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Mar 25, 2010
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Hi All, I read thru this form, got a lot of info. But I'm still worried, I brewed my first beer on Sunday, 21 March. A Williams Brewing kit (Belgian Lawnmower de Saison w/Wyeast Activator 3942). No sign of fermentation yet. This is why I'm worried, I put the brew pot in a ice bath ang got the temp down to about 89, then I poured the wort into the fermenter, and topped it off with cold water that I had made earlier. I then took a reading and temp was at 73, I stired and then wisked for aeration. Then I pitched my yeast (Wyeast Activator) and took a temp reading and got 86 . I put the fermenter in the freezer to try and cool down the wort, I left it in there for about 30 mins. I then put the fermenter in the garage, when I check the temp in the morning it was 64, when I got home and check again temp was 69, Tuesday the temp was at 64 again and that night it was still at 64. I moved the fermenter into the house to a try and keep the temp up in the 70s. This morning (Thursday) still no sign of fermantation. Did I kill the yeast with the high temp, and if so can I repitch with the dry yeast that also came with the kit. Also the area around the fermenter smells like stale beer, so is it fermenting and I'm worried about nothing, or should I be worried? Thanks for any help.
Did you take a SG aka Hydro Reading? That is the way to tell. Take a current SG reading see if it's fermenting or no.
86* will not kill the yeast so don't worry about that. Fermemtation will take a little while longer to start when the ambient temp is in the 60's. I would leave the carboy in the 60 degree environment and wait it out. You should see the signs of fermentation soon! Fermentation can create all kinds of smells so I wouldn't worry about that either. RDWHAHB (Relax Don't Worry Have a Homebrew)!

Welcome to HBT!
Thanks for the quick replys. I wrote down my SG on Sunday, but can't find it now, but I will start with todays SG reading, and let it sit for another two before taking another one. I plan on letting it sit in the primary for at least two weeks, so I will keep checking and posting on the status. I guess I can take it easy now that I know that I did not kill the yeast. Thanks Guys.:ban:
Are you using a bucket or a carboy to ferment in? Are you judging by air lock activity or physical appearance of the wort that fermentation hasn't begun? If you have a bucket, you may not have a good seal around your lid, thus gas will exit this way, as there is no resistance. Open space is easier to pass through then 1" of water...
I'm using a 5 gal bucket, I read that in a form so I double check the top but it is on tight. Although as I posted above I do smell stale beer when near the fermanter.
Have you popped the lid to look for any kind of action, and take a hydro reading while you're there to minimize the number of times you open the lid.
You will know quickly if you've had any signs of fermentation when you open it and see Krausen (thick foam and/or residue) on the beer or sides of the fermenter.

Then use your hydrometer to finalize what you see or don't see...
Thanks, Snevey, i was set to pitch the packet of dry yeast that came with the kit tonight, thought I might have killed my Wyeast by pitching at a high temp. But now talking to you guy I fill better, and will wait it out to see whats happening.
all those fluctuating temps may of thrown your yeast into thermal shock. its nothing to really worry about the yeast are just a little agitated and will get to work soon enough. if you don't want to open the bucket just put your good ear up to the side of the bucket. you should be able to hear the hiss of the bubbles coming to the surface.

i would suggest getting a wort chiller. when i cool my wort i put the chiller in the wort, hook it up to the faucet and get it going. then put the brewpot in a small tub of water, ice, and dry ice. cools it to below 70 within about a half hour.

you don't want to pour, add water, or aerate your wort till its below the magic number of 80F. i prefer to get the temp below 70F. above 80F you are risking oxidation.
They are really simple to make and you'll save a small fortune. Just do a search, you'll see.
Ok I open the fermenter and saw crud about 1 1/2 in up the side and a small layer of form on top of wort. I took a SG reading at its at 1.26. So I think I'm ok, but I still have seen no activity coming from the fermenter.
Ok I open the fermenter and saw crud about 1 1/2 in up the side and a small layer of form on top of wort. I took a SG reading at its at 1.26. So I think I'm ok, but I still have seen no activity coming from the fermenter.

You mean out of the airlock? No Biggie.:mug:
I think now is the point where you sit and wait! I think the initial fermentation took off and you didn't notice and a leaky lid gasket allowed the gas to escape through there. Just let her go and check the SG in a few days if you are concerned...
Just don't be too nosy - you want to keep that blanket of CO2 on top of the wort. Every time you open the lid you'll lose that blanket. Give it time - try to keep the temp stable - yeast don't like fluctuations in temp.
Thanks again guys, I feel much better now. I don't plan on messing with it until next week, I'll give it seven more days before I take another reading.:D
Ok I took a reading on 26 March and it was at 1.026, Today it was at 1.012. nothing on top of beer. No form or anything, should I transfer to a secondary, or should I wait about two more weeks.
if your SG has stopped falling then there is no harm in racking to a secondary. IMO this is not a necessary step and would recommend letting it sit for two more weeks then bottling.
Wait and continue to take hydrometer readings.

If the gravity readings stay the same for 3 days in a row, you're good to transfer (provided your FG has been hit, or close enough).

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