Can I complement everyone on their grammar and syntax?

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God Emporer BillyBrew

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Seriously, the grammar, spellling, syntax, all that stuff is better on this board than on most boards I've seen.

Must be because homebrewers are an intelligent and educated lot!
I love using red pens too..... I used to edit my wife's papers back in college, she hated me when I tore her paper apart. Too much passive voice!!!!!!!!
HurricaneFloyd said:
I love using red pens too..... I used to edit my wife's papers back in college, she hated me when I tore her paper apart. Too much passive voice!!!!!!!!

Me too, it's one of the joys in my life! I get too edit our bimonthly magazine and it's one of the high points of my job.
If I could edit other people's work all day....... that would be a dream come true. Of course, that would probably mean I would be a teacher and then that would be a nightmare come true. Yes, I majored in History but no, I quickly found out that teaching was not for me!
editing is a form of sensorship aint it?

i was reading about how kurt vaughnegut would not spell certain numbers out like your supposed to do, so hed write 8 instead of eight, cuz he felt the number carried more weight as a number and not a word...and his editor would refuse to print it the 'wrong' way.

is like when people tell kids to 'stay within the lines' when they are coloring, which is a bunch of crap...there's no rules in art! if everyone 'stayed within the lines' there would be no art...
History Major..about all you could do is teach right? Not that there's anything wrong with that, my best bud in college was a history major..kicked my a@# in trivia.

He got all the girls too...yea right:D
Bjorn Borg said:
editing is a form of sensorship aint it?

i was reading about how kurt vaughnegut would not spell certain numbers out like your supposed to do, so hed write 8 instead of eight, cuz he felt the number carried more weight as a number and not a word...and his editor would refuse to print it the 'wrong' way.

is like when people tell kids to 'stay within the lines' when they are coloring, which is a bunch of crap...there's no rules in art! if everyone 'stayed within the lines' there would be no art...

Censorship would be altering something that someone did INTENTIONALLY. I believe most grammatically errors are not intentional.
As for Vonegut, he can do whatever the F he wants. Sirens of Titan was so good... and I was in 7th grade when I read it. I know this because I only actually read 2 books in high school thanks to "Uncle Clifford"
HurricaneFloyd said:
I love using red pens too..... I used to edit my wife's papers back in college, she hated me when I tore her paper apart. Too much passive voice!!!!!!!!

LOL....I used to edit in red font my wife's ex's e-mails, and then send the corrected copy back to him. He knew it was me, of course. The guy is an idiot though. He couldn't spell his way out of a wet paper bag.

FWIW, he won't e-mail our house anymore. :rockin:
Dude said:
LOL....I used to edit in red font my wife's ex's e-mails, and then send the corrected copy back to him. He knew it was me, of course. The guy is an idiot though. He couldn't spell his way out of a wet paper bag.

FWIW, he won't e-mail our house anymore. :rockin:
f that sob.
jro16 said:
History Major..about all you could do is teach right? Not that there's anything wrong with that, my best bud in college was a history major..kicked my a@# in trivia.

He got all the girls too...yea right:D

Teach? Hell no! History gives you a foundation for doing anything! What is anything without History? I've worked for a bank, insurance co, and now I work in IT for Capital One.
No offense...HurricaneFloyd...It was just a long standing joke in our college group. He ended up being the most successful. I respect history, just was to selfish to learn it.

What's up next any way...I'm gonna bottle 2nd (Fat Tire Clone) and rack (Vanilla Cream Ale) Tomorrow.

He still didn't get the girls though...
No offense taken! Sorry, it is hard to convey tone on a message board.
Hells yeah.

I'm brewing up my IPA II tomorrow which I postponed last Sunday. Now that the lauter tun is ready but I'm sure you've seen my drunken ramblings on this topic in other posts.... :tank:
God Emporer BillyBrew said:
Seriously, the grammar, spellling, syntax, all that stuff is better on this board than on most boards I've seen.

Must be because homebrewers are an intelligent and educated lot!

I must agree! I work in radio, and those boards are populated by some of the most heinous butchers of the english language you have ever seen... It's amazing they can crack a mic.... No wonder the industry is going to hell in a handbasket...

Ok, that AND Sirius and XM....

:mug: Ize
Ize said:
I must agree! I work in radio, and those boards are populated by some of the most heinous butchers of the english language you have ever seen... It's amazing they can crack a mic.... No wonder the industry is going to hell in a handbasket...

