How many lbs have you gain since you started home-brewing?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2014
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Over 3 years of brewing and 2 kids I think I've gained a solid 20 lbs.

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I started brewing in August 2012. With a lot of hard work on my part, I've actually lost about 15 pounds in that time. I workout to drink.

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I've gained maybe 20 lbs. since I started brewing, but that was over 7-ish years and probably more due to having a desk job than the brewing aspect (not that the beer has helped or anything).
I've lost about 10lbs since I started brewing. Mainly due to diet changes. I'm far healthier now even though I drink more.
Ok, this one got me,.. I read it as: How many pounds of grain have you used since you started brewing?:drunk:

After realizing what it really said,.. it's no where near 1000 lbs.:D

I've gained a few pounds here and lost it there. But I'll say I'm between 5-10 lbs heavier since I started brewing.

What do the kids have to do with you gaining weight?

2 kids under the age of 2 keeps you from having the energy or luxury of working out on a regular basis.

6 hours or less of sleep is my normal night. The only reason I get to brew very often is because I pointed out to my wife that I could either be here at home and brew once a month for 6 hours or be away at the golf course for 6 hours once a month.

She is happy to keep me near by.

I pretty much drink coffee most of the day then have a few beers to wind down in the evening. So it's not all the beers fault, not working just makes it worse.

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Over 3 years of brewing and 2 kids I think I've gained a solid 20 lbs.

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Dude, it's the kids. Never blame the beer. Never.

I have a four month old and I've been brewing for a lot longer. Gained ten lbs since she was born.
I've gained maybe 20 lbs. since I started brewing, but that was over 7-ish years and probably more due to having a desk job than the brewing aspect (not that the beer has helped or anything).

I'll second that whole desk job thing. Killing me slowly.

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0, over the course of winemaking for 25+ years, and brewing for quite a while now.

But, I don't eat junk at all. I haven't had a doughnut in 30 years, and I think it's been about a year(?) since I've had a slice of pizza. I don't eat sugar-laden things like ketchup, or things like wheat. I think most "beer bellies" are instead actually "wheat bellies". :D
I drink beer instead of sodas and have watched my meal sizes. The beer basically replaced the soda calories. That combined with reduced meal sizes, I have lost about 20 pounds.
0, over the course of winemaking for 25+ years, and brewing for quite a while now.

But, I don't eat junk at all. I haven't had a doughnut in 30 years, and I think it's been about a year(?) since I've had a slice of pizza. I don't eat sugar-laden things like ketchup, or things like wheat. I think most "beer bellies" are instead actually "wheat bellies". :D

I just started the South Beach diet... Basically cutting out things like Enriched flours and sugars for the first two weeks dropped me by 16 lbs. And in a month of this diet I will see if it has cleared up the high blood pressure and cholesterol my doctor put me on meds for...
I drink beer instead of sodas and have watched my meal sizes. The beer basically replaced the soda calories. That combined with reduced meal sizes, I have lost about 20 pounds.

Good point. I drink far less soda than I did, say 10 years ago, but the beer replaced it. At least beer has some (debatable) health merits.

Sent from my iThingy using a series of tubes.
I have reduced my soda consumption as well but 2 DIPAs a night are like +600 calories. I never drank that much soda.

I'm sticking with blaming my kids. I'm sure they will find plenty of things to blame me for later in life ;-)

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I went through a weird lifestyle change where I cut out most everything else (junk food, etc) started exercising more, but also brewed and subsequently drank more of my own brew. I'd like to think I'm healthier but I think I just evened out to where I was before.
I drink beer instead of sodas and have watched my meal sizes. The beer basically replaced the soda calories. That combined with reduced meal sizes, I have lost about 20 pounds.

This is my strategy too. I don't know how much I have gained since starting brewing but since getting married I have put on 30ish pounds. However I am healthier now than I have ever been and at a much more healthy weight. I love to remind people that weight is just a number and isn't necessarily a good indicator of health. Bodybuilders are the best example of that.
I've lost 108 pounds, but my beer consumption has gone up. I eat mainly whole foods, limit my sugar, white foods like bread and white rice, and stay active.
0, But, I don't eat junk at all. I haven't had a doughnut in 30 years... :D

I haven't had one in ages either. I saw tonight that Americans eat an average of 63 doughnuts a year. I asked my wife, "Who's been eating my doughnuts!!??"

To answer the OP's question, "none" for many of the reasons already posted.

Sent from my brewery while sitting on the John.
Lost 50 pounds...

I started a simple and manageable workout routine that doesn't take much time. Started eating healthy and actually eating normal portions. No "diet" just lifestyle changes. I used to drink 2-3 beers a night. It's consistently 4 now. No more, sometimes less due to how busy I am. This includes weekends too though.

I can tell you, you're not gaining weight from beer unless your consuming a very unhealthy amount, one that should probably have you considering your lifestyle as a whole. If you can put in 15-30 minutes of cardio a day, the diuretic nature of beer should actually cause you to lose excess water weight over the course of a night. I can attest to this. I usually weigh 2-4 pounds less when I wake up.

Its the fried food, insane portions, and late night snacking associated with beer that really causes the weight gain. I've got a flat stomach as well, I'm no men's fitness cover, but I see dudes with big "beer bellies" that consume far less alcohol then me.
I have to say. I'm impressed with the number of people that have maintained or lost weight since starting home brewing. It's pretty amazing. I'm sure I'll get back on the workout train soon , it will just take the rest if my life to settle down first.

Anyone figured out a good work out routine to do while brewing? Say during the mash or boil?

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2 kids under the age of 2 keeps you from having the energy or luxury of working out on a regular basis.

I'd have to disagree completely here. I've been in exactly that situation and found that working out regularly is what gave me energy to horse around after work and then sleep more efficiently when I had the chance.

Hit the gym and you'll love your newfound energy reserves.

I'm up about 5lbs since brewing, but it's all lean mass. Probably lost about 10lbs of fat...
I have to say. I'm impressed with the number of people that have maintained or lost weight since starting home brewing. It's pretty amazing. I'm sure I'll get back on the workout train soon , it will just take the rest if my life to settle down first.

Anyone figured out a good work out routine to do while brewing? Say during the mash or boil?

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I'd have to disagree completely here. I've been in exactly that situation and found that working out regularly is what gave me energy to horse around after work and then sleep more efficiently when I had the chance.

Hit the gym and you'll love your newfound energy reserves.

I'm up about 5lbs since brewing, but it's all lean mass. Probably lost about 10lbs of fat...

Situps and pushup. Sets of 80 situps and 25 push ups. You can do one inbetween a commercial at night while watching TV. 4 TV commercial breaks and you've done 300+ situps and 100+ push ups. I aim for 8 sets a day. I keep my beer in the fridge in my basement next to the situp bench. Need a beer? Then you need to do a set!

And yes, your energy level with go up a crazy amount. I try to get 30 minutes of cardio in as well, but the sit/push up sets easily maintain the weight/energy. And I have a young one too so I understand the stress and amount of work.

Just work your way up...25 situps, 5 pushups. Add more each day, more sets each week. Doing laundry? Do a set? whenever you can, its just 2 minutes
I actually gained more after getting married, she's a baker making wedding cakes and such. Since brewing I've gained 10 lbs, more due to daily lifestyle changes
I do sets of 12oz arm curls during the mash and boil. Be sure to do the same number of reps with both arms so your physique will be symmetrical.

Oh I do my 12 oz curls nightly! They always make me feel better.

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Since I started I'm netting even. I'll go +5 in winter and - 5 in summer. 2 kids under 5 wreaks havoc on trying to work out. I'm lucky to get 5 hours of sleep per night, and I only have time to work out in the am. It has to be on an empty stomach, or else no want to vomit all over the place.
Since I started I'm netting even. I'll go +5 in winter and - 5 in summer. 2 kids under 5 wreaks havoc on trying to work out. I'm lucky to get 5 hours of sleep per night, and I only have time to work out in the am. It has to be on an empty stomach, or else no want to vomit all over the place.

I'm glad someone else feels my pain with the kids. I lov'em but 30 minutes a day to myself would be nice. I haven't quite found the time yet.

I will say, the kegerator totally saves me like 30 minutes to an hour a month just cutting out bottling. Probably more when you consider cleaning and sanitizing the bottles.

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I have lost between 5-10 in about 2 yrs of brewing, beer has little to do with my weight, I eat healthy all day so my beer consumption brings me more towards a normal daily calorie count for a day.
I say this as someone with no children, but I'd think chasing little kids around the house for several hours a day would be considered legitimate exercise in its own right.