Foolproof partial mash recipe

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Aug 27, 2010
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Apple Valley
Im going to attempt my first partial mash brewing and would like a very simple recipe can anyone help me? I plan on purchasing supplies from my local home brew store. thnx in advance.
what kind of beers do you like? pale ales, wheats, scottish, irish reds, english bitters, etc... you tell us what kind, we can tell you a simple recipe
here's a tasty recipe:

6.00 lb Extra Light Dry Extract (3.0 SRM) Dry Extract 59.26 %
2.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 19.75 %
0.75 lb Biscuit Malt (23.0 SRM) Grain 7.41 %
0.75 lb Special Roast (50.0 SRM) Grain 7.41 %
0.50 lb Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 4.94 %
0.13 lb Chocolate Malt (338.0 SRM) Grain 1.23 %
1.00 oz Bullion [7.90 %] (60 min) Hops 35.0 IBU
0.25 oz Fuggles [4.40 %] (60 min) Hops 4.9 IBU
0.25 oz Fuggles [4.40 %] (15 min) Hops 2.4 IBU
0.50 oz Fuggles [4.40 %] (2 min) Hops 0.8 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Irish Ale (White Labs #WLP004) [Starter 1000 ml] [Cultured]
does this recipe require a starter? ive never done that before and can i create a starter without a stir plate? ..... Noob here patience is a virtue :)
no problem with patience for me :D . you don't need a starter, but it wouldn't hurt. a starter is easy. sanitize a container while boiling water and dme. when it cools to room temp, add the yeast. there's a ton of videos, walk-throughs, etc to help you do a starter. alternative? use nottingham dry yeast. no starter needed
I think ill try a starter because id like to be able to make a strong ale in the near future and I know high gravity beers need starters thanks again I believe ill use nottingham in 1 batch and create a starter with the same batch to see difference in results
I saw many recipes but not many in the style im looking for in partial mash guess need to learn how to modify all grain recipes until I aquire the rest of the equiptment i need to go all grain any ideas on where to find the information on how to modify recipes?
I saw many recipes but not many in the style im looking for in partial mash guess need to learn how to modify all grain recipes until I aquire the rest of the equiptment i need to go all grain any ideas on where to find the information on how to modify recipes?

in general, you use 60% light dme for pale malt. (5 lbs grain=3lbs pale dme). same for pilsner malt to pilsner dry extract, and wheat. for liquid extract, use 10% more lme than dme. use 6.6 lbs liquid, 6 lbs dry extract, or 10 lbs grain