I am giving up beer for 30 days

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DAY 27!

Happy Father's Day to all you dads.

I must confess a small sin. While bottling my amber today, I poured myself 1.5oz to see if it was close to the mark. It was. No other embibing, just a QC sample.

First Father's Day without a beer in at least 10 years.

3. Days. Left.

Weekends are the toughest, im glad we don't have any more to get through.

Yesterday was the most difficult day so far. Twice I found myself saying "Nobody is going to know" but I made it through thanks to chores and another bowl of yoghurt.

I've tested gravity samples a few times, I figure those don't count.

Hang in there team!
Yeah 24 in a day would be a lot and what most would consider a binge, surprising they were able to find a volunteer who could drink that much in a day and then abstain for 6 days. I know someone who drank 24 beer or 40 oz of rye and smoked 4 packs of cigs every day for most of his adult life, still alive at 76 but barely.

Don't forget they were UK units, i.e. 8 grams alcohol. So 24 UK units is equal to about 15 standard US beers. Still a lot though. Medical advice here is to drink no more than 3-4 units a day, which is about two 12oz bottles of 5% beer. I usually have one 12 oz bottle of 4.5% beer. Any more than that and I feel compromised the next day (not hung over, just noticeably less energy).
Day 15: weekdays are the easy part. Halfway there, 15 to go.

Other thought: does anyone else not feel any different? My weight is dropping but that's the only difference so far. I really thought I'd have more energy.
Day 15: weekdays are the easy part. Halfway there, 15 to go.

Other thought: does anyone else not feel any different? My weight is dropping but that's the only difference so far. I really thought I'd have more energy.

You'd notice more energy in the mornings if you're sleeping better. Drinking tends to disturb sleep patterns, especially if you drink late at night.
Yesterday was the most difficult day so far. Twice I found myself saying "Nobody is going to know" but I made it through thanks to chores and another bowl of yoghurt.

Had the same thought this weekend. All sorts of logic came out, no one would know, ill just have one, ah its close enough to being done. Held strong though, did end up drinking like 6 fizzy waters and a gallon of ice tea but that was it. Lol felt like a bloody camel.

Few days left, looking forward to sitting out side after work friday and having a nice cold IPA. So close
Day 15: weekdays are the easy part. Halfway there, 15 to go.

Other thought: does anyone else not feel any different? My weight is dropping but that's the only difference so far. I really thought I'd have more energy.

It probably depends a lot on how much you typically drank. If you were one beer a night guy then the difference wouldn't be so noticeable.

I think a lot of it is also psychological. Any time you challenge yourself and succeed you get a boost.

Stay strong!
I had a few beers Fri/Sat and Sun as we had company over the weekend, I didn't drink to excess, only a mild buzz. By Monday I felt like crap, tired, no energy, I guess I notice it more now that I am exercising more and drinking less. I wasn't drinking a ton before I switched to weekend only beers but I would typically have a couple of beers after dinner, I think these evening beers are what is messing with my sleep.
DAY 28 and onto day 29.....

Nearing the end of my 30 day quest. It feels a little sad to be over. While resisting beer has been tough, I know finding a balance of moderation is going to be tougher.

My reintroduction beer will be something from Epic Brewing in Salt Lake. It will be like a soft grand opening before the real one this weekend in San Diego.

Less than two days left....
DAY 28 and onto day 29.....

Nearing the end of my 30 day quest. It feels a little sad to be over. While resisting beer has been tough, I know finding a balance of moderation is going to be tougher.

My reintroduction beer will be something from Epic Brewing in Salt Lake. It will be like a soft grand opening before the real one this weekend in San Diego.

Less than two days left....

I haven't even participated and I am feeling sad! It has been great reading this thread. It would be great to have a home-brew with each and every one of you.

When you accomplish something like this it is actually tough to stop it. Although a tasty brew sounds good, it may be tough to actually drink that first one knowing how much you put into it. It was like when I started my weight loss a few years back. I said I would stop when I saw 199. Once I saw that I said why not try 189.......I finally stopped at 170 because my body let me know going lower was not an option (even though I tried!)

I am on the same page as most here where I will have 1 or 2 a night and then some ice water (especially in this heat). For Father's Day I had a few more. I tried the only weekend thing and it just wasn't for me as I was tempted to make up for the week, although I didn't.

Well, cheers to these final 2 days. You deserve it!
Day 16: signed papers to get central heating & air in our 95 year old house! This will make summer much more comfortable!

14 to go.
DAY 29

We're down to 24 hours. It's a weird feeling.

Tonight I took a tour of all the homebrew in my garage. It's unbelievable how much is out there, especially since there's been zero consumption in the last 29 days. It's too much. I have no reason to brew, and I love to brew. I think it's time I host a beer tasting for friends and hockey league buddies.

The clock is ticking. 1 day left....
DAY 29

We're down to 24 hours. It's a weird feeling.

Tonight I took a tour of all the homebrew in my garage. It's unbelievable how much is out there, especially since there's been zero consumption in the last 29 days. It's too much. I have no reason to brew, and I love to brew. I think it's time I host a beer tasting for friends and hockey league buddies.

