First Cider

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Active Member
Nov 7, 2007
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So I have 5 Gallons of fresh unpasteurized cider and want to make some hard cider, but I have really know idea what to do. I have heard some very simple ideas and some very complicated ideas. Any suggestions on recipes, yeast, techniques, ect.?
I'd go simple the first time, see what the base product is like before you go adding who knows what. Hit it with campden for 24 hours and then pitch a standard ale yeast. You won't be disappointed. :)
Thats what I was thinking. So as far as procedures...Do I need to let the cider come to room temp before adding the campden tabs? Should I add any yeast nutrient? Thanks!
what i did was pour 4 gl cider into my bucket, add 3 lbs sugar and campden wait 24 houres or until your at 60* pitch my yeast (sweet mead) and "bobs your uncle" but then again this is my first cider so maybe some one higher up might now best

cheers fleas
baker0408 said:
Thats what I was thinking. So as far as procedures...Do I need to let the cider come to room temp before adding the campden tabs? Should I add any yeast nutrient? Thanks!
I don't think the temperature matters for the campden but I don't know for sure. You will want it at room temperature anyway so it probably wouldn't hurt. I've always added some yeast nutrient but I'm far from a cider expert. It may not actually be necessary.
baker0408 said:
Ok, great! What is the benefit of adding sugar? Thanks for the advice!
The sugar will just increase the ABV. I think regular cider is somewhere around 1.050 (don't quote me on that, test your juice to see). If that isn't going to give you the ABV you want you can add sugar to increase it.
Thats really helpful, thanks! The only thing I noticed was that they suggested adding campden tabs into the secondary. Wouldn't that kill off the yeast I add and not allow the cider to be carbonated in the bottles? Mabye I am misunderstanding what campden tabs do? Thanks!
Campden doesn't kill ale and wine yeasts- although other people might tell you that. It is potassium metabisulfite which prevents oxidation as well as works as an anti-microbial. If you added it in primary, though, I see no reason to add it again unless you're planning on aging it long term (like years). If you haven't used it yet, this addition would be to protect it from oxidation and infection. 1 tablet per gallon is the standard dose.

I use campden every other racking in my fruit wines. Since it as those anti-oxiding properties, it helps keep it from oxidizing when you rack. I also add it at bottling, if I plan on keeping the wine for quite a while.
Thanks so much for all your input. I went ahead and added my cider to the primary yesterday with 5 crushed campden tabs (for 5.5 gal of cider) as well as 2.5 tsp of yeast nutrient. My OG was at about 1.055. I will be pitching White Labs' Belgium Ale yeast this afternoon. Wish me luck!
So it has been 24+ hours since pitching and nothing...should I be concerned yet? I pitched at about 66d and it is sitting at about 70d right now.
Did you pitch the liquid yeast right into the cider? If you did, it might take a while to get going. Don't worry, yet!

Edit- and just make sure that your cider doesn't have sorbate as an added ingredient!
Yes, I pitched the yeast directly into the cider. The cider was fresh and unpasteurized, so I dont think it had sorbate. When should I become concerned/what should I if it doesn't start in the next couple of days?
baker0408 said:
Yes, I pitched the yeast directly into the cider. The cider was fresh and unpasteurized, so I dont think it had sorbate. When should I become concerned/what should I if it doesn't start in the next couple of days?

Well, I only brought up sorbate because sometimes unpasteurized cider has sorbate. If you can double check, that would be good.

You can start to worry if nothing at all is happening after about 3 days.
So it has been 3+ days and nothing really is happening. :( The airlock is suspended (3 piece) but its is not bubbling really. If I tap the lock, it will burp a little, but thats about it. What now??

Help please!
That's what my ciders all do so I wouldn't worry. Your hydrometer knows for sure. :) Cider and wine don't ferment as aggressively as beer does on the whole. Give it another two weeks and then check the gravity.
What flavors will different sugars add to a cider? Ive been told to try table sugar, brown sugar, and dextrose to name a few.


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