Ballast points sculpin IPA

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And as an FYI, I used an oz. of zest five minutes before flameout and then another oz of zest to dry hop 4 days before bottling.

Thanks I'll try this, I missed the flameout but will throw some in with the dryhop. Can't hurt
I swear there is some lemon or lime concentrate in this beer. Sculpin tastes like a lemon drop and this has some of that with more booze. It's not the hops creating that aroma and flavor...:drunk:

Edit - Just saw the "zest" post to confirm my palette's findings
So I did this but with 2 grapefruit peels in the dry hop. When finished I compared against a pint of Sculpin and it def didn't come out as grapefruity as I wanted.

Next time will add the whole grapefruits in as well or some grapefruit juice. I think it needs a little something to get it there.
The strong grapefruit qualities of a beer like Sculpin will come from the use of hops. Not grapefruit zest.
Flavor is…Flavor. No matter where it comes from, the compounds associated with those tricky little volatiles that lend flavor, enhance flavor, or give perceived flavor are all biological messages the brain interprets differently for everyone. So, does the source of one person’s flavor really compare or matter at all to another? Sure, there are purists that herald the Reinheitsgebot as the only authority on composition but there are just as many rebels that shun mainstream shackles in pursuit of “out of the bottle” thinking.

This thread reminds me of my pursuits tracking down the origin, composition, and final flavor mystery that is Schöfferhofer Grapefruit. This tasty rendition of a German Radler may not be for everyone but @ 2.5 to 3.2 percent ABV (Your mileage may vary depending on where you pick up the brew) Schöfferhofer is a welcome beverage in the “lawn-mower” range. I love it… I needed to make it myself… So the journey began.

None-the-less, for the sake of brevity, and relevance… I used a traditional German Hefeweizen recipe and set out to make my own soda to mix with the hefe ala` half-n’-half. The soda I came up with, though, not colored with cochineal, yielded the same final product that I was shelling $5 / pint and $9 / 4x 16oz. cans. Expensive to say the least.. But after my $23 / 5 Gal adventure I was happy.. I was happy with the color, ABV, and final flavor; a flavor that was spot on.

Long story short… If your grapefruit comes from “alternative” means, then by ALL means, use it… You may just make something revolutionary. My grapefruit came from a combination of TrueGrapefruit (Pictured) and Brewers’ Best Grapefruit Flavor. In order to avoid additional fermentation I sweetened the soda with Ace-K and Aspartame (A combo found in your favorite “ZERO” sodas and most European soft drinks) and colored with food grade coloring to recreate the cochineal color used in the original. Granted, I “premixed” my 5 gallons but you could sweeten naturally with cane sugar and keg the soda separately from the beer and mix ala minute`to avoid additional fermentation issues altogether… Consequently that’s what they do for traditional Radlers.

In the end…. Do what you want. Do what feels right, for you. If you fail.. Try again. If you fail after shelling out to much $$$ in research materials; however, you may want to reexamine the goal in its entirety. Hehe… Cheers!


Newbie question. Is the recipe at the beginning of this thread for a 5 gallon batch?

6 lbs Dried light malt extract (DME)
1 lbs corn sugar

60 minutes
.50 oz warrior
.50 oz Magnum
.25 oz northern brewer
.25 oz columbus

30 minutes
.50 oz crystal
.25 oz centennial
.25 oz Simcoe

0 minutes
1.0 oz Amarillo

2.0 oz of Amarillo
2.0 oz of Simcoe

White labs california Ale yeast wlp001
And it looks like I must've forgot to pick up Magnum hops. Any suggestions on a good replacement? I've got extra of everything in the recipe, plus some cascade and chinook.
Chinook can sub for the Magnum in this beer.

I personally like a bigger hop addition at flameout here, I use 2oz or so.

Hope some of you are still following this tread. Has anyone nailed down the hop additions? They seem to be all over the map in this thread, and the YouTube video at Ballast is completely different for what they do share? What hops did you all use to get close to the Sculpin?
The strong grapefruit qualities of a beer like Sculpin will come from the use of hops. Not grapefruit zest.

