Hello from Maine!

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Lost Dogma

May 30, 2008
Reaction score
Gardiner, Maine
Hey, I guess I'm kinda new to brewing. About eight years ago I brewed about ten batches with limited success :(. Discouraged, I stowed my brew stuff in the attic and forgot about it. I have recently taken my old equipment out of storage however, and am determined to get the hang of this. I love good beer too much to fail! I'm hoping that some of you folks can impart some of your wisdom and experience on me :) Thanks!
Another Maine homebrewer here (as if you didn't figure that out from the name).
I'm in the Auburn area, do all grain, keg, own all the Papazian books, and get my supplies from The Hop Shop.
Currently I've got an ESB on tap and several more batches in the pipe.
Starting a honey ale this weekend for a friend's bbq.
This site has a wealth of tips and hints, and depending on where you are in this state I might be willing to work with you on a batch or two.
Happy Brewing!
Hey Lost... I'm from Pittston... I brew All grain, have been for about two years. Buy much of my supplies from Gabe at Kennebec Home Brewing. There are a number of brewers I know in the Augusta/Gardiner area... feel free to PM if you need assistance.
Gabe is pretty cool, but the other (John?) guy ticked me off in a bad way.
I picked up some liquid yeast, pitched it into a 90 degree wort after leaving it at room temp during the whole AG process, and nothing happened.
I left it on the heating vent ensuring that it would stay between 80 and 90 for a couple days, and again nothing happened.
So I emailed them detailing the problem and the response was that I should have put the yeast in warm water before pitching.
Like it was my fault!
In this case the customer has another place to go - the Hop Shop - and I haven't spent a dime at Kennebec Homebrewing since.
I can understand that... no need losing a customer over a vial of yeast, if you're asking me. John was always more interested in the Wine side of the shop anyway.... As a newbie I really spent alot of time there because their help and advise was invaluable.

Now that I know my way around the mash tun fairly well, and with the help of this forum, I'm purchasing from places that give me the best variaty of ingeredents and the best deal.... still like to check in with Gabe though... he is good to me and very knowledgable.
Honestly, John is a good guy... but can be moody...

There are a group of guys around Gardiner that are trying to establish a little beer club... we've met twice alread, our third meeting is next weekend on June 29 in Wiscassett... most of the guys are from Gardiner, but a couple are from out of town and that is why we're having a get together in Wiscassett.

So far we have sampled alot of each others brews offering friendly critique, and used Gabe to assist us in refining our beer-education. Just good beer talk. Not sure Gabe will be there this time.... send me a PM if you're interested in attending.
John is no longer at the Farmingdale location?

Please say it is so, because I'd love to end my boycott of the store.
John is working the new store in Farmington.... Gabe is running Farmingdale. I have not seen John in the store for over a year now.
That guy basically told me I was an idiot, and then expected me to continue to give him money as if I had no choice. Well I did have another choice, and the Hop Shop got my business in the mean time, though it took a somewhat significant detour.
Gabe's a cool fellow and I'll be happy to stop into his store on my next supply run.

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