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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2009
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Dayton, OH
The final season starts in an hour. No forum is complete without the Lost fanboy thread.

I just watched season five's finale and I'm pretty excited to see what happens. I REALLY hope they explain the 'smoke monster' beyond being the island's 'defense.'
And no Lost fanboy thread would be complete without an "I don't get it" response. I enjoyed the first two seasons, but now I'm "Lost." Too many new questions, not enough answers before introducing new twists.
Ha, was just about to start this thread!

I didn't start watching the show until late last summer when I cut off my cable. I found Lost on Hulu and decided to give it a chance. I was hooked after watching the pilow!

I can't wait to see how this season unfolds. What I'm wondering the most is what effect Juliet making the nuke go off will have. They obviously have to stay on the Island for a while. Is this "the incident"?
Nobody is happy about landing in LA X. Everyone on that plane needs the Island....except for the Federal Marshall guy.
Probably? Because Desmund was on the airplane whereas he was not before, already in the hatch when they landed.

But then he disappeared. They also didn't seem to know eachother. When Jack first sees Desmond in the hatch, he says "YOU!!!", because he recognizes him from the stadium where they were working out. I have no clue what all the airplane sequences are about any more. Maybe still a dream? Maybe what would have happened if the plane didn't crash? I guess its still up in the air whether Juliet's bomb actually reset everything, or just threw the survivors to their original time period. Some other things - Christian Shepard's coffin is missing from the "alternative universe" plane.
But then he disappeared. They also didn't seem to know eachother. When Jack first sees Desmond in the hatch, he says "YOU!!!", because he recognizes him from the stadium where they were working out. I have no clue what all the airplane sequences are about any more. Maybe still a dream? Maybe what would have happened if the plane didn't crash? I guess its still up in the air whether Juliet's bomb actually reset everything, or just threw the survivors to their original time period. Some other things - Christian Shepard's coffin is missing from the "alternative universe" plane.

Jack acted odd when Desmond sat next to him then asked him if they knew each other. So like before he recognized him, just didn't connect the dots of where/when.
Watched and then rewatched parts I was unsure about. Found it interesting that Desmond was on the plane, and reading Salman Rushdies book, Haroun and the Sea Stories, which seems to have some parallels with the stories in Lost. I wonder if Desmond is able to be the vehicle for Jacob to leave the island? Maybe saving Charlie and attempting CPR on Sayid was a test to see who Jack is at his core for the upcoming season? Locke and Smoke Monster Locke's comments seem to indicate that Locke was vulnerable and sold his virtues to obtain his normal life again. The comment while waiting in the Oceania baggage claim seemed to indicate that maybe Jack will be the ultimate hero and finally save himself since everything is reversible.

Or I could just be Lost....great opener though.
And no Lost fanboy thread would be complete without an "I don't get it" response. I enjoyed the first two seasons, but now I'm "Lost." Too many new questions, not enough answers before introducing new twists.

Too much Hollywood after season 2
Jack acted odd when Desmond sat next to him then asked him if they knew each other. So like before he recognized him, just didn't connect the dots of where/when.

The producers have said after doing flashbacks and flashforwards, that this is the "flashsideways" season. Desmond clearly throws a monkey wrench in any split universe theory and besides, the timing of the parallel stories is slightly off. Jack does seem to be the only one with awareness of pre-boom timeline in LAX.

I'd say LAX is NOT a dream as Juliet said the bomb worked.

I also smiled at confirmation that Locke = Smokey. For the careful LOST observer, that's been known for quite a while now.
Well, consider it this way. If they detonated the bomb, they would never have shown up on the island, thus, they never would've detonated the bomb, a paradox. Maybe the only way to resolve it is to have two simultaneous realities. It reminds me of what happens to Jake and Roland in the Dark Tower series. I think that was book two, The Drawing of the Three, where they both were seeing two realities at once.

Anyway, the thing about the airplane version is that it's not exactly the same as it was when they actually first took their flight. Desmond wasn't on the plane originally, but somehow he was in this new version, at least temporarily(?), and Shannon (Boone's stepsister) was on the plane originally, but in the new version, didn't end up coming back with him. So we know that this changed timeline involves more differences than just not crashing on the island. Whatever alternate path they're on, the repercussions of it extend out into the world at large, and have changed the bigger picture in ways we will probably only understand as the season progresses.

Also, the two realities are offset by at least a few months, if not three years, since the hatch is destroyed, but was there any solid evidence for what year it was on the island?
Another difference on the plane is that Hurley said he is the luckiest man alive. Before 815 originally he considered himself cursed.

Somebody I was watching it with proposed that Jacob is using Sayid's body similar to the Locke situation
Somebody I was watching it with proposed that Jacob is using Sayid's body similar to the Locke situation

That's freakin' brilliant! It would explain why Jacob came to tell Hurley to get Sayid to the temple. Couple of things I can think of that would complicate that theory.

We know with Locke, somehow the Nemesis created his own version or whatever of Locke's body, since Locke's real body was still in the coffin, whereas that's still the original Sayid in the temple.

Also, the Nemesis took over Locke while he (the Nemesis) was alive. There's no way to know for sure if Jacob could do the same thing after he's dead, although I suppose anything is possible, lol.

Yeah, it's gonna be a good season.
Jack acted odd when Desmond sat next to him then asked him if they knew each other. So like before he recognized him, just didn't connect the dots of where/when.