Yes, but the bottle itself says "with natural grapefruit flavors" which to me implies actual grapefruit - be it zest or juice or extract. Sure - the hops plays a role but I'm guessing the grapefruit itself is also important.
Yes, but the bottle itself says "with natural grapefruit flavors" which to me implies actual grapefruit - be it zest or juice or extract. Sure - the hops plays a role but I'm guessing the grapefruit itself is also important.

In grapefruit sculpin a new variant they just started producing for distribution
Total knoob question but should I use a whirlfloc tablet in the last 15 minutes of boil doing the extract recipe?

I'm also using LME. I calculated I should need about 7.5# but the local brew store gave me 8.25? What should I use or does it matter that much?

I am brewing a simplified/modified recipe today based on some LBHS recommendations so as not to throw out any hops (they come in 1oz packets). It's a partial mash:

Sculpinish IPA:

Yeast: Whitelabs WLP001, 1.5 liter starter

8 lbs LME
1.5 lbs 2-row Pale
1 lbs Cara Pils
.5 lbs Cara Vienne
1.25 lbs Crystal 10 deg L (don't know what that even means)

Hops schedule:
1 oz Warrior @ 60 mins
1 oz Centennial @ 30 mins
1 oz Simcoe @ 5 mins
1 oz Amarillo @ 0 mins
Dry hop: 1 oz Simcoe and 1 oz Amarillo

1 tsp gypsum to mash
1 whirlfloc @ 10 mins

Any thoughts?

Flyingfool - this is my first time using whirlfloc. I've seen both 15 mins and 10 mins before end of boil as suggestions so I'm just throwing it in sometime around there.

*Edited: forgot the 2-row pale on the grain bill
Last edited:
I too have often wondered about the extreme amount of different varieties of hops, so I may give your hope schedule ago, albeit with the full AG mash/boil.

The 10L relates to a rating, there is 20, 30, 60 etc upto 120 from memory.
All you need to know is, that it relates to how much the grain has been roasted. The higher the number the darker the grain is, and subsequently the darker your wort will be.
Thought this video was worth posting to this thread

A short video on the production of Sculpin.

I was wondering if anyone has seen this myself. Below is what I came up with based on the video. They mentioned mash hops would give a Hoppy Mouthfeel. FWH to be Spicy/Piney/Tropical. 60 min a combination of CTZ/Centennial/Chinook. 30 min Grapefruit/Tropical. Whirlpool hops to be Big Tropical and fruity. Didn't mention what the dry hops were, just that they used 2.5 lbs/barrel. Thoughts?

Style: American IPA OG: 1.063
Type: All Grain FG: 1.008
Rating: 0.0 ABV: 7.20 %
Calories: 202 IBU's: 90.80
Efficiency: 75 % Boil Size: 13.00 Gal
Color: 6.3 SRM Batch Size: 10.00 Gal
Preboil OG: 1.052 Boil Time: 60 minutes

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp
Primary 14 days @ 68.0°F
Secondary 7 days @ 68.0°F
Bottle/Keg 14 days @ 70.0°F

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
20.00 lbs 80.00 % Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt 60 mins 1.037
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L 60 mins 1.035
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Cara-Pils/Dextrine 60 mins 1.033
1.00 lbs 4.00 % Caravienne Malt 60 mins 1.034

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
1.00 ozs. Simcoe. Mash Hops
2.00 ozs 20.44. Cascade First Wort 5.50
1.00 ozs 24.16 Simcoe First Wort 13.00
0.50 ozs 11.83 Columbus (Tomahawk) 60 mins 14.00
0.50 ozs 8.45. Centennial 60 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 10.98. Chinook 60 mins 13.00
0.50 ozs 6.49 Centennial 30 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 8.44 Simcoe 30 mins 13.00
2.00 ozs 0.00 Amarillo Gold 0 mins 8.50
4.00 ozs Amarillo Gold 14 days 8.50
4.00 ozs Simcoe 14 days 13.00

