LOL! I'm becoming a fanatic!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Aiken, SC
Someone posted a "You know your a homebrewer if....." thread on here that cracked me up.
The funny thing is, after only having started just a few months ago, and 5 batches later, I was able to answer "Yes" to a lot of them!
But the kicker was this past friday night.
I went out with my Dad to a local bar to meet with him and an old friend of ours and have a few beers. My dad and our friend were drinking Budweiser Select. The best the bar could do for me was Killians Red. My dad asked "Hows your beer?" and with out hesitating I said "Weak. I can do better." and then busted out laughing!
Seriously though I was disgusted. Been quite awhile since I've been out having drinks. Mostly I stay at home with family and friends and we have our binges here! :cross:
But all they had at the bar was American beers, the darker ones being Sam Adams and Killians. All I could think of was "You call that beer? That's not beer. I'll show you a beer all right!" :D
You're darn right you can do better Andy! :D

Yeah it's funny how you see things differently when you brew your own. I went out after a softball game on Friday with some co-workers and I spent most of my time staring at the taps, wondering where they keep the kegs and what kind of fittings, etc. they use for all the different domestic and imported beers. I also ordered three different types of beer, one because I had never had it on tap before (Urquell,) one because I've had it many times before but was now interested in it for style comparisons (Bass,) and another one because I'd never had it on tap and many people here had been discussing it (Blue Moon.)
I think my friends get embarassed for me when I order the most obscure style on the menu and then preach about it's history. Or ***** about them not having an unusual style.

But since I rarely go out with friends anymore, it's not an issue. I went to a bar this weekend for the first time in months.
I'm guilty. The crime?....Obsession! I brewed 4 batches then got called away at the last minute for an 8 month deployment (that I'm almost done with). Before I left I drank plenty of my brews and was pleasently surprised at how good the brews turned out. Granted these are kit brews but it sure beats any store bought.

The "wife-unit" qualifies for Wife of the Year due to the fact that she's brewed 5(FIVE)(V) batches since I've left and is starting #6 tomorrow. How nice is it going to be to come home after 8 months and have all that beer!! After she brewed the first one I asked "OK, what do you want?" come to find out she enjoys it.

She's wanting to make our own recipes when I get home. Is it wrong that my wife knows more about homebrewing than I do now???
I realized that my husband and I were officially fanatics when, last weekend, we bottled 2 batches (a Scottish and an American wheat), racked a brown ale to secondary and brewed up a bitter.

I like all beer as long as it doesn't taste bad. I like a cold Coors, Bud and Miller except for the light versions. My wife calls me a fanatic because I brew 25 gallon batches, my sculpture is 9' tall and can be seen from space....
Yeah, I'm only on brew number 2 but already have ideas for brews 3-10, plus I'm buying some new something for use in brewing every couple of days.

Not sure, but I think SWMBO might cut me off soon since I completely took over a closet last night to make room for a blow-off bucket and fan.
Ha! Last fall I negotiated the "formal" living room in my house to be my study while I am going for my masters. Then I started brewing! It is now full of most of my equipment that is not in use (bottles, carboys, buckets, etc). I then used the leverage of "I will get out of the study if I can build a brew room in the basement" to my advantage. I also got full marks in my XML programming class for designing and coding a fully functional Home Brew Equipment and Inventory System. My boss asked to take a look at my final project since he had a copy of my syllabus, and was somewhat perplexed....I think he expected something work related. Doh!

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