They had met before. Remember at the stadium when he was running the stairs before the race.

Other things I noted:
-The title was "LA X" not "LAX" What is up with this?
-In the "new" plane from Sidney to LAX, Jack was sitting in a different seat. He was sitting at the aisle in the original.
-Didn't see Walt and Michael. Anyone else not there?
-John says to Jack (at LAX in the lost luggage area) "How are they supposed to know where your father is? They only lost his body." (This has to mean something.)
-John says to Jack (at LAX in the lost luggage area) "How are they supposed to know where your father is? They only lost his body." (This has to mean something.)

That's definitely a big tie in to the whole Locke/Nemesis, and now Sayid issue with people coming back from death. And of course we know Christian made many many appearances after his death.
And why is the flight attendant and the kids that were abducted with the other others and not the original others?

Didn't Richard tell someone to take the kids and a bunch of other people to the Temple just before the freighter showed up? Maybe before that?
Never got into Lost, but this is pretty outstanding.

Reduced Shakespeare Company does the first five seasons. In ten minutes.

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Also they show the Island underwater while they are on the plane.

I'm having memory problems. Who caused the airplane to crash in the first place? Did someone or a group cause it to crash when they were leaping through time?
I'm having memory problems. Who caused the airplane to crash in the first place? Did someone or a group cause it to crash when they were leaping through time?

Desmond failed to push the button in time in the Swan station, sending out an EM pulse that brought the plane down.
Also they show the Island underwater while they are on the plane.

I'm having memory problems. Who caused the airplane to crash in the first place? Did someone or a group cause it to crash when they were leaping through time?

Desmond didn't make it back in time to push the button when he left the hatch to follow the guy who kept leaving to fix Desmond's boat. The electromagnetic pulse during the time when the hatch was about to implode made the plane crash, then Desmond pushed the button in the nick of time.

From Lostpedia:

On September 22, 2004, Desmond Hume, who had been maintaining the DHARMA Initiative's electromagnetic station on the Island for the past three years, failed to enter the Numbers into the computer in time after having accidentally killed Kelvin Inman. This resulted in a system failure and an electromagnetic buildup. Although Desmond eventually managed to reset the Swan's countdown, the electromagnetic force had been strong enough to pull down the plane and cause it to break apart in mid-air. Desmond wouldn't come to realize his role in the crash until more than two months later. ("Live Together, Die Alone")

In the Season 3 Blu-ray disc special feature Access: Granted, Lost writers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse explained that Desmond's failure to push the button caused electromagnetic forces to build up which interfered with the plane's instrumentation, causing it to crash on the Island.
I also smiled at confirmation that Locke = Smokey. For the careful LOST observer, that's been known for quite a while now.

Be careful here. The show last night did NOT confirm that Locke = Smokey, but rather that Jacob's nemesis = Smokey. Locke is dead.
Ok, so, that OTHER other lady w/ the Austrailian accent was the stewardess, right? That is what I thought but my wife thought I was crazy.
Ok, so, that OTHER other lady w/ the Austrailian accent was the stewardess, right? That is what I thought but my wife thought I was crazy.


Be careful here. The show last night did NOT confirm that Locke = Smokey, but rather that Jacob's nemesis = Smokey. Locke is dead.


Did you miss Locke inside the statue apologizing to Ben after smokey killed all the guards? "Sorry you had to see me that way..."

Did you miss Locke inside the statue apologizing to Ben after smokey killed all the guards? "Sorry you had to see me that way..."

But Locke's dead body was laying in the sand right outside....

Dead is dead. (right?)

Did you miss Locke inside the statue apologizing to Ben after smokey killed all the guards? "Sorry you had to see me that way..."

But its not Locke, its "the nemesis". Locke is very obviously dead. This person (I've seen him called Flocke - fake locke) looks like Locke, acts like Locke, but is clearly not the actual John Locke we have come to know. Nemesis = smoke monster though.

I'm kind of confused on why Nemesis had to become Locke (or anyone else for that matter) in order to kill Jacob. He was already on the Island as the Smoke Monster.

And yes, that was the stewardess and kids from the plane. They were in the tail section and captured by the Others in season 3 I think. At the end of season 3, they are all sent to the Temple.

Did you miss Locke inside the statue apologizing to Ben after smokey killed all the guards? "Sorry you had to see me that way..."

Did you miss the Season Finale last year? Jacob talks to "Locke" in the temple like he's talking with his nemesis about finding loopholes, etc. It is the nemesis in Locke-form. That's why the group with the guns was carrying Locke's body.
You guys are misunderstanding and saying exactly the same thing I am. Locke has been dead all along (dead IS dead), and smokey has taken his form, e.g. the loophole. That's why I said "Locke" = Smokey. MANY clues were given throughout last season. Last night was the confirmation.
Right. Thats what sucks about the internet. Locke = Smokey makes perfect sense in your mind. I interpreted it as if you were saying John Locke is not dead, and he is actually the Smoke Monster.

You think the loophole is this alternative reality we saw? Locke didn't seem all depressed like he did originally. He was probably lying about going on the walkabout.
I thought the loophole is that he got someone else to kill Jacob... was there more to it than that?
I believe that the alternative airplane that made it to LA is how things happened due to the bomb going off, "it worked". I think we will see in upcoming episodes that the island still brings everyone to it, just in a different way. People's circumstances are different because different events had to occur to get them there. They can't change what happened, but maybe they can change _how_ it happened?

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