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
2.00 pkg American Ale Wyeast Labs 1056
Will ferment in (2) Carboys
1500 ml starter per package

Amount Name Time Stage
2.00 each Whirlfloc Tablet 15 mins Boil
5.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient 15 mins Boil

Mash Profile
Light Body Infusion 75 min @ 148.0°F
Add 31.25 qt ( 1.25 qt/lb ) water @ 165.0°F
I was wondering if anyone has seen this myself. Below is what I came up with based on the video. They mentioned mash hops would give a Hoppy Mouthfeel. FWH to be Spicy/Piney/Tropical. 60 min a combination of CTZ/Centennial/Chinook. 30 min Grapefruit/Tropical. Whirlpool hops to be Big Tropical and fruity. Didn't mention what the dry hops were, just that they used 2.5 lbs/barrel. Thoughts?

Style: American IPA OG: 1.063
Type: All Grain FG: 1.008
Rating: 0.0 ABV: 7.20 %
Calories: 202 IBU's: 90.80
Efficiency: 75 % Boil Size: 13.00 Gal
Color: 6.3 SRM Batch Size: 10.00 Gal
Preboil OG: 1.052 Boil Time: 60 minutes

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp
Primary 14 days @ 68.0°F
Secondary 7 days @ 68.0°F
Bottle/Keg 14 days @ 70.0°F

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
20.00 lbs 80.00 % Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt 60 mins 1.037
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L 60 mins 1.035
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Cara-Pils/Dextrine 60 mins 1.033
1.00 lbs 4.00 % Caravienne Malt 60 mins 1.034

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
1.00 ozs. Simcoe. Mash Hops
2.00 ozs 20.44. Cascade First Wort 5.50
1.00 ozs 24.16 Simcoe First Wort 13.00
0.50 ozs 11.83 Columbus (Tomahawk) 60 mins 14.00
0.50 ozs 8.45. Centennial 60 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 10.98. Chinook 60 mins 13.00
0.50 ozs 6.49 Centennial 30 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 8.44 Simcoe 30 mins 13.00
2.00 ozs 0.00 Amarillo Gold 0 mins 8.50
4.00 ozs Amarillo Gold 14 days 8.50
4.00 ozs Simcoe 14 days 13.00

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
2.00 pkg American Ale Wyeast Labs 1056
Will ferment in (2) Carboys
1500 ml starter per package

Amount Name Time Stage
2.00 each Whirlfloc Tablet 15 mins Boil
5.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient 15 mins Boil

Mash Profile
Light Body Infusion 75 min @ 148.0°F
Add 31.25 qt ( 1.25 qt/lb ) water @ 165.0°F

Sculpin attempt

Sorry for the note format...

1.065 OG / 1.011 FG
8 gallon boil / 5.6 gallon batch (to account for trub and dryhop loss)

88.0% Domestic 2-Row
4.00% CaraVienne 20L
4.00% Caramel 10L
4.00% CaraPils

^Some Lactic Acid or Acid Malt if you need it.

Mash Schedule
-90 minute mash at 148F
-Chinook mash hop pellets added after 30-35 minutes
-First Wort Hop w/2:1 combo Simcoe/Chinook added after the 90 minutes is complete, but before the boil
-Be sure to use adequate Gypsum to boost Sulfates to acceptable levels.

Hop Schedule
Mash Hop/First Wort Hop around 90 minutes/60/30/0/Dryhop (all pellets)

The Boil
60 minute, full-rolling boil bittering charge w/2:1:1 combo of Simcoe, Chinook, Centennial

30 minutes left in boil, add 2:1 combo of Simcoe & Cascade

10 minutes left in boil, add Whirlfloc

5 minutes left in boil, add YeastEx

Whirlpool with some combo of Simcoe, Centennial, Cascade, Amarillo, Columbus

Primary Fermentation
Cool down to the low 60s(F) and ferment with a healthy WLP001 starter for 6 days

Rack off yeast and add 4 oz. dryhops for 4 more days with the same combo as the whirlpool... If making the grapefruit version then also add the zest of 5 ruby red grapefruits & possibly a few peeled, pith-free grapefruit halves.

