Best compliment you've received?

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One of my friends said that my orange wheat was the best beer she ever had. She even offered to ask her boss if my beer could be sold where she bar-tends. I of course told her that would be very illegal, but that I appreciate the offer! :mug:
I think the best comment I have had, is when I take empty bottles home after the club meeting.

The guys in the brew club I joined last summer put out some really amazing beers. I'm not afraid to say I'm no where near that level of brewing like they are, but it's a pretty damn good feeling that you can make something good enough to where there is nothing left to take back home with you.
Oh and this one meant a lot too. My dad's favorite beer was Ballast Point Big Eye. We drank that stuff all the time. I did a clone of it and he told me he actually liked it more than the original. I got to brew it with him again one more time the day before he passed away in August so that was kind of nice

Damn. That's kinda heavy dude. Glad you got that opportunity...lost my Dad about the same time but he lived 11 hrs away so I only got to see him for one day before he left....wasn't a beer day unfortunately.
I dont know if it deally counts but when i take bottles to work to share with ppl in my department they argue over hows getting them.
Damn. That's kinda heavy dude. Glad you got that opportunity...lost my Dad about the same time but he lived 11 hrs away so I only got to see him for one day before he left....wasn't a beer day unfortunately.

Ya its raining here today so I figured why not get dark and dismal? :(

Unfortunately or fortunately, I still dont know.. it was totally sudden in my case but I do feel fortunate that I live close enough to my parents to have been able to brew with him all the time
The best compliment I received was not spoken, but observed. I brought a case of Hobgoblin clone with me to Christmas Eve at my families. My cousin's husband is a craft beer fan and we had several New Glarus beers at the place. Every time I saw him, he had one of my beers in his hand instead of another beer for most of the night. I, however, drank mostly Fat Squirrel :D
"I like this better than 2-Hearted, actually." Oh, and I guess the other one would be I brewed 10 gallons of an Oktoberfest for a wedding in which I was the best man and all 10 gallons were gone 3 hours into the reception. I used 2 different yeast strains as an experiment.
Ya its raining here today so I figured why not get dark and dismal? :(

Unfortunately or fortunately, I still dont know.. it was totally sudden in my case but I do feel fortunate that I live close enough to my parents to have been able to brew with him all the time

That's where mine lived too.

Sorry bro.
Oh and this one meant a lot too. My dad's favorite beer was Ballast Point Big Eye. We drank that stuff all the time. I did a clone of it and he told me he actually liked it more than the original. I got to brew it with him again one more time the day before he passed away in August so that was kind of nice

There must be some dust in here, or something...
Last week a friend told me my Caramel ale could be sold in a bar and no one would know the difference between it and the commercial craft beers...nice compliment
My wife's favorite beer is Sweet Josie Brown Ale by Lonerider here in Raleigh. Last weekend, I gave her a blind side by side tasting against my Into the Abyss Brown and she said she couldn't tell which was which. I could, but bless her for saying so :mug:
haha, I started off hearing, "tastes like beer"
then hearing "I'd pay for this"
to hearing "this is one of the best beers I've ever had" from my beer geek friends
"I don't even like beer and this tastes good!"
I think that last one is my favorite! ; )
Oh and this one meant a lot too. My dad's favorite beer was Ballast Point Big Eye. We drank that stuff all the time. I did a clone of it and he told me he actually liked it more than the original. I got to brew it with him again one more time the day before he passed away in August so that was kind of nice

I don't think anyone is going to top that compliment. What an awesome way to remember your dad.

This thread is done. Someone hit the lights on the way out.
At my New Years party
" the blonde is good (10 day old centennial blonde), but your Helles was the sh*#!"

Followed by a new guy to the neighborhood "you made this? That's awesome"
I have a blonde ale that's become really popular among my friends, but I decided to give it a switch and after it was done fermenting I "dry hopped" with some whole vanilla creme brulee coffee beans for 5 days.

A buddy of mine came over and sampled that one and another from my tap. I asked him if he wanted a full pour of either and his eyes lit up. After he got a full pour of the blonde ale he looked at me and said, "it's like drinking an optical illusion." And after I explained I figured at this point I should try something kinda off the wall, he said "you are at the point now where you're just swinging for the fences."

I've had a couple good actual compliments (this is better than zzz, you could sell this, etc), but for some reason that guys comments really put a smile on my face that day.
Brought a strawberry blonde to a family party, girl at the party told me she'd pay me to bring a few kegs to her wedding. But wasn't enough time to make anything so had to decline.
I dont want to think too much on the best one Ive gotten, let alone type it. My head wouldnt fit through the door.

You know that feeling when something is so applauding that it hits a nerve and feels embarrassing?

