I'd jump all over that! Then I'd buy more varieties in bulk... which would probably mean more obscure hops that may not be your best sellers right now.

Right now, I buy all my 1# packages online, and buy small quantities of other hops from my lhbs. If I could streamline my purchasing, and not have to drive an hour (round trip) to my lhbs, and have a large variety to choose from in an 8oz package...

I'd be a very happy man!

Oh! And dont **** with Goldings. Big differences. Lol!
I would prefer 1 or even 5 pound packs. I do 15 gallon batches and burn through hops like nuts. I used to think a pound of hops was a lot, but in this day and age of hop madness I burn through them like crazy! I would love 5 pound bags of cascade, Chinook, centennial, nugget...
I personally would be MUCH more prone to buying more hop variety if the 8-oz pacs were the same price per oz as a 1-lb pac.----read "hell yeah!"

I've done a "Mo-Fuggle SMASH" with both the UK Fuggle hop and the US version. It's night and day....i WON'T be buying the US version again. Cost isn't a factor in that regards as you would only save maybe 2 bux for the US version which just isn't the same hop.

You asked for them so there's my 2 cents.
Its all about the shipping costs. I brew two at a time and buy two to four batch increments with recipes in mind. I don't mind to have a little hops leftover so I have (h)options, but not crazy of a pound except for my go to hops.

So I would say, if you get rid of a hop- link it to a substitute so your buyer can still one stop shop. Unless I'm cloning a beer I am always willing to ad lib.

I also like the idea of multipaks and have used a lb of Falconers flight to save getting an oz of this or that.
You might think of some noble hop version of sampler or "brown bag special" to clear things out.

Also, I only buy new zealander or exotic hops when they are on clearance and really not at all anymore.
I tend to save those for when I am visiting breweries because they are too funky for 5 gallons.

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