DIR brewing

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2015
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There is a kinda sect in diving, called DIR - Do It Right. They are indeed probably the best divers on planet Earth but other diving folks never stop joking behind their backs because of the air around DIR divers... you know, like The Divers. The Ones Who Know The Truth.
Only black dive suits. Only one mask style. Only one model of fins made by the only brand. Hoses running only one standard way across your chest. All that. Hasidic in a way.
Most of the time it is an overkill. But it still helps to KNOW their practices. One might not USE all their tricks but it is always good to learn more.
OK, why I started with such a long introduction.... let me remember what I wanted to say.
Ah, OK.
Is there anything like DIR in homebrewing?​
I believe it'd be useful to know the strictest practices of brewing at home - like, how to never rely on luck or good statistics but to totally exclude any possibility of contamination or off-tastes and so on. (here goes closed circuitry, no syphoning, sanitizing filters on every air intake, etc.)
This should not mean "no plastic, only 316 stainless steel!!!" - as perfect sterility still can be achieved with plastic vessels. But this should mean leaving no chance to blind luck.
I wonder if I missed something and there is such a thread.
If no, please do share your ideas.
Wow, wouldn't that suck all the joy from brewing.

I don't think such a place exists due to the many possible variables in brewing.
Without trying to be defensive - DIR / GUE diving isn't quite that bad - Speaking as a GUE diver It is more an agreed upon standard of how to do things so we know what to expect, but i do understand why other divers have a different/negative opinion of DIR/GUE divers

If such a thing / system did exist in brewing i would very much be intrested in looking at it - its easier to find out where things went wrong when you have a baseline you normally work from
Wow, wouldn't that suck all the joy from brewing.
Don't say!
I disagree about draining the joy. Take contamination, for example.
So many guys syphone their beer. This is common place, and it is 'generally agreed' to be safe - but in fact it is not, and every now and again people wonder, why am I having an infection, I didn't do anything wrong, or at least nothing out of my regular routine. Replacing syphones with CO2 setups eliminates this problem nearly totally. Me wrong?
Another example.
What pushed me to write this post was some clip on Youtube. The guy was describing his brewing process step by step; so he threw whatever small parts into StarSan, then - follow me - he wiped his hands with alcohol, then he pulled up his sleeves.
Now, come on, why bother wasting alcohol on your hands if one second later you will touch your sleeves covered with all possible dust and bacteria?

So there is a lot to consider, and we routinely do not. Blind luck is statistically on our side, but wouldn't it be better if we were completely independent of luck? I don't think it'd kill any joy.
Without trying to be defensive - DIR / GUE diving isn't quite that bad
Aaron, god forbid, I never said DIR were "bad". This is exactly what I said: "They are indeed probably the best divers on planet Earth" :D
(however my fins are defiantly yellow)
Great to know I'm not alone in search of brewing DIR.
Follow or not is another issue, but it is always better to KNOW the rules even if you decide to break/bypass some of them.
Aaron, god forbid, I never said DIR were "bad". This is exactly what I said: "They are indeed probably the best divers on planet Earth" :D

Sorry if it sounded like that what i meant - i was more referring to the rigidity of the gear - i.e. one type of mask e.c.t. Ill be the first to admit their is indeed a lot of GUE diver wearing exactly the same kit but as long as it fits certain rules then you can use it.

That said let not turn this into a merrits of DIR/GUE diving thread - god knows theirs enough of that on diving forums without it ending up on here!

But for me id love to have a structure to work from and a way to do things - I'm a little CDO about process and procedure which is probably why i go into the whole GUE thing in the first place ... and for anyone wanting to cave / tech dive like i have/do that can only be a good thing - and im sure that has to be the same in brewing
I have only 2 Do It Right rules that will never be broken:

I never cellar my own Bud Light .. I have Dr Klubb do it for me under highly controlled conditions.
And ... I cellar any Bud Light Lime 4 miles off the coast of Haiti where it will be undisturbed for a long, long, long time.
I'm pretty familiar with DIR diving concepts and it's taken a little more seriously for what is at stake. They see it as life or death and straying from DIR is "your funeral". In that regard casual divers at least respect the spirit even if they think it's over the top. In brewing, some strive for best practices even if some of them cost a lot of money or time. What are they? Who knows... we've been arguing that since we found other homebrewers. However, I don't get too wrapped up in debate because the worst case is someone dumping a bad batch.