Homebrew Con - Worth it?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
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I will be in the area on a work trip the week of Homebrew Conference in Providence. Never been before and thinking i could easily extend my travel a couple days.

To those that have been before, is it worth it? I'd probably have the full day friday & Saturday to attend. Looking like about $300 + my renewal to AHA.

Please let me know any past experiences you've had.

It's awesome! Thursday night is the kickoff party, with a huge beer fest after the keynote address. Pro breweries pouring for the event.
Friday and Saturday during the day, the expo will be open and there are tons of seminar to choose from. Also, the homebrew social club will be open, and different clubs will be pouring all day. Lots of us hang out in there when we're not going to seminars or picking up swag from the expo.
Friday night is club night- the best beer fest around. Clubs from all over will pour their beers, entertain us with their antics, often there is live (but too loud) music, etc. It's great.
I've missed a couple since 2008, but not many! It's a yearly event for many of us. There should be about 5000 attendees, I would guess.
Yes. I attended the one in Portland last year and it was awesome. Lots of good seminars, latest in equipment on display, beer to sample, etc. A learning experience.
I even got to meet the wonderful Yooper in person. [emoji482]

Haha- I was so happy to meet you! I do think I had a bit to drink and was probably babbling more so than usual, but I did enjoy it.

Just registered so I'll let you know :)

You can find me on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during the Expo hours at the Brewer's Friend/Homebrew Supply booth. Or Friday AM at my seminar talk. Or just about everywhere during the Thursday and Friday night shindigs. I want to have a beer with you!
Providence with me my first Homebrew Con. I attend the ADGA dairy goat convention every year and usually find the informational talks exceedingly good. Expecting much of the same in Providence.
Haha- I was so happy to meet you! I do think I had a bit to drink and was probably babbling more so than usual, but I did enjoy it.

You can find me on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during the Expo hours at the Brewer's Friend/Homebrew Supply booth. Or Friday AM at my seminar talk. Or just about everywhere during the Thursday and Friday night shindigs. I want to have a beer with you!
Awesome! I'll look out for you, Lorena. BTW, my name is Steve Hiller, and coming up with a few members from the Miami Area Society of Homebrewers.
Club Night alone makes attending NHC worth it...

I've been to 4. Wish I could go this year, but not able to make it...
Awesome Yooper, what's your topic? Seems like a pretty serious honor. I have listened to some podcasts from them and they are great. Wish I could attend. We will all meet up sometime. Hope it comes to Denver soon.
Awesome Yooper, what's your topic? Seems like a pretty serious honor. I have listened to some podcasts from them and they are great. Wish I could attend. We will all meet up sometime. Hope it comes to Denver soon.

It hasn't been in Denver since 2007 (or maybe it was 2006, I can't remember). It should be in the midwest next year.

This years talk is a continuation of my subject last year- Alternative Fermentations. @Melana and I will be discussing those microbes responsible and how to provide conditions to optimize the desire microbes. This year we'll be doing a very brief overview of all of them, and then discuss lactobacillus and mixed cultures as well as serve samples of some products with those microorganisms. We'll just very briefly cover mold fermentations.
I had a chance to go when it was in Baltimore and skipped it.
The cost of attendance was quite high, parking alone in Baltimore was around $30+ a day. Even if I stayed somewhere cheap it was going to be a pretty expensive weekend. I figured around $700-$800 before meals.
I spent some of that money on more temperature control fermentation gear and kegs.
Money is just part of the barrier for me, I have to work more than I'd like and if I had more free time I would go. When I get off work I tend to spend time with family and friends.
So to answer the OP question: If you have the time and money, go for it. You might not be in the right place and frame of mind next time.
I've been to 4. One in 1993 and 3 of the last five. I've always had a good time and I'll probably go again next year. I didn't go this year as I have two major vacations planned and I couldn't justify a third.
HomebrewCon is a lot of fun. This is your chance to indulge in all things 'beer' with a bunch of people who like 'beer'. Club Nite is definitely a highlight since its where homebrewers from the region get to share their specialties and its also a form of a Costume Ball where wearing something nifty or entertaining is welcome. Of course, you'll also have the opportunity to see new equipment and hear from people smarter than me talking about stuff that might just help you to make better beer.

Its understandable that brewers can't make it to every HomebrewCon. That's just one of the reasons that it is moved around the country, to make it a little more feasible for you to commit when it is near.

Yes, the conference will be in the middle of the country next year. You will all hear about it in just a few more weeks.

HomebrewCon, it's worth it!
I went last year in Portland and had a great time. I'd love to go again, maybe next time it's on the west coast.
Don't make any rash decisions. Maybe give it another 10-12 years before you decide.
Went to mpls a couple years ago, I am going this year too. You do get a lot of swag, and the kickoff and club nights are great. They are not over crowded like almost every other beer festival out there, I got a lot of ideas for brewing last time too. I just did the social deal this time around as I have never been on the east coast.
HomebrewCon is a lot of fun. This is your chance to indulge in all things 'beer' with a bunch of people who like 'beer'. Club Nite is definitely a highlight since its where homebrewers from the region get to share their specialties and its also a form of a Costume Ball where wearing something nifty or entertaining is welcome. Of course, you'll also have the opportunity to see new equipment and hear from people smarter than me talking about stuff that might just help you to make better beer.

Its understandable that brewers can't make it to every HomebrewCon. That's just one of the reasons that it is moved around the country, to make it a little more feasible for you to commit when it is near.

Yes, the conference will be in the middle of the country next year. You will all hear about it in just a few more weeks.

HomebrewCon, it's worth it!
Oh good! You can sign my copy of Bru'n Water [emoji13]
We had 4 members of our Homebrew club go last year. Their report was so positive that this year we have 12 heading down to Providence. Of course a 6 hour drive is cheaper than flying out to Portland. Maybe not quicker though.....
Holy crap

That's very unfortunate... We need a national law indemnifying carriers from transporting beer wine and mead to competitions. It's not against the law for them to do it, but hauling alcohol is a liability concern for sure.

So far I haven't had any issues with UPS, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I don't have to resort to a courier service.
I heard last night at a club meeting that the issue was being worked on, but with sporadic reports like yours, I wonder if someone just started a rumor. Good luck! See you there?

It's true. But apparently packages that went 2nd Day or similar went through a different hub than those that went FedEx Ground.
I went to the one in Grand Rapids 4-5 years ago. It was an absolute blast. Was really hoping to make it to Providence this year but it just didn't work out. Nashville next year is certainly doable though.