IPA recipe help

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Nov 11, 2014
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I'm just getting into all grain biab, and could use suggestions for an IPA I'm planning to brew this weekend. This will be full volume, no sparge. Please let me know if you think I'm on track:

5 gallons
Est. OG 1.062
Mash at 152 for 75 min

2 Row - 11 lbs
Vienna - 1.5 lbs
Caramel 60 - .5 lbs

Chinook - 1 oz - 60 min
Chinook - .5 oz - 20 min
Centennial - .5 oz - 10 min
Galaxy - .5 oz - 10 min
Centennial - .5 oz - 5 min
Galaxy - .5 oz - 5 min
Centennial - .25 oz - Flameout
Galaxy - .25 oz - Flameout

Wyeast 1056

Centennial - 1 oz - Dry hop 5 days
Galaxy - 2 oz - Dry hop 5 days

Thanks for your input!
Looks good. Don't forget to raise the mash to 168-170 and hold for 10 min for mash out. If your using tap water you may want to add some spring or distilled water in to soften the water. Also you may want to consider using Irish moss in the future at 10min to help clear the beer. A good biab pointer to keep sediment out your fermenter, dump and rinse your grain bag and use it for hop additions. Just keep it tied or clamped onto the handle of your kettle. The only change the the recipe would be maybe more flameout hops for more aroma, depends on what your shooting for.
What he said, but even if you don't change your hop schedule, this is likely to turn out nicely.

Good tip on re-using the grain bag. I'm lazy and don't empty my grains until the end, so I had an array of those bags handy (one for grains, another for hops, interchangeable), when I BIAB'd. Still use them for hops in my AG setup.
Looks like a good recipe. For more hop aroma and flavor, I would double you 5 min hops (2 oz total) and bump your flameout to at least 2 oz or even 3. Better yet, don't add them right at flameout but cool to about 175F and then add them and hold for 30 min before finishing your cooling. Below 180F the hops will maintain more aroma and flavor.
If you use Whirfloc instead of Irish Moss don't freak out when it turns into something looking like a stagnant pond. Really DON,T! Because I did. It will change the lovely brew you just boiled into a mess of floating particles then will almost make you cry you've done something wrong. Just let it ferment and it'll all drop out and leave you with a clear beer. So sleep well while its bubbling.

On the hop front, well that's a personal choice. I'm a big fan of the Australian Galaxy. I tie it in with a hop called Wai-Iti from New Zealand because I think they work well together.

Although I can't guess what you are chasing there is a little something on the back of my taste buds that says to me replacing one of the centinel additions in late boil for a dash of Amarillo, maybe?