Best. Day. Ever.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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So, a little backstory first.

In the spring of 2011, I went and spoke with my advisor (for college) who gave me a list of all the classes I needed to graduate.

I took fifteen hours in the spring, twelve over the summer and fifteen over fall, thinking that I only needed another fifteen hours and I would be done. (meaning, I'd only have to take five classes in the spring)

Cut to November. I am in the advising center, with a different advisor, and I mention graduation in May. She looks at me funny.


"You know you have 21 hours left to graduate, right? ANNNNND you can't take this strategic management course without taking this finance course first. Why did you take the other finance course this semester"




I sign up for a correspondence course to take the finance class.

Over the christmas holidays, I check my grades and look at my unofficial transcript and O NOES I FAILED A CLASS!?

WTF MATE. So I email the professor and ask what's up, and also to speak with him, because if I actually failed I want to know what I did wrong.

No Answer.

Fast Forward to today.

I am under the impression that when I finish this Finance course, that I will need to take 18 hours and then go beg and plead with the dean to allow me to take another correspondence course for Business Law, which will put me at 21 hours.

I will be working ALL semester, have no free time, but I will graduate in May, God damnit.

I go and talk to the man with the plan, so he can push me into the management class I still need and I mention needing to take business law. He looks at me funny and tells me I DON'T NEED IT BECAUSE I PASSED AND THE PROFESSOR NEVER BOTHERED TO EMAIL ME BACK LETTING ME KNOW IT WAS HIS MISTAKE AND HE CHANGED MY GRADE


Professor forgot to tell me he graded wrong and I am no longer going to bring guns to school.
If that represents your "best. day. ever.", I think you may need a night out to get loaded and laid.
Half way through your post, I assumed the title of this thread was sarcasm. After finishing it and realizing it wasn't sarcasm, I immediately thought the same thing as JohnnyO.
If it were the best day ever, the advisor would have asked WTF are you doing here, you already graduated sigma cum laude? Didn't you get that job offer from Google? They sent me a copy of the offer letter and I think I'd take the job even though $600k seems a little low.

Followed by a supermodel picking you up at a bar and taking you on a whirlwind orgy with all her friends.
Had a similar issue and let me tell you, realizing you don't have to take (and pay for) an extra semester ranks up there in good days.

Senior year I was told I hadn't taken Calculus and it was required to graduate. Buttttt I took AP Calc in highschool and the I thought the credits transferred? Nope, the C you received actually transferred as a C- by our standards, so it didn't count. Even though your guidance counselor said it had. And you haven't taken a math class since Freshman year. I took it all the way to the dean and somehow dodged that bullet. Cue dancing banana man.
Do kids who want to graduate these days, actually listen to the guidance counselor? 15-20 years ago, we knew they were there to keep you in school longer and actually used the catalog to figure out what we needed, then told the GC to sign off on the class schedule we set up.
Cool. Sounds like we are very much in the same boat. I am a finance major graduating in May and a lot of those classes are ones I've had/have.

However, our best days ever differ. Mine includes a fight, a stun gun, a fog machine and an Asian women. Other than that we're basically brothers.
Do kids who want to graduate these days, actually listen to the guidance counselor? 15-20 years ago, we knew they were there to keep you in school longer and actually used the catalog to figure out what we needed, then told the GC to sign off on the class schedule we set up.

I was a mixture of both. My first year of college I listened to the GC as if he were god. Then I started doing my own research and only used the GC to ask if what I picked for my schedule was a good enough course load or not. I always knew all the pre-reqs and what was left for me to graduate.

Though I will say, I can totally see this as being the best day ever. A better day will be when you finally get that piece of paper in your hand followed shortly by a job offer.
If that represents your "best. day. ever.", I think you may need a night out to get loaded and laid.

Getting twisted and twisting a female is small accomplishment.

Going through hell to get the grade you deserve takes real perseverance
Getting twisted and twisting a female is small accomplishment.

Going through hell to get the grade you deserve takes real perseverance
seriously, if I wanted to get drunk and get laid, all I have to do is go home and get drunk. :mug:
OP is psyched. Gets to get out of college and work for the next 40 years.

Honestly, I've never understood why kids are so damned pleased to be done with school.
Take it from someone who now has a fair portion of it: it's totally over rated.

You're right. It is overrated. But unfortunately it's the only real standard of competency we have to judge by... Unless you have your own set of skills that are profitable, we just have to play the game.
You're right. It is overrated. But unfortunately it's the only real standard of competency we have to judge by... Unless you have your own set of skills that are profitable, we just have to play the game.

