Gardening 2024 - Whatcha got going on this year?

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Rumbler of the low end
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May 27, 2018
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Hop mecca of North America
Depending on where you live in the northern hemisphere, gardening is already underway or still an anticipation of what's soon to come

I'm giving a first stab at growing veggies from seeds vs buying live plants at a garden center. This is largely because I'm no longer in a large metropolitan area with overflowing garden centers filled with endless varieties of veggie and flower offerings tempting me to overfill my garden space. I ordered seeds (mostly maters and peppers) and began the germination process in the greenhouse. A few weeks in and things are looking good


I also have a row of Super Sugar snap peas that are coming along nicely. Our transition from winter to summer is short, so these have a limited time to bear before summer heat knocks them back.


Later this Spring I'll also be getting the melons, squash, and other veggies going - some germinated in the greenhouse, and others direct sowed into the garden.

Whatcha going on at your place this year?
Garlic is looking really good with this warm spring! Naturally, I haven't gotten my cold weather stuff in the ground yet.

Onions and celery are started and I need to start pretty much everything else this week: cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, squash. Goodness, I need to go through the seed Rolodex.

Looking forward to fresh Rutabaga!
I remembered to take some pics today. I have a small greenhouse I remodeled last year. This may be my third year growing everything from seed. I have a number of temperature controllers and heating mats. Last year I picked up some shop lights and this year I wanted to get them wired for LEDs so that I could maximize light. I was super pleased the tomatoes uptook the 1/2 strength fertilizer I gave them Sunday. Most everything is healthy but ai noticed some aphid damage so I sprayed everything with Neem oil. I think they may have come in at night with the door open. I seem to get them when the sides or door are left open.


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Got most of the tomatoes and peppers repotted from their germination cells into 4" pots. A couple cells were not yet ready for transplanting, so they'll get repotted this coming weekend

Was on the fence whether to repot to 4" or 6" pots, and went with the smaller size given the old adage that it's best not to repot into too large of a pot. If these end up being too small I'll order 6" pots next year and use these for germinating seeds too large for the germination cells


The row of pots down the middle has freshly planted squash and cucumber seeds. I'll get the melon seeds going in a week or two
The 6" would take a lot more soil too. I've been repotting to a square container, a little under 4". What I really like is that they fill up a 10x20 tray (3x6 grid). I was using solo cups the past 3 years or so but they don't fit right in the 10x20 trays and would fall over when moving since they were tapered. Drove me crazy! I also couldn't do a lot of starts indoors as my windows don't face south and my cats won't leave them alone! Now that I remodeled my cheapo greenhouse I have a lot more room.

I got some more repotting done yesterday but I ran out of vermiculite.


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I prefer round pots generally myself but those 10x20 trays seem to be a standard greenhouse size and I happened to notice these square ones were marketed to fit the trays. I don't know why the 1020 size was selected. It doesn't divide well evenly. But I like using the closed ones as they hold water for bottom watering.
We do a few things in containers; a couple kinds of tomatoes like Black Krim and Brandywine, some jalapenos, probably a serrano or two.
In central WI I usually planned to get my seedlings in the ground in mid May. With a general "15% frost chance after this date", I've been bit 4 out of 5 years.

Now I just put seedlings out first week of June.

I am trying out early sowing of carrot seeds. Put in 200 ft of carrots at the same time peas, radishes, kale, collards, spinach, and turnips went in.
I was out weeding earlier and noticed my turnips had sprouted. Haven't grown them in ages! Most of the peas are climbing and the garlic is doing well. Waiting on the carrots, parsnips, beets, swiss chard, and a new one salsify, to sprout. Lots of rain forecast this week. Asparagus and sunchokes also sprouted. Probably wait until next year to harvest asparagus. Collected some dandelion root for kombucha as well.
right at the edge of the typical frost-free date here - weather station about 2 miles south of us has a typical date of 5 May, and the town about 7 miles north (and 350' higher in elevation) is 11 May. getting antsy to get the greenhouse babies into the outside beds, but waiting a week won't have any noticeable downside impact to this year's bounty.

all but a couple varieties of the tomatoes are definitely ready to plant out. I grew two pots of everything as a buffer in case there's a late frost. the extras will start heading to their new homes in the coming week or so. friends share vine ripened homegrown tomatoes, but family shares homegrown tomato plants


the peppers are finally growing again after a week of pouting due to the cool weather we had


cucumbers, squash, broccoli, and Brussels Sprouts are all itching to get set out into the beds. soon babies, soon ...