...and you're just gonna leave it at that? :drunk:

I've got two
The first was winning 3rd at a local homebrew competition (about 20-30 entries). I thought the beer was good (all credit to azscoob's awesome saison recipe) but the medal came as a shock. That was even more satisfying than taking first the next year with the same beer :D

The second was the week after our occasional poker game. I totally forgot I left a beer or two in the host's fridge. Later that week I got an email from the host saying he drank it and it was damn good stuff. That meant a lot considering he took the time to write, and he doesn't seem to branch out more than Shock Top or Stella.
I brought a growler of Yoopers 60 minute to my family Thankgiving Party.We opened an original 60 min and did a taste test.Hands down I got"This is so much better than the store bought" and "If I had this at a bar Id buy another" That felt pretty good
where i'm from there's a popular beer that's simply called "Pilsner". creative I know. funny thing is most guys who drink it only know it as the brand and don't realize it's a style (I didn't for the longest time). anyway I've been honing in on brewing lighter tasting beers and brewed a simple pale ale to wich my brother-in-law said "it tastes like a pilsner!"
Local restaurant owner was walking by my open garage where I obviously brew beer. He stopped in and I offered some samples. I have my logo on a banner in the garage and he asked if I was looking for investors because he wanted to see me expand into the commercial market. Pretty cool to have someone express interest in investing.
I lagered a Pilsner and wild mustang grape must together. It came out very sour, tart, fruity, etc. I didn't like it so I gave a lot away. Shortly found out that several people have said its the best sour they have ever had. I'm not convinced, but will certainly try to repeat this season.

It is so unique, that I would love to have a real pro taste it and give their opinion.
My stepson has 1,253 distinct check-ins on Untappd. He works in the cigar industry where his palate is one of the tools of the trade. Since a lot of cigars are sold in liquor stores, and he deals with them nationwide, he's able to get his hands on some great stuff. If not for him, I would never have been able to try Pliny, Heady, Parabola, Big Tony's, etc.

I brought a growler of my Mandarina dry hopped Belgian Strong Pale Ale to his house on Christmas morning. He said, if he were served it in a bar, he would never have guessed it was homebrew. Since this was my first brew since purchasing a chest freezer for fermentation temp control, that gave me great hope for the future.
I took a 2.5 gallon keg of my Amber Ale and a 2.5 gallon keg of an IPA I made to a football party one time. There were only about 10 beer drinkers there that day. After about an hour and a half, 3 of them asked where the other kegs were to tap because the other two were empty.

Then, when I said, "Wow, you guys drank 5 gallons of my beer already? I can only make so much at one time." Then one guy said, "Holy **** you made that? I was going to ask what brewery it was from."
I took a 2.5 gallon keg of my Amber Ale and a 2.5 gallon keg of an IPA I made to a football party one time. There were only about 10 beer drinkers there that day. After about an hour and a half, 3 of them asked where the other kegs were to tap because the other two were empty.

Then, when I said, "Wow, you guys drank 5 gallons of my beer already? I can only make so much at one time." Then one guy said, "Holy **** you made that? I was going to ask what brewery it was from."

Thats the best kind of compliment, the "blind taste test" kind. I feel like sometimes people will say good things about a HB cuz they dont want to offend you. I had a beer go completely sideways when my ferm temp controller broke and kegged it anyways to see what would happen. My mom happened to be over and poured herself one and looked at me and said "oh this is good". i told her I thought it was sh*t and that I was planning on dumping it. She replied with "oh good, I didnt want to hurt your feelings but its gross" haha.

I enter competitions with this stuff, Im open to criticism.

So I think your buddies saying that without knowing that it was HB is a huge compliment. :mug:
Wife: "Most of the other homebrews I had in the past were kind of skanky. Yours are actually good."

This is the only reason she tolerates how much time and $ I've put into it recently.
...what is the best the compliment you have received as a homebrewer?

That I look pretty good for my age.

Oh!! You mean about my beer? In that case, I offered a recent Apricot Wit --- first beer I had ever done a fruit addition to --- to my small circle of fairly sympathetic critics (since either way, they get free beer out of the deal) and got unanimously good reviews.
Anything over "that's pretty good" has come from relatives in some form or fashion, be that legally related or one of my 3 daughter's boy friends or whatever.....My father in law still raves about a beer I made 30 years ago as being the best hes ever had. I guess I have gone backwards.
Had a buddy volunteer to pay for the ingredients to make him a batch of my Berry Wheat.

I won't lie, it felt pretty good.
I made a black IPA several years ago that got probably the best compliments.

My wife (who hadn't developed a taste for hoppy beers yet) said, "this is disgusting, but it tastes like an IPA." :D

A friend of my BIL said it was the best homebrew--and one of the best black IPAs--he'd ever had, and asked if I could save a couple bottles of each batch I made to take back to New York with him.
It's always good to get positive feedback that is unambiguously NOT just a gesture of politeness. For example, if somebody sees you show up at a BBQ and asks if you have an extra homebrew for them (because they liked the last one you gave them), or you overhear a candid conversation between others that contains compliments, etc.

I find that getting approval/compliments from BMC junkies is oddly satisfying, which is counter-intuitive in a way, because it amounts to a compliment from somebody whose taste in beer sucks.

I had a big family Christmas gathering this year; all invites specified "beer and wine will be provided", with a followup note saying that it would be homebrew only (I listed the styles), so if anything else was desired, it would need to be brought along.

I crossed my fingers hoping that nobody walked in with a 6-pack of Corona. Victory! Nobody did. Next, I walked everybody through the process--where the beers were, which bottles were which, where the bottle opener was, said that pouring to glass was house rules, etc.

They killed my supply, it was great. The cherry on top was over hearing my 67 year-old mom (a BMC drinker) talk on the phone to my out-of-town aunt who was unable to attend, explaining how much she liked the beer. My aunt must have been saying things like "really? You drank homebrew crap all night long?" because my mom kept explaining how it was really good, to the point where she felt she actually over-indulged.

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