Oh for sure. I just don't understand why so many kids are so damned eager to start.
If you guys didn't get a good education, then shame on your institution. College isn't just a means to gainful employment; it is a way to elevate your understanding of the world. All those lib arts classes, the humanities, history, these are the foundations of our modern society.

Anyone who belittles a college education belittles themselves. Sad.

Sure, money isn't a direct path to happiness (helps pay for 3 kids through college though I'm here to say), but the enlightenment from studying anything for that long, as well as the mental exercise of getting through it, and the fortitude to stick it out, means something in my book.
If you guys didn't get a good education, then shame on your institution. College isn't just a means to gainful employment; it is a way to elevate your understanding of the world. All those lib arts classes, the humanities, history, these are the foundations of our modern society.

Anyone who belittles a college education belittles themselves. Sad.

Sure, money isn't a direct path to happiness (helps pay for 3 kids through college though I'm here to say), but the enlightenment from studying anything for that long, as well as the mental exercise of getting through it, and the fortitude to stick it out, means something in my book.


I don't really know what to say in response to some of the other posts (without being a dick) so uh....yeah.
If you guys didn't get a good education, then shame on your institution. College isn't just a means to gainful employment; it is a way to elevate your understanding of the world. All those lib arts classes, the humanities, history, these are the foundations of our modern society.

Anyone who belittles a college education belittles themselves. Sad.

Sure, money isn't a direct path to happiness (helps pay for 3 kids through college though I'm here to say), but the enlightenment from studying anything for that long, as well as the mental exercise of getting through it, and the fortitude to stick it out, means something in my book.

I agree. That's why I advocate staying in school as long as possible and being in exactly no rush to graduate.

The years I spent in university were the best...well 11 of 14 of them anyway!
I wouldn't blame the college for a sub-par education. I went to a great state school for a year (Texas A&M...think what you will) and it came down to a simple matter of finances for me. I was in the business school and after running the numbers I'd have accrued near 80k in student loans. Compound that with interest over however long it'd have taken me to pay off and I couldn't make it make sense with the advancement opportunities in a company having a degree/not having one. I understand your argument about the diversity of studies in relation to worldliness but it's a very small percentage of people who retain that information beyond their exams. You cannot teach someone who has no interest in the subject matter, though they can easily memorize the info in the short term. It's sad but that really is the concept my generation has been indoctrinated with via every standardized test the educational system has come up with to streamline the educational process. I will agree that the fortitude to make it through the process in admirable but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will come out on the other side with any more intellect.
Jeeze, what a bunch of killjoys we have here.

OP, congrats on getting the pass! :ban:
passedpawn said:
What the hell's wrong with you depressing people. Geez. Finish your degree, jump into the work force, make some money. At that age I was accelerating into the stratosphere. It's excellent.

Yes!!!! Congrats OP, am glad it's working out for you - you will be very happy when this is all behind you and you are on to better things!
If you guys didn't get a good education, then shame on your institution.

Its not always the institution (or rarely is). Loads of people graduate from fine institutions without really getting a good education. It falls on the student to show up, work hard and actually learn something. Its all to easy to BS your way through papers and assignments with the internet being so vast and accessible these days. I'd say most of my college buddies became very skilled at BSing through classes instead of receiving a good well rounded education.

It also concerns me how helpless college students are these days (I can't believe I said "kids these days"). I teach classes at a university and get at least 10-20 students who approach me the day before classes start (or a week after) with the same sob story of how "My advisor screwed up and didn't tell me I needed 2 more hours to graduate." Seriously, the same story. When I was in college I tracked every single credit hour for every requirement and knew exactly what I needed to do to graduate. These kids parents hold their hands through their life and then drop them off at college and expect everyone here to pick up where they left off. And if you don't you'll be getting a phone call from their parents and little Susie's C- that she got. Christ, I'm not even 10 years older than these kids and I feel like a crotchety old professor.
/killjoy rant

what they^ all said, go get loaded and laid...
Wow, a couple of jokes turned into a full fledged debate!

College was a blast, and the freedom to set your schedule to whatever pleases you was amazing. Class started at 3:30 and went to 8:15 Monday through Thursday with a break between 4:30 and 7 for happy hour.

I'll gladly take that schedule back rather than 8-5 Monday through Friday.

College is meant to make lasting friends, to network, to gain contacts, and to learn main concepts in your field as well as expand your mind to information and ideas outside of your realm of interest. That being said, there were plenty of courses that failed to interest me, and so it was the cram and dump method.

It's amazing how much more you learn doing things hands on in your field of work than the time spent in the classroom. You obviously must maintain main concepts, but you will be amazed how much more you retain in a working environment outside of a textbook.

By the way, congrats on not being screwed by your advisor.

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