Keg/bottle with moderately high to high carbonation. Stage 2 dryhop in the keg, if kegging.

If making the grapefruit version, add fresh ruby red grapefruit juice to the keg/bottles. The juice has to taste good for your palate; it shouldn't be too bitter/pithy or too sweet.
I hate to be 'that guy' but can anyone please send me the most recent agreed upon AG recipe that tastes as close to Sculpin as possible? I love the beer and want to use the recipe as my first brew of the year. Thanks!
Have you brewed this version yet?
Either way, I'd be keen to hear your thoughts on it, compared to the real thing.

I'm about to brew the OP clone in a few weeks, as over here in Oz, 1 bottle of this beautiful nectar is about $9 and never as fresh at it would be in the US...
I have brewed Beantowns version twice. Was really good. I decided to brew the version above after watching the video. We'll see what happens. Probably gonna brew next weekend.

I have brewed Beantowns version twice. Was really good. I decided to brew the version above after watching the video. We'll see what happens. Probably gonna brew next weekend.


What version did you brew after watching the video? That video was great to see their process but I wish they gave a bit more details on what hops they were using and when.
I'm brewing this for national brewers day, can't wait!

Was thinking of doing one carboy IPA pitching w/ ale yeast, and other carboy IPL pitching w/lager yeast. never done a lager though so i need to do some research haha.

excited to get back to brewing! been 3 years haha
I brewed this on Saturday 5/2. Hit all my numbers.

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA

Style: American IPA
Type: All Grain Calories: 202
Rating: 0.0 Boil Size: 13.00 Gal
IBU's: 96.85 Batch Size: 10.00 Gal
Color: 6.5 SRM Boil Time: 60 minutes
Preboil OG: 1.051
Estimated Actual
Brew Date: - 05/02/2015
OG: 1.063 1.063
FG: 1.008 1.008
ABV: 7.20 % 7.20 %
Efficiency: 75 % 74 %
Serve Date: 06/06/2015 / /

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp Estimated Actual
Primary 14 days @ 68.0°F 05/02/2015 05/02/2015
Secondary 7 days @ 68.0°F 05/16/2015 -
Bottle/Keg 14 days @ 70.0°F 05/23/2015 -

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
20.00 lbs 80.00 % Pale Malt (2 Row) US 60 mins 1.036
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L 60 mins 1.035
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Cara-Pils/Dextrine 60 mins 1.033
1.00 lbs 4.00 % Caravienne Malt 60 mins 1.034

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
1.00 ozs 12.02 Cascade First Wort 6.40
0.50 ozs 12.30 Chinook First Wort 13.10
1.00 ozs 24.41 Simcoe First Wort 13.00
0.50 ozs 13.32 Columbus (Tomahawk) 60 mins 15.60
0.50 ozs 8.54 Centennial 60 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 11.18. Chinook 60 mins 13.10
0.50 ozs 6.56 Centennial 30 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 8.53 Simcoe 30 mins 13.00
2.00 ozs 0.00 Amarillo Gold 0 mins 8.50
4.00 ozs Amarillo Gold 14 days 8.50
4.00 ozs Simcoe 14 days 13.00

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
2.00 pkg American Ale Wyeast Labs 1056
Made a 2L 2 step starter

Amount Name Time Stage
2.00 each Whirlfloc Tablet 15 mins Boil
5.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient 15 mins Boil

Mash Profile
Light Body Infusion 75 min @ 148.0°F
Add 31.25 qt ( 1.25 qt/lb ) water @ 165.0°F
Sparge 35.75 qt ( 0.00 qt/lb ) of 170.0°F water over 90 mins


1oz Amarillo Mash Hops

Primary for 10-14 days. Dry hop in secondary for 5-7 days.

