How much weight have you gained??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Ever since I started brewing beer regularly, I think I've put on a good 20Lbs.
How about you all?
I'm thinking about brewing light beer now for the summer-
Anyone have any good recipes for a light and refreshing beer?
Thanks y'all
Bottom line.... The only real way to permanently lose weight is to give it up. Since that clearly should never happen, I'm working on burning 10-15lbs and then brewing an American Pale Ale with honey to back it up.
I too have put on loads, decision made a few days ago for a new diet. That really means no booze for a month and eat as normal. I have been a bit daft, three or four pints a day every day has not done any good.
I will get another light brew going, at least will it will have time in the bottle for a change. My 6% and 8% brews, are they really twice as fattening as a 4% pint ? Going to be a tough month !
Since I started homebrewing a couple of years ago I've lost about 25 lbs. I'm still overweight, though, and need to lose at least another 15 before I'll be happy.
I haven't gained any weight.

I do watch what I eat (eat paleo/primal mostly, no grains and no sugar at all, including things like ketchup) and am very healthy.

Beer is my splurge. I drink 2-3 per day.
I gained 10 pounds after I started brewing, then lost 25 pounds, then gained 15, lost 5, gained 5... None of which I can attribute to the beer alone.
I am up 10 lbs or so since I started homebrewing. However, I attribute it more to a change in responsibilities at work (at the desk more than in the field). Homebrew has supplanted my commercial purchases, but the volume I consume hasn't really gone up.
I've lost about 50lbs since I started brewing, but I started exercising more and trying to eat a little less.Not necessarily healthier, but less. Although healthier would probably be good too. I decided if i was going to be brewing &drinking all this beer i did not want a beer belly.I don't eat crap food all the time, but I don't avoid it either. It's all about lifestyle choices and balancing bad choices like pizza with good ones like doing 100 sit-ups.

Now for the beer have you tried the Centennial Blonde yet?
About 20+ pounds since brewing/drinking overall. I could hardly get past 100 pounds and I shot up to 130.

20 minutes til my next hop addition.. Might as well drink a milk stout.
I've lost about 50lbs since I started brewing, but I started exercising more and trying to eat a little less.Not necessarily healthier, but less. Although healthier would probably be good too. I decided if i was going to be brewing &drinking all this beer i did not want a beer belly.I don't eat crap food all the time, but I don't avoid it either. It's all about lifestyle choices and balancing bad choices like pizza with good ones like doing 100 sit-ups.

Now for the beer have you tried the Centennial Blonde yet?

I have had centennial blond and that was great-- it's on deck!
I don't gain weight very easily. I have the opposite problem: I lose weight too easily. I lost 5 lbs over the weekend being sick. it will probably take me a month or more to gain that back.
Lost 50...stop overeating during meal, and not late night snacking. Its not a beer belly...its a 1am milkshake/chicken nuggets/pizza-belly
About 15, but part of that is working in the industry as well. Too much beer, too many food trucks. I have actually switched to making lighter sub-6% at home, lots of session strength. A few dozen to couple hundred less calories PER beer has helped
Gained ~25lbs but I'm a foodie too. Need to loose it all due to feet and knee problems. Generally all my major joints need some tlc so trying to get as much exercise I can during my free time.
Also giving up having a beer for lunch and limiting beer intake to during dinner only.
And will NOT be giving up my brews.
I've steadily put on 20-30 since I've started drinking regularly, but I like someone else said I can't say my overall consumption amount went up when I started homebrewing.

I do have a desk job now and I'm sure that doesn't help. Long gone are the summers spent sweating half your body weight away on a roof.