The clock is ticking. 1 day left....

That's a great idea! I have a closet full of homebrew, I'll have to set something up in a few weeks.

Congrats, you're almost there.
Congratulations AZ Goalie! Been following this thread since the beginning I knew you would make it!

I'm on the same plan as you guys, this is day 6 no beer or alcohol for me. I'm going to make 30 then back to normal.

I drink some alcohol just about every day of the year, so I figured I need to give my liver a break and detox a bit. I plan on posting here same as everyone else, thanks again for making this awesome thread where us teetotalers can come and support each other. And talk about how much we miss drinking beer :)
Congratulations AZ Goalie! Been following this thread since the beginning I knew you would make it!

I'm on the same plan as you guys, this is day 6 no beer or alcohol for me. I'm going to make 30 then back to normal.

I drink some alcohol just about every day of the year, so I figured I need to give my liver a break and detox a bit. I plan on posting here same as everyone else, thanks again for making this awesome thread where us teetotalers can come and support each other. And talk about how much we miss drinking beer :)

Perhaps the most gratifying part of this entire experience has been the group of guys and gals following, supporting, commenting, and joining in a hiatus of their own right here on this thread.

I wondered what I would do instead of posting to this thread, once I started drinking. Now I know I can support others on the same quest.

Thanks to all!
This is day 30 for me. Tomorrow I'll enjoy a cold beer with dinner.

It looks like I'll be down about 14 pounds for the month, a lot of that is diet, not just giving up alcohol. In addition to the weight loss, there's no denying the effect it has had physically and mentally.

I have to continue my weight loss, I'm hoping I can do that while still enjoying beer & wine. The next 30 days will tell.

To everyone who is giving this a try, stay focussed, the rewards are worth it. To ArizonaGoalie, thanks again for being the catalyst for this, the timing was perfect for me.

Good luck to all.
I've been lurking on this post since the start and I have to take a minute to congratulate everyone who has met their goal, or will do so soon. It takes a lot of will power and dedication to do something like this, especially since it takes you away from an aspect of one of your favorite hobbies. Well done!
I've been lurking on this post since the start and I have to take a minute to congratulate everyone who has met their goal, or will do so soon. It takes a lot of will power and dedication to do something like this, especially since it takes you away from an aspect of one of your favorite hobbies. Well done!

And I want to thank everyone who has been here urging us along or joining in. I won't lie, there were a couple days when the only thing that kept me on point was the knowledge that I'd have to come on here and lie to you all.

Way to go Rhumbline and AG! Good luck to everyone else who is making a positive change to their drinking habits as well, yes the results are worth it. @ AG, I know the feeling on how much brew you have and how long it is lasting, I haven't brewed since Jan, am going to do 1 brew next week just to use some yeast before it goes bad, otherwise, I am easily set until winter for beer. I still have beer in carboys waiting to go into kegs! Need to make room in my keg line for that beer, time to invite more friends over, lol. Looking fwd to reading how you guys feel after having a few beers and how your 30 day break from beer will affect your consumption long term. @ Rhumbline, way to go on the weightloss, I have 5-10 pds left to go myself.
Way to go AG and Rhumbline, tomorrow is my 30th day so almost there. Ill probably have my first beer after work on friday. It feels good to make it through the whole thing, wouldnt have happened if not for this thread. Really help to have supportive people doing the same thing. Friends and family werent bad but they always ask the same question, why? or say you could have just one. Never completely understood i dont think. Oh well, still made it through and am very happy to almost be there. Rock on and keep pushing for the guys who arent there yet.

I'm at Day 18 of my diet... Mind you, I'm not doing any real exercise beyond my normal work around the house and walking around stuff.

I've cut out all sugary drinks, including fruit juices (with the exception of Lime and Lemon juice for marinades and seasonings.) I allow myself 1 glass of red wine a week, and 1 bourbon or scotch per week. So far, I've only had 1 bourbon in the time I've been dieting, and 3 glasses of Wine. So I'm doing pretty well on that.

Cut out almost all carbs that I can (had some brown rice yesterday though, and some beans) I've cut out almost all fruit as well. I'm not in full blown ketosis, but I'm on the cusp of it, and its not so bad.

I'm officially down from 235 lbs to 220... I would like to drop another 10 before the 17th of July (my wedding date) Although I think I'm beginning to plateau...

I might have to start adding in some cardio to jump start it... As of today I am switching up my calorie balance to favor more towards the beginning of the day to ween off my late digested calories. Should work as it has in the past.

Keep up the good work all!
Congratulations AG, and to all the others on there quest. I know it takes a lot of will power to not have something you want. I often take a week or two off from drinking every month or two. I lost my twin to his addiction (alcohol) two years ago. I keep myself in check by doing this, it seems to work for me. Everything in moderation. It also helps me keep my weight around 190#
Continued good luck to all of you.:cool:

I'm at Day 18 of my diet... Mind you, I'm not doing any real exercise beyond my normal work around the house and walking around stuff.
Keep up the good work all!

Great work and congratulations on the upcoming wedding! Cutting out sugars of all types was the thing that really started to show some results for me.

