Is a homebrew buzz uniquely euphoric?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Petaluma, CA
A question, but first a story.

My keezer completed and my first two beers force carbonated, I got the heck out of work as quickly as I could this afternoon, headed home, threw my LP of the Blues Brothers' 'Briefcase Full of Blues' (1st track: Hey, Bartender) on the turntable and hooked up my lines. I checked the flow and carbonation in a Petaluma Chile Cookoff beer tasting glass and poured my first ever homebrewed kegerated beer: a tall glass of my Golden Lemon 3-Grain Ale. Pushhhhhhht

Oh yeah, this is what it's all about. I feel so . . . civilized. The 3-Grain (Rye, Wheat and Barley) is pretty nice. Definitely more balanced cold and carbonated compared to last night when I racked it to the keg. And I am getting a hint of the lemon (zest added at flameout) that wasn't perceptible when it was racked. This recipe might need a little work, but if it tones down a bit with age, it might be very close to the warm weather quaffer I was reaching for.

I got the mail and wandered about the place a bit. Hmmmm, glass is empty. Guess I'll pour myself a #1 Baker Street IPA. Pushhhhhht This beer's got problems. Hop flavor is there (mostly thanks to some improvised dry hopping over the last week) but there's not a lot of structure. Still drinkable, though. Both could be a bit colder. Should I adjust the Johnson? Nah, not yet, the cornies haven't even been in there 24 hours.

A childhood friend called me from New York City halfway through my 2nd glass. I'm no stranger to lifting a glass while talking to distant friends and family on the phone, and my buddy is a crackup, but the smile I had on my face when we said goodbye was not something I've experienced recently.

Which is where the story ends and the question comes in. I started brewing (again) about 6 weeks ago. I sampled during transfers, of course, but usually while already having been drinking some sort of commercial beverage, beer or otherwise. This afternoon is the first time I have served myself homebrew in over a decade. The effects seem markedly different from what I have experienced, extensively and often, in the interim from commercial alcohol products of all varieties and provenance. It's not just that I feel more buzzed than I should after 3 glasses of beer, it's also that the buzz is notably more euphoric than that from other alcoholic beverages (and believe me that's a variety!).

I have 6 hypotheses (notice that this buzz still affords me the ability to correctly use words like hypotheses . . . I'm just saying):

1) It's just the cold, dude.
2) The fact that I have not been drinking (hardly, a cold remedy with rum and when I racked the beers to the kegs) has "attenuated" my tolerance and I'm just overwhelmed.
3) My mash efficiency is 125% and my hydrometer is broken and my beers are actually 12%+ ABV. (And because of the cold I am not noticing that my beer tastes of ethanol)
4) I managed to transfer 24 oz of vodka from my airlock into each batch of my beer.
5) It's just joy at finally achieving the dream of pouring my own!
6) Homebrew = better buzz = happy
I think #'s 2, 5, and 6 have the most merit. It's probably a combination of those along with the fact that a lot of homebrew is stronger than commercial beer by a few percent ABV.
I poured my first carbonated brew today. I felt euphoric before the first sip. Then SWMBO commented, saying it "has a good smell, tastes really good and has great color". I told her, "Thats the nicest thing you ever said to me!" #5 is it for nOObs like me.
Perhaps it is just psychosomatic, but I too find that a homebrew buzz is much cleaner and more pleasant than a commercial buzz. It's just a WAG, but it may be the same thing that prevents you from getting the same wicked hangover you get with BMC.
pldoolittle said:
Perhaps it is just psychosomatic, but I too find that a homebrew buzz is much cleaner and more pleasant than a commercial buzz.
I concur... a homebrew buzz definitely feels smoother and mellower to me. But then, that's just the kind of guy I am... well, not *all* the time. Just ask my colleagues at work! :D
It's the B Complex vitamins from the yeast that make you feel good. Commercial brews are filtered and do not have any.

You get the same good feeling from a B Complex vitamin...and a few beers!

Spyk'd said:
It's the B Complex vitamins from the yeast that make you feel good. Commercial brews are filtered and do not have any.

You get the same good feeling from a B Complex vitamin...and a few beers!

good to know now everybody is going to RUSH out to get some "B" I know I am.... is April 1st over yet.....LOL:D
no there's definitely a difference between homebrew and commercial... i got a buzz off 1 or 2 of mine the other day and it took about twice that of the same ABV commercial.... I blame it on faster drinking....

No really i think there's probably something to homebrew alcohol that your body just absorbs quicker.
I think it's the subtle knowledge that a few mere weeks ago, the beer you're about to consume was all in it's constituant parts. You made it. You worked hard, babied it, watched it grow and mature and now it's ready.
Some of it could be that most homebrew is hoppier than commercial. I notice that when I drink hoppier beers it makes me more relaxed than less hopped brews.

Could just be me though...
I rarely every get hangovers from homebrew. I can overdo it by quite a bit and still feel pretty good the next AM.

On the other hand 2-3 BMC's, or even commercial micros and I am dragging the next morning.
I've always got a Cheshire cat grin when I take the first drink off a fresh keg of home brew. In fact I've got a little ritual that I follow: Pour off the first draw (the one full of whatever has settled), rinse the glass and pour a full one, inhale the aroma a few times, hold the glass up to the light (all Lion King hoisting Simba style), smell a few more times, take a tentative sip, relish, then sniff once more and then take a full mouthful. Swallow. Grin like an idiot. Sniff and swallow a bit more. Grin some more, and then bring a full glass to the wife for tasting...

I'm still surprised that I'm able to do this even though I've got about a dozen brews under my belt, and I don't think the feeling will wear off any time soon. So yeah, euphoria best describes the whole experience I think.
Ah yes! All grain goodness from with no nasty additives and no scary cleaning chemicals. I definitely get a better buzz from home brew and feel great the next day!
blacklab said:
I rarely every get hangovers from homebrew. I can overdo it by quite a bit and still feel pretty good the next AM.

On the other hand 2-3 BMC's, or even commercial micros and I am dragging the next morning.

Definitely, too many BMC's can wreck the whole next day. Two many HB's, and you sleep in an extra hour...

Also, if I drink too many homebrews I know I am definitely intoxicated but I don't feel really s**tfaced or sloppy drunk. Do the same with BMC and I fell like (and perceive myself acting like) Otis from the Andy Griffith show. Not cool...

Whatever the cause, homebrew is definitely a cleaner, more relaxing buzz than commercial.
well I have a few friends (BMC drinkers) who have tried my homebrews and they all commented on the faster/stronger buzz. It maybe in part because they were all around 5.5% Abv. most commercial beers are like 4-5%. I have to say comparing the buzz feeling form a 5.5% homebrew to a 5% BMC the homebrew feels almost twice as strong but ive noticed that it comes on faster and I sober up quicker as well so its really hard to compare.
HB seems to make me more aware of my intoxication. Less waking up saying wtf??? Hard to explain what Im trying to say.

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