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Jun 18, 2009
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New York
I just brewed my first beer ever with my brother. We actually just bottled tonight. During the fermentation phase it started to smell funky, actually it smelled like sulfuric acid. But it died down and it smelled like an IPA when we went to bottle.

My question is is that it seemed more like cider as we filled the bottles. Will this change? Also, is it possible that you could get really sick if the beer is infected when you drink it? I have heard different stories.


Thank you,

New to the brew crew
no you will probably not get sick from drinking infected beer unless you innoculated it with H1N1 you will be fine. As for the smell..... need a recipe to and more info on your times/process otherwise it is just a WAG.
Don't worry. No human pathogen can live in beer. So unless you poured something toxic into it, it can't hurt you.
Some yeasts do produce a sulpher smell while fermenting. This will go away. Relax and give it 6 weeks or so before opening your first. In the meantime read up and then start your next batch. It sucks having to go buy beer because you ran out of homebrew.
Alright thanks everyone! I am making my second brew this weekend. It is a Mexican style lager. Figured I would make another batch while I wait the next couple weeks for the bottling process to complete on my first batch.
Lagers yeasts wil smell like sulpher. This is your first brew and you are doing a lager? What temps was the beer at during fermentation?

Yeah it was my first attempt and it was a lager. We fermented at under 90° (that is what the directions said to start at. After that it went down to room temperature, which was in our basement. Around 60-65°. Is that alright?