is my strong scottish ale recipe acceptable?

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I would be worried the beer wouldn't be as sweet as a Wee Heavy "should" be. If you want to play by the guidlines I would probably just use some pale extract instead.

Is that acutally 300L roasted barley or was the just the setting on the website? 4 oz of the Briess 300L roaste barley would be fine, but 4 oz of a darker 500L+ roaster barley would probably be too much for the style.

002 might give you a bit more ester than is classically found in the style, even with the lower fermentation temp.

Personally I think you should brew it and enjoy the resulting complex strong ale, but if you want to hit the style I'd tweak.
A wee heavy should be big, thick and malty. Loose the sugar. This defeats the purpose. Through in some more pale & crystal...

Poobah, would you mind elaborating on your comment "the sugar defeats the purpose?" It boosts the abv, and from what i hear should not entirely ferment out leaving behind some more body. Im not arguing im just looking to understand your reasoning.
sugar is nearly 99.5% fermentable and will thin out the body which is the opposite of what you want if this is the style you want.
Yup drop the Candy Sugar. It will only thin out the beer. Here's my take on the style:

Half MO, half Vienna base for bready & sweet flavors, mashed warm (156F) & half pound of Crystal. Up the crystal to 1 - 1.5 lbs if you want it thicker.

This was one of the beer received beers I've made, but it's not quite chewy enough for the style. However, all the commercial Wee Heavies I've had were waaaay to thick for me anyway, so I'm sticking to this style. My next one will have some EKG hops as a dry hop and be called "The Hop Ness Monster."

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