Ok, that AND Sirius and XM....

:mug: Ize
two totally different skills, I guess.
Bjorn Borg said:
editing is a form of sensorship aint it?

i was reading about how kurt vaughnegut would not spell certain numbers out like your supposed to do, so hed write 8 instead of eight, cuz he felt the number carried more weight as a number and not a word...and his editor would refuse to print it the 'wrong' way.

is like when people tell kids to 'stay within the lines' when they are coloring, which is a bunch of crap...there's no rules in art! if everyone 'stayed within the lines' there would be no art...

There are rules in art. That's why there is Bad art. Rules in writing, as any form of art, can and should be broken. But the rules need to be understood before they are broken with intention.

The grammar here is good in general. The only ones that ever bug me are the "allots" and there,they're,their misses.

Good job all.
Me fail English? That's unpossible!

There - means a location, my beer is over there.
Their - refers to posession, their beer is awful.
They're - is a contraction to abbrebivate "they are", they are the best brewers in the world.
I am shamed by your cromulent grammar use. You're example embiggens the smallest of us.

I really couldn't come up with a concise, reasonable explaining...y thing.
 鯰  said:
I am shamed by your cromulent grammar use. You're example embiggens the smallest of us.

I really couldn't come up with a concise, reasonable explaining...y thing.
HurricaneFloyd said:
Me fail English? That's unpossible!

There - means a location, my beer is over there.
Their - refers to posession, their beer is awful.
They're - is a contraction to abbrebivate "they are", they are the best brewers in the world.

they're is easy because you just think, would They are sound OK in place of this word? Then all you've got to remember is there and their. Then with there, just remember that it's the opposite of here. Which is, of course, there without a T. And by the process of elimination you are left with their!
i can't believe we made it 3 pages on this thread without anyone pointing out that the thread title has the wrong spelling of compliment...
i'm embarassed to be a member of this board now...
God Emporer BillyBrew said:
Could someone define irony, please?

Irony is defined as...
  • The humorous (or mildly sarcastic) use of words to imply something different from, and often opposite to, their literal meaning.
  • An expression marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning, usually to draw attention to some incongruity[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1[/FONT] or irrationality.
  • A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.
  • Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs, or an occurrence or circumstance notable for such incongruity
Irony can be humorous, but most humour is not ironic. Some informative examples of what irony is not come, ironically, from the Alanis Morissette song 'Ironic'. Here are a few.
  • An old man turned 98/He won the lottery and died the next day - Tragedy, not irony.
  • It's a black fly in your chardonnay - Bummer but not ironic (although there is arguably some irony in the fly being black, however this does at least mean you don't ingest it with the drink).
  • It's a death row pardon two minutes too late - Not irony, just another example of why the death penalty is fatally flawed.
  • It's like rain on your wedding day - Not even close, unless you've gone from Manchester to Hawaii for your wedding and get the first rain in August for 30 years, while Manchester experiences glorious sunshine, and how likely is that?
  • A traffic jam when you're already late - certainly fails the 'unexpected' criterion.
  • A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break - more of a life-saver than an irony, that.
  • It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife - Not unless you are in the Acme Knife Factory being approached by a mad axeman and reach behind you for a weapon, only to find that you're in the newly-opened spoon department.
Not my own work i admit but sums it up nicely......
Caplan said:
An old man turned 98/He won the lottery and died the next day - Tragedy, not irony
Although this isn't really tragedy - He lived to 98 and still managed to play the lottery - hardly falls into the ancient Greek term for the word!:)
I agree with Billy that the users of this forum for the most part make an effort to write posts with the proper spelling, syntax etc. For me that is one aspect that makes this forum enjoyable to read. I find I have some internal bias that if the poster can't make an effort to write decently, then in way, I can't take their post seriously. Writing horribly shows a sort of lack of respect to your fellow posters in my opinion.

Typos and such I don't count, the point is the writer is making an effort to be understood.

Anyway, I love this forum!

Sasquatch also think everyone type good.

I had a philosophy prof who said at the start of term, "If you hand me an essay and I find more than 3 spelling mistakes in it, I will return it to you. I have difficulty taking you seriously as an academic if I think you are a moron."
For me , it pays to just communicate the best you can. When you're finished, just throw a bunch of punctuation marks in. Most of us don't know the difference.

I do appreciate a well written post that can be understood. I guess it's important since we all comunicate through the written word here.