First bulk grain purchase....woot woot

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
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Picking up a 55 lbs sack of CMC two row and Marris Otter. Very excited, I know I will be making beer just not sure what yet........... I can't wait to run my Rebel Mill through some grain. What would you do with 110 lbs of malt?????
Ohh the options are limitless, I'd like to get my hands on a sack " input witty joke here" of 2 row also. Let us know how that new rebel mill works out, it looks awesome...
It's even more impressive in your hand..........ummmm that doesn't sound right. The thing weighs like 20 lbs. and has a stainless hopper. Who does that........

I am thinking up a number of APA, EPA, IPA, and Porter recipes. It should be fun. f
congrats! I always buy bulk from my local home brew store. if i need 1-3# i get 5# if i need 5+ i'll get 10# you'll use it and that way u have enough specialty grain to go with that 110#!!! and to be honest... with the beers i brew 50# = 5 beers! So going threw that will be easy!

Happy brewing!
Yeah I've done 6 already this year so I figure with specialty grains I should go through it in roughly 4-6 months. Now I am thinking I need some wheat and belgian pils too........the wife is gonna kill me.
Yeah I've done 6 already this year so I figure with specialty grains I should go through it in roughly 4-6 months. Now I am thinking I need some wheat and belgian pils too........the wife is gonna kill me.

Keep it out of the way and she won't mind. I bought ~400lbs during the last group buy, IIRC. It's all neatly tucked away in the back room in trash cans. That helps... A lot. ;)
Nice, I'm gonna try buckets. My basement is big and there is a lot of brewing crap she ignores so I think I will be safe.
Ooo ya I just got my rebel mill last month and bought my first bulk grain, super exciting! Thought my wife was going to kill me when I brought home ~150lbs of grain and 6 food grade buckets with gamma seal lids for storage. I went with 2 row, pils and white wheat malt.
Nice, I want to try the gamma lids. How do you like them? Kicking around the idea of a third bag not sure what I want to get though.........

Anyone have a recommendation? Something complementary to what I'm getting but versatile as well.
I like them, it seemed to be the cheapest way for air tight storage. I found a place nearby selling food grade buckets for $2 a piece and then ordered a pack of 6 lids on Amazon for $60. Its nice because you can move them around pretty easy as well. I was torn between doing like Vienna malt and wheat malt. I ended up going with wheat since warmer weather is coming and it seemed like it be a good fit.
Just an FYI - Home Depot now has gamma lids. They're $7 at my local Home Depot.
I just picked up 2 sacks of 2 row and a variety of other malts. Maybe 15 types and a big selection of hops. Haven't brewed an all grain batch yet so this is going to be interesting.
I need to get some wheat malt.........I almost bought some but changed my mind at the last minute........ I still haven't ordered the gamma lids, I have to get on the ball with that one.
congrats on going bulk! I bough 3 of these two years ago @ Sam's Club and they work great!

storage container.jpg

Model: 00071

Item #:222730

About $20 or so each, o rings on both mating surfaces and they will hold just shy of a better that 80 lbs of grain.
I ended up getting Lowes brand white food grade buckets and then the Gamma lids from Home Depot. I love being able to unscrew the lids instead of having to pry off a lid. Still on first 55# sack, but its definitely nice to go to the LHBS and spend barely $10 to get everything else needed to brew.
I bought a pale ale and marris otter from Crisp Malters from Came to 150.00 delivered.

I love fullers esb and have already brewed that clone, and a simple bitter and going to do a double batch of midwest's copper ale this weekend.

Just for drill, did a four pound mash on the stove for yeast starter wort, not sure that's any easier than dme. Lightly condition the grain before milling and don't set the gap too tight.
This seems to be the next logical step for me. Been brewing all grain for a while now and buying grain for every batch. Just need to get a mill.
I would love to get in on a group buy. There aren't any close to me unfortunately. I have to drive 1 1/2 hours just to get to a shop that carries bulk grain.

I did my first scratch all grain recipe last week. Chinook and smells wonderful.....can't wait to get it in the bottle.
Around here it's tough. There was one on the board for Central Illinois but it fell through. Or died on the vine so to speak.....
Well if you guys need a hand getting things going I am more then willing to help. The guys from the Syracuse buy set up a spread sheet that makes it really easy.
thanks irishman. I would be interested in seeing it. We have a pretty good sized club so it might be doable if I work it that way. I will pm you my email address if thats ok.