The data I've seen is that walking one mile burns the same calories as running/jogging one mile, you just don't get the same cardio benefits. It seems to make sense since you are exercising for a longer period of time by walking a mile than running one mile.

Until I lose another 30 pounds or so, I cannot take the chance of running. my knees won't stand for that.
Congrats AG! I am at the same day as you (minus ~2 cheat days), but I'm not stopping. I've gone from 223 to 212. Hopefully in one more month I can be at 200.

I think going back is going to be difficult for me. This has felt really empowering to abstain from something (while others around me continue to do it) and reap the benefits. I think once I hit 200 I will try some modifications to allow me a few drinks and still continue with the weight loss.

My fiancee has semi given up which I feel a bit sad about. She is in a tough time at work and just doesn't have the extra energy to be operating at a calorie deficit right now.
Congrats AG! I am at the same day as you (minus ~2 cheat days), but I'm not stopping. I've gone from 223 to 212. Hopefully in one more month I can be at 200.

I think going back is going to be difficult for me. This has felt really empowering to abstain from something (while others around me continue to do it) and reap the benefits. I think once I hit 200 I will try some modifications to allow me a few drinks and still continue with the weight loss.

My fiancee has semi given up which I feel a bit sad about. She is in a tough time at work and just doesn't have the extra energy to be operating at a calorie deficit right now.

Great work, I'm happy to see you still in the game! I am also struggling to get below 200 for the first time in many years. I am going to reintroduce beer and wine and see if I can maintain the weight loss, I'll keep posting here to give updates.

I'll continue to root for your fiancée, beer and snacks were the comfort food that I used to deal with work troubles. The funny thing is, after cutting back and seeing the results, I felt supercharged to continue on the path. It really is like a feedback loop.

Best of luck to you both.
DAY 30 - it's over...

Thanks to all of you for the support. Without you I would have caved for sure, many times over. Kudos to all of you who are on your own quest too.

Tomorrow I will be embibing at Epic Brewing in Salt Lake. I will let you know how I feel on Friday morning.

Moderation must be my new mantra. Looking forward to trying many of my homebrews that have been collecting dust, and hopefully getting better with age.

Cheers and God Bless!!!
Well done AG and good luck going forwards. I'm sure you'll savour your brews all the more if you keep an eye on your intake. Congrats to the others too.
Well yesterday was hellish... I had a massive breakfast of pretty disgusting Paleo Meatloaf (yeah i know for breakfast) then a 50g protein shake, then ... gasp... no dinner... I had to up a huge tree that fell in mine and my neighbor's yard... 3.5 hours later... I lost 2lbs in water weight haha.

So i'm at 218.2 as of this morning!
DAY 30 - it's over...

Thanks to all of you for the support. Without you I would have caved for sure, many times over. Kudos to all of you who are on your own quest too.

Tomorrow I will be embibing at Epic Brewing in Salt Lake. I will let you know how I feel on Friday morning.

Moderation must be my new mantra. Looking forward to trying many of my homebrews that have been collecting dust, and hopefully getting better with age.

Cheers and God Bless!!!

Great job!
Day 25: Down 15lbs and finally into my summer jeans, with diet and other changes. I'm looking forward to the end, but don't plan on going crazy as vacation is just 2 weeks away.
The 30 day experiment is done for me. Some days were tougher than others.

I think what I'll do from here out is to only drink with a meal, and no, I can no longer consider a bag of Doritos a meal. I just grilled some chicken and had a 12 oz beer that was kicking around in the fridge and that was pretty much all I was interested in having.

The final numbers:
I take no medication.
lost 13 pounds
Blood sugar is the best it's ever been
blood pressure is in the yellow zone, but for a 54 year old dude who's 35 pounds overweight i'll take it. I have to continue with the weight loss.
Day 18: the weekdays are always easier for me. Walked 6 miles with my daughter today. My weight isn't dropping as quickly as I'd like, but that's life I guess. I'm 209 today, 190 is my goal.

12 to go.
The 30 day experiment is done for me. Some days were tougher than others.

I think what I'll do from here out is to only drink with a meal, and no, I can no longer consider a bag of Doritos a meal. I just grilled some chicken and had a 12 oz beer that was kicking around in the fridge and that was pretty much all I was interested in having.

The final numbers:
I take no medication.
lost 13 pounds
Blood sugar is the best it's ever been
blood pressure is in the yellow zone, but for a 54 year old dude who's 35 pounds overweight i'll take it. I have to continue with the weight loss.

Beer with dinner is good policy. It gives you an after dinner beer option without it being your 3rd or 4th. I'm also contemplating going towards smaller glasses. I can always do half poors on the kegs but sometimes glasses just get full. :D
I recommended the Alcodroid app earlier on this thread as a good way to cut down on beer without giving up. Here are a couple of screenshots of my recent graphs. I've set alcohol units to US standard drinks.
You can see a drop at the start (Aug 2013) from my previous intake, which was higher. I don't know exactly how much as I wasn't monitoring.

I have a beer just about every day but find it easy to stick to just one by keeping an eye on the tally. This works for me as a way of enjoying beer yet staying well under the healthy limit (lower than normal in my case as I'm only 160 pounds).

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