Ferment at 68 Version: 2.836

Sent from my iPhone
I also brewed a similar recipe on May 3rd:

24 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) 80.00%
2 lbs 8.0 oz Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) 8.30%
2 lbs 8.0 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) 8.30%
1 lbs Caravienne Malt (22.0 SRM) 3.30%

Mash hops
2.00 oz Amarillo Gold [8.50 %] - Mash 60.0 min 5.0 IBUs

1.50 oz Cascade [5.50 %] - First Wort 75.0 min 13.9 IBUs
0.50 oz Simcoe [13.00 %] - First Wort 75.0 min 11.0 IBUs

Boil Hops
0.50 oz Centennial [10.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min 7.3 IBUs
0.50 oz Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min 9.5 IBUs
0.50 oz Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min 10.3 IBUs
0.50 oz Centennial [10.00 %] - Boil 30.0 min 5.6 IBUs
0.50 oz Simcoe [13.00 %] - Boil 30.0 min 7.3 IBUs
2.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 mins) -
2.00 oz Amarillo Gold [8.50 %] - Boil 0.0 min 0.0 IBUs

Boiled over and lost most of my FWH, so added 0.5oz cascades. Was first brew in 3 years and just bought a bunch of new equip.

Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. estimated SG was 1.077 but ended up at 1.065. I didn't do volumes very accurately, everything was eyeballed haha. Just hadn't brewed forever and wanted to get through it + was hosting a BBQ around it and had a bunch of people around. Got drunk and kinda messed some stuff up but at least it might turn out like an IPA. did a 2 step starter with California 001

fermentation bubblin at a steady rate, have a data logger on it and it's been consistently 68-69 degrees so pretty happy now that i've sobered up
I brewed this on Saturday 5/2. Hit all my numbers.

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA

Style: American IPA
Type: All Grain Calories: 202
Rating: 0.0 Boil Size: 13.00 Gal
IBU's: 96.85 Batch Size: 10.00 Gal
Color: 6.5 SRM Boil Time: 60 minutes
Preboil OG: 1.051
Estimated Actual
Brew Date: - 05/02/2015
OG: 1.063 1.063
FG: 1.008 1.008
ABV: 7.20 % 7.20 %
Efficiency: 75 % 74 %
Serve Date: 06/06/2015 / /

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp Estimated Actual
Primary 14 days @ 68.0°F 05/02/2015 05/02/2015
Secondary 7 days @ 68.0°F 05/16/2015 -
Bottle/Keg 14 days @ 70.0°F 05/23/2015 -

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
20.00 lbs 80.00 % Pale Malt (2 Row) US 60 mins 1.036
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L 60 mins 1.035
2.00 lbs 8.00 % Cara-Pils/Dextrine 60 mins 1.033
1.00 lbs 4.00 % Caravienne Malt 60 mins 1.034

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
1.00 ozs 12.02 Cascade First Wort 6.40
0.50 ozs 12.30 Chinook First Wort 13.10
1.00 ozs 24.41 Simcoe First Wort 13.00
0.50 ozs 13.32 Columbus (Tomahawk) 60 mins 15.60
0.50 ozs 8.54 Centennial 60 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 11.18. Chinook 60 mins 13.10
0.50 ozs 6.56 Centennial 30 mins 10.00
0.50 ozs 8.53 Simcoe 30 mins 13.00
2.00 ozs 0.00 Amarillo Gold 0 mins 8.50
4.00 ozs Amarillo Gold 14 days 8.50
4.00 ozs Simcoe 14 days 13.00

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
2.00 pkg American Ale Wyeast Labs 1056
Made a 2L 2 step starter

Amount Name Time Stage
2.00 each Whirlfloc Tablet 15 mins Boil
5.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient 15 mins Boil

Mash Profile
Light Body Infusion 75 min @ 148.0°F
Add 31.25 qt ( 1.25 qt/lb ) water @ 165.0°F
Sparge 35.75 qt ( 0.00 qt/lb ) of 170.0°F water over 90 mins


1oz Amarillo Mash Hops

Primary for 10-14 days. Dry hop in secondary for 5-7 days.

Ferment at 68 Version: 2.836

Sent from my iPhone

How is this coming along? I plan to follow your recipe but I was wondering if you are really going to dry hop for 14 days?
Hello all,
Newb to this board, not to HBing.

I've always done the grain/extract, I think it's called partial mash?
For my first all extract brew I brewed the all extract version in the OP.

I read the entire thread, and now have saved in my phone several versions
including a partial mash version I came up with myself.
I'm trying to cut cost.
The all extract version in the OP, with all the left over hops, the DME, etc. for the ingredients only for a 5g batch- was $57!

I only hope my first all extract version comes out anywhere near as good as people say it does!

NIce thread and nice site btw!
I kegged yesterday. Pulled a sample from keg today. Sample had a bit of trub in it. So let it sit EOD a while. Bitter but the Amarillo and Simcoe dry hops come through nice in the end. Once it carbs up it should be really nice West Coast IPA. I'll have to grab some Sculpin and do a side by side.

I kegged yesterday. Pulled a sample from keg today. Sample had a bit of trub in it. So let it sit EOD a while. Bitter but the Amarillo and Simcoe dry hops come through nice in the end. Once it carbs up it should be really nice West Coast IPA. I'll have to grab some Sculpin and do a side by side.


Thanks, I made your recipe up but ended up having to improvise due to some mistakes. For instance, I put the hops in the mash for 60 minutes rather than 30 and I added Amarillo instead of Simcoe to the FWH so I added the Simcoe at 60 minutes. The airlock has been bubbling since Saturday and smells amazing. I hope this turns out as good as it smells!
I am brewing a simplified/modified recipe today based on some LBHS recommendations so as not to throw out any hops (they come in 1oz packets). It's a partial mash:

Sculpinish IPA:

Yeast: Whitelabs WLP001, 1.5 liter starter

8 lbs LME
1.5 lbs 2-row Pale
1 lbs Cara Pils
.5 lbs Cara Vienne
1.25 lbs Crystal 10 deg L (don't know what that even means)

Hops schedule:
1 oz Warrior @ 60 mins
1 oz Centennial @ 30 mins
1 oz Simcoe @ 5 mins
1 oz Amarillo @ 0 mins
Dry hop: 1 oz Simcoe and 1 oz Amarillo

1 tsp gypsum to mash
1 whirlfloc @ 10 mins

Any thoughts?

Flyingfool - this is my first time using whirlfloc. I've seen both 15 mins and 10 mins before end of boil as suggestions so I'm just throwing it in sometime around there.

*Edited: forgot the 2-row pale on the grain bill

After weeks of bottle conditioning I can call this recipe a success. But only because it tastes good, not because it tastes like Sculpin.

I think between the fact that this was not all-grain and that I substituted Warrior hops to keep the buying of the hops economical and simple it does not quite recreate the recipe. There are some citrusy notes but it is a bit darker in looks and taste.

I am going to try this again now that I have a mash tun and will invest in recreating the hops more toward the "known" recipe.
Hello all,
Newb to this board, not to HBing.

I've always done the grain/extract, I think it's called partial mash?
For my first all extract brew I brewed the all extract version in the OP.

I read the entire thread, and now have saved in my phone several versions
including a partial mash version I came up with myself.
I'm trying to cut cost.
The all extract version in the OP, with all the left over hops, the DME, etc. for the ingredients only for a 5g batch- was $57!

I only hope my first all extract version comes out anywhere near as good as people say it does!

NIce thread and nice site btw!

I'm going to bottle today, with 3/4 cup corn sugar / 5g wort.
I'll be 'tasting' some of the wort- non carbonated
Not sure about Beer Smith since I haven't used it, but iBrewMaster comes out at 96 IBU's. On another note, I did a side by side and the Sculpin seemed to have more of a Centennial finish to it. Granted the one I brewed tastes wonderful, I might subtract some of the amarillo and Simcoe in the dry