I'm also keeping a running sowing of Basil this year, and will eventually have enough surplus to make pesto


lastly, I started work on the new raised bed design I've been tweaking. had one tweak last night that only was obvious once I had the initial frame built. I can now fit the bottom rail that supports the bottom edge of the metal roofing. these 8'x4'x18" beds will get metal roofing for the side walls, screen across the bottom to keep out moles, and set on leveled ground with weed block fabric underneath.

Raised beds with metal are very nice! You could throw some wood in the bottom, like branches and small logs to avoid having to fill the whole thing with soil and compost. It'll decompose over time and add organic matter.

Just a few more days to last frost date here. It'll be a slow rollout. If I put plants out too small, the slugs may devastate them. I'm not sure about the residual population. I've got lots of beer available to put a big dent in it however!
Between rain events, I got sweet corn round 1, pumpkins, and winter squash in. Naturally, it's in the middle of the first big hatch of killer bugs.

Also, someone convince me that strawberries aren't rabbits: we put 16 plants in two years ago....
I wish our asparagus would take off like that. Fortunately, fair bit of wild asparagus for the picking in road ditches and such.
we put 16 plants in two years ago....


I seeded a couple of acres of our property in NH with a "wildflower" mix that turned out to be loaded with some type of strawberry seeds. We've been somewhat blessed with their small sweet berries - when we happen to be up there before the wildlife goes crazy on them!

I wish our asparagus would take off like that. Fortunately, fair bit of wild asparagus for the picking in road ditches and such.
We are in the middle of transplanting our "been there since anyone can remember" asparagus patch.


The process has taken a few years and a few shovel handles.
My free-loading strawberry plants. Probably need phosphorous or lower pH soil.
2020 fertilized, flowered-no strawberries
2021 trimmed the edges, no fertilizer, flowered- no strawberries
2022- flowered, no fertilizer in spring bowl of tiny strawberries
2023 thinned them out, flowered, no strawberries, fertlized later.
2024 flowers...Even if I got strawberries, they are coming out!
New this year I have a couple of haskaps because they recommend my established plant have something to cross pollinate with, and a jostaberry, because I tried planting a few at my in-laws a few years ago and they haven't done anything, so I want to know if it's a them(/soil) problem or a problem with the species.
I finally got 'Salsa Row' finished last night, and planted this afternoon.

Soli pH reduced to 6.8, amended with organics and organic fertilizers, all tilled in before soaking across multiple days so it settles in, soaker hose system installed, and lastly a black plastic row cover to help retain moisture and reduce weeding.

Ready to plant with 14 tomato varieties near end, and 8 pepper varieties at the far end.


There's two dahlias planted at the base of the wooden stake.

And planted!


I'm now moving to the row that's on top of a similar retaining wall behind the greenhouse. will plan to overflow remainder of my pepper seedlings together with a couple other veggies, each in their own section
Anyone planting a spot just for pollinators?
I have a pollinator bed on the garden perimeter. About 1/2 of it needs reseeding, I left a few too many leaves in it and the smaller plants haven't regrown. I've got a pack of native pollinator seeds to spread. Just need a little time to get my tomato and pepper starts in and that's next.
The snap peas be a bloomin'!

three varieties of heat tolerant Broccolini are in the ground behind the greenhouse. I'm a week or two late getting these out, but also not so late that I shouldn't get a decent harvest if the bugs and critters stay away

Bed #2 of peppers is overflow from what I had remaining after planting the primary bed this past weekend. Bed #1 utilized a fish based organic fertilizer supplement, and Bed #2 utilized a kelp+fish based supplement. All else is equal including soil pH and organics. it'll be interesting to see which performs better this year

On another note, it's looking like we'll have a solid year for Rainier cherries IF I get netting up in time so the birds do take it all. This is typical loading on eight of my 10 +20-year old Rainier trees.
A token picture you have to ultra zoom to see, but yellow, white, and green onion seedlings are in. As well as a row and change of celery.

This is year two doing onions from seed, and the continued lesson is to start them waaaaaay earlier than you think.
I start my onions the first week of Feb. I trim my pepper plants to 4 branches,trim the roots to fit the pot I choose and put them in a south window. In march they started to leaf out and I have 6 jalapeno plants with a stalk the thickness of my thumb.
Thank you. My wife is the design brains of the operation. She’ll be responsible for the home brewery/bar remodel.
8'x24' doesn't look like much now but it'll be crammed with greenery by July. Tomatoes to the left with four heirlooms at the back, two kinds of bell peppers in the middle foreground followed by summer squash hills and then a line of cukes across the back. Herbs down the right.

Near-left corner unplanted as it's shaded by a huge flowering "shrub" behind the camera my wife will not let me prune. All on a drip hose and timer. Went back to textiles again after a near-disastrous slug experience using straw last year. Won't do that again! :oops:


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