It's cold outside!!!

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Active Member
Nov 14, 2009
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Regina, SK
The temp tonight is -46c/-50f with the wind. Supposed to get down to -50c/-58f by morning. Exposed skin can freeze in seconds. Good times.
Dead Alive is a great movie, and those temperatures are unbelievable. I suggest a fireplace and a nice barleywine or RIS.

Edit: Stay away from the Sumatran Rat-monkeys.
Yeah, I guess we should break out the winter jackets and plug in the cars. I'm really looking forward to building my indoor brewery.
The high teens, low 20's we have been dealing with for the last week is cold for us. Not the coldest I've ever dealt with (think Fairbanks, AK), but the coldest I've seen in years. It's actually causing lots of damage here with freezing pipes and such.

My only damage, Diet coke freezing and exploding in my Jeep with impressive force. Blew a hole in the side of the cardboard box.

Not much you can do outside at -50.
The temp tonight is -46c/-50f with the wind. Supposed to get down to -50c/-58f by morning. Exposed skin can freeze in seconds. Good times.

Sounds like the perfect time to stay inside by the fire, and enjoy a pot of hot, buttered rum with a lovely lady. Regards, GF.
Ah, I don't miss the weather in Regina. But it is a dry cold! :D

Calgary is so much nicer. It is a balmy -29C (-20F) here.


Has been cool here by y'alls standards. But supposed to get up to 70f today. So may break out the propane burner.
Ah, I don't miss the weather in Regina. But it is a dry cold! :D

Calgary is so much nicer. It is a balmy -29C (-20F) here.

You guys have a lot more snow than we have. There isn't enough for snowmobiling yet. Well, not for people who care about their machines, anyway.

Too damn cold for snow. :fro:
The temp tonight is -46c/-50f with the wind. Supposed to get down to -50c/-58f by morning. Exposed skin can freeze in seconds. Good times.

Do you brew outside?

:rockin: Cheers! To the hardy who willingly stand outside in the frigid cold for hours to brew something they could easily buy for $10.

Brew on!
You guys have a lot more snow than we have. There isn't enough for snowmobiling yet. Well, not for people who care about their machines, anyway.

Too damn cold for snow. :fro:
We have WAYYY too much snow. My neighbour actually had his sled out right after it snowed because it was the only way his buddy down the street could get out of his house.

The only good thing about Calgary is that in January the chinooks will start and most of this will melt off. There will be lots left in the mountains, though, for skiing and sledding.
Wow. I just moved from North Carolina to West Virginia and I thought it was cold here. Personally I hate cold weather...I couldn't imagine all that snow!
Brrr, and I feel cold here at -7.
Was looking at the weather channel and when it gave those temps out for the prairies, I said a small prayer..... that those temps wouldn't be seen here.
I grew up in Grande Prairie. Lots and lots and lots of snow, and long -40ish weeks throughout the winter.

Edmonton isn't too bad. It gets bitterly cold once in awhile but it never lasts and there's never really too much snow. I don't mind, I do most or all of my snowboarding in northern B.C. anyway. As long as my truck starts I am happy. And I brew inside on the stove.
Pretty damn cold here too. Stay in, drink mead. :)

Pretty cold? Damn -- I just saw your temps from last night:

Temp: -46C (-51F)
With wind chill: -59C (-74F)

Coldest spot on the continent. Yeesh -- keep that weather up there!
Pretty cold? Damn -- I just saw your temps from last night:

Temp: -46C (-51F)
With wind chill: -59C (-74F)

Coldest spot on the continent. Yeesh -- keep that weather up there!

Yeah. I wanted to barbeque too, but that's definitely going to wait. When I woke up this morning it was 14 degrees in here with the thermostat maxed.
Careful on maxing the thermostat. The furnace will put out 100% of its available heat to try to hit your setpoint. Setting it higher just means that once it gets to the temp you intended, it will keep going. When the cold snap breaks you might wind up waking up in the middle of the night in a pool of your own sweat.