Fermentation W/O Krausen

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New Member
Jan 12, 2022
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Hey all

So I started a cider fermentation from store bought cider O.G. 1.050 earlier this week and pitched US-05. I have my pill hydrometer in the fermentor but for 3 days at 60F there was no visible activity and no gravity drop, in fact i think my pill was freaking out for some reason and read an increase in gravity. I then decided to shake the fermentor to try and get the yeast back into solution and I raised the temp to 65F. Since then a day and a half later the pill is reading a gravity drop to 1.033 and is steadily going down. The thing is looking at the top there is definitely some activity as it is bubbling at the surface but no krausen is forming. should I be concerned or nah?

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