If you could only have 3 grains and 3 hops for the rest of your life, which ones?

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Jun 6, 2016
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I'm moving to Italy in December, and for the move I pretty much get free shipping on all of my goods initially. Im unsure how expensive the home brew shops are there, so i plan on buying in bulk before leaving. I was thinking 100 lb of briess 2-row, 55 lb of maris otter and 55 lb of vienna. For hops I was thinking 2 lb cascade, 2 lb chinook and 2 lb centennial (I have a vacuum sealer, so they should last long enough). Obviously i brew mostly ales, but i'd like to bounce around some ideas that might offer more versatility. What would you bring if you could only take 3 grains and three hops?
I'm moving to Italy in December, and for the move I pretty much get free shipping on all of my goods initially. Im unsure how expensive the home brew shops are there, so i plan on buying in bulk before leaving. I was thinking 100 lb of briess 2-row, 55 lb of maris otter and 55 lb of vienna. For hops I was thinking 2 lb cascade, 2 lb chinook and 2 lb centennial (I have a vacuum sealer, so they should last long enough). Obviously i brew mostly ales, but i'd like to bounce around some ideas that might offer more versatility. What would you bring if you could only take 3 grains and three hops?

No Crystal Malt or Chocolate Malt? Depends what you like to brew, but to me those are more important than vienna or maris otter.

I would also use some noble hops unless all you brew is IPAs.
Pilsner malt, Munich, and C40 for malts.
Hallertau or Mt, Hood for noble hops, Willamette or Fuggles for English hops, and Centennial for American hops.
You can always roast some base malt to make chocolate or black malt.
What about yeast?
My guess is that you should stock up on US hops and grains. You'd think that the European grains and hops should be available over there with low shipping costs.
2-Row, Munich and Chocolate Malt
Columbus, Simcoe and Cascade

Although I'd love to be able to throw either flaked barley or carapils in there for a 4th malt. I think I'd miss that much more than a potential 4th hop.
look up some of the microbreweries and homebrew shops in the area you are moving too. see what they have in stock and will sell to you. bring what they dont. my guess is all european style malts and hops will be easy to come by, and some of the popular American hops, maybe malt too. so if your bringing malt, nix the MO and Vienna and stock up on US 2row.

if I only had 3 hops and 3 grains to brew with the rest of my life, id go with:
Simcoe, Mosaic, Saaz.
Euro pils, Vienna, Wheat.
Pilsner (1.8L), Munich (10L), Cara-Munich 3 (60L)

Your American IPAs will have a somewhat different flavor than the 2-Row/C40 crowd, but I don't think it will be a bad thing.
You will be able to make your european amber lagers as-is.
You will need an oven and a cookie sheet when it comes time to make dark beers, but home-roasting your darker crystal malts is completely doable.


Before you stock up on anything, do a little research. You may find that a shop in your new area sells locally malted supplies at a very competitive price. Part of the fun is brewing what's popular locally!
Sure why not.

Pilsner as you can make almost anything with it
White wheat

Golden promise

Canned Hop extract

Citra and golden promise make an awesome IPA, mix in some Munich and Vienna and you have a pale ale. Buy some flaked corn or grits to make a cascade cream ale. Vienna lagers, Oktoberfest.... Possibilities are awesome with those grains/hops.

I've switched all my beers to hop extract for bittering. It's so clean tasting with zero grassiness.
I'm moving to Italy in December, and for the move I pretty much get free shipping on all of my goods initially. Im unsure how expensive the home brew shops are there, so i plan on buying in bulk before leaving. I was thinking 100 lb of briess 2-row, 55 lb of maris otter and 55 lb of vienna. For hops I was thinking 2 lb cascade, 2 lb chinook and 2 lb centennial (I have a vacuum sealer, so they should last long enough). Obviously i brew mostly ales, but i'd like to bounce around some ideas that might offer more versatility. What would you bring if you could only take 3 grains and three hops?

If you don't want to roast your own malts, I would go with:
US 2-row, Crystal 40, Chocolate Malt.
(some combination of those will get you a wide range of beers, from pale ales to stouts - Pilsner and Marris Oter have subtle difference and are very close to US 2-row, getting both or all three is a waste of opportunities that dark/special malts provide).

EKG, Centennial, Simcoe. Gets you a lot of phase space in Hops: Citrus, Floral, Evergreen.
give a look to
http://www.mr-malt.it/ (also in english)
https://www.birramia.it/ (also in english)

give a look to the cost of malt before take a decision, i only looked at weyermann german pils and cost less here that in the states! i think for the shipping cost ecc... (27,5 euros on pinta and 55 euros on morebeer) i also gived a look to hops and i don't see a big difference! (2,2lbs (1kg) of cascade on morebeer 38,9 euro, on pinta 1kg of cascade 39,9 euro)

so, give a look to this sites and decided what to do, i cheked only one type of malt and one type of hop (and i looked only on morebeer) so maybe other thinks have a bigger difference!
Home roasting malts is entirely doable I've done it to make crystal, lighter roasts, and up to brown malt but I would highly discourage trying black or roasted barley inside in an oven. Even my brown malt put out a TON of smoke. Wives don't appreciate when they wake up and the entire house smells of smoke. Ask me how I know.
Malt wise Maris Otter Veinna and Chocolate. Hop wise Williamette Cascade and EKG!
Assuming you mean three types of grains/hops and not just three grains/hops (in which case I'd seek out a good MGD64 clone recipe):

Maris Otter


Someone above mentioned you can toast and stew your base malts for crystal, which is a great point. But I'd be content doing a lot of SMASHes.

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