How many days in a row have you brewed?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2009
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I'm sure there are some marathon brewers here. I'm going to try brewing tomorrow night and then Saturday morning, back to back.

I'm just curious how many of you brew on back to back days during the weekend??
I brewed three days back to back a month or two ago. I had a couple of brews that I had been planning that I knocked out, then went and helped some new brewers do their first batch.
Never! My stuff is all downstairs, and I brew on the main floor, so I am not about to do all of that work two days in a row!

I often do two batches on the same day, though. I mean, the equipment is already out and clean, so why not?

When (IF) I get my brewsculpture, things may be quite a bit different.
It takes me several days after brewing for the back pain to fade. Happy to wait a few weeks before going at it again. Now if I had a clean up specialist to handle that part of it I could brew everyday.
I've done two batches in one day, before, but I've never brewed more than one day at a time, though. I have brewed one day and then helped some folks the next (or visa-versa), but I don't count that. It ain't half the work.

a buddy and I did a marathon brew fest a couple weeks ago. 7 brews in 4 days!! it was awesome. of course his wife and kids were out of town so that gave us the chance to do it. i just can't wait for all of these delicious beers to be ready for the tasting in a couple months!
Just last weekend I brewed two batches in one day. It was nice because of only cleaning once. I started at 6am and finished around 5pm. I definitely could have finished earlier, but it was nice to be able to take my time. It kinda made me want to do three in one day....
I did back to back brews last weekend and a few times in the past. I could have done 3 but I had to pick up my portion of the bulk grain buy. I did a Double Chocolate Milk Stout on Saturday. Sunday I did Deathbrewers Banana Bread Ale or it might be a Dunkelweiss depending on how the yeast performed. SWMBO is hoping for the former. This weekend is Burbon Vanilla Porter and perhaps a session brew
Never done more than one brew in a day :D

Hopefully once I get an HLT built, I can do some back to back brew days. two 10G brews in 1 day would be awesome
Brewed Tasty's APA last Saturday morning then a Milk Stout and a Special Bitter on Sunday. 'Twasn't bad at all. I love brewing and don't really ever find it a chore, even when cleaning. Gonna have to do it all again next weekend when all those yeast cakes are staring at me :)
Last week I brewed one batch on Tues and one batch on Wed. I don't like to brew when my wife and daughter are around (they tend to get underfoot and distract me). Started around 7am and was cleaned up and yeast pitched before they got home for the day. Very enjoyable and relaxing couple of days off!
Last week I brewed one batch on Tues and one batch on Wed. I don't like to brew when my wife and daughter are around (they tend to get underfoot and distract me). Started around 7am and was cleaned up and yeast pitched before they got home for the day. Very enjoyable and relaxing couple of days off!
I feel the same way about brewing with the wife and kids around, lots of "Aren't you done yet?"

Somehow it never occurred to me to do it on a weekday when everyone's away. I have a couple hundred vacation hours stockpiled, and I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind me skipping one Wednesday a month or something... then I could do the quick & easy jobs like bottling or kegging or cleaning on the weekends. Genius!
I've done same-day double batches, but never multi-day brewing. Last summer I did brew 11 weekends in a row though :cross:
Two weeks ago, brewed a 20 gal. batch with a fellow HBr on a Friday night, so brought 10 gals. home. Brewed another 5 gals. Sunday morning, while racking one to secondary and kegging another.

It was god-like - airlocks going crazy, the sweet scent of fermentation in its first few days, a keg carbing on the deck and a carboy of HB settling in secondary.

Total satisfaction!
Bottled one tonight. brewing in the morning to fill that carboy. then i am bottling another. then filling up the second carboy on saturday. this will be the first multi-day for me
I've done same-day double batches, but never multi-day brewing. Last summer I did brew 11 weekends in a row though :cross:

So how long is a brew day when two batches are made in one day? Do you brew one batch start to finish and then start the next or do you somehow stagger to starts so you have two going at once? Just trying to figure out the logistics of two batches in one day.

On the multitasking ability scale I rank at the bottom. So for me, when I do two batches, I have to complete one, then move on to the second. The advantage is that I have everything setup and ready to brew. I've done two batches in one day, and I've done one batch two days in a row.

I have about 40 gallons of home brew kegged and ready to serve, I just need more friends. :)
A few months back, I brewed over an entire weekend (F-Sun), two batches per day. Haven't done that since, but I've often done back-to-back batches on a single day with an early enough start in the morning and a mid-day nap. :D
Never. In California, I went from Sunnyvale to Oakland to brew (about 50 miles). Did a few two batch days. Up here I really don't go through enough beer to brew more than once a month.
Two and never a multiple-brew day. I did brew every weekend for over 20 weeks early this year. Wouldn't have stopped if I didn't have vacation planned in late June. This year looks to be a 40-batch year.

Someday I'll prob want to brew less often and will want to move up to >5 gal batches but right now I prefer 5 gal batches because it allows me to brew more often.
So how long is a brew day when two batches are made in one day? Do you brew one batch start to finish and then start the next or do you somehow stagger to starts so you have two going at once? Just trying to figure out the logistics of two batches in one day.

I've done it two different ways. One way was to start the second mash about 30 mins into the boil of batch no. 1. This meant that right around the time I finished chilling the first batch and rinsing out the kettle batch no. 2 was ready to vorlauf and begin sparging.

The other thing I've done a couple times is making a "small beer" from extra runnings out of the grain on a really big beer. When I did a barleywine over the summer, after I'd collected as much volume as possible, the runnings were still coming out of the mash at 1.035 or something similar. I fitted a stainless screen to the dip tube in my hot liquor tank and continued sparging until the runnings dropped down to 1.012 or so. I did concurrent 10 and 5 gallon boils. This one ended up being a pain, the barleywine was super thick and took forever to run through my chiller. I forgot to turn off the burner on the 5g batch, so I ended up with 3 gallons of strong beer instead of 5g of table beer. :drunk:
I filled 6 carboys in one week, once. Brewed two days, waited a day, brewed two more. Add two batches of cider/apfelwein and you have 30 gallons!

I did a 30 gallon weekend at a guy's house. We brewed 10am-10pm on Saturday, and then 10am-4 pm on Sunday. Three 10 gallon batches. Holy spent grain pile, batman. Way too much work. Next time I'll do 20 gallons and drink all day Sunday.
Last weekend brewed 5 gallons on Saturday and 10 on Sunday. I'm hoping to get a second burner so I can do two batches in one day, rather than burning up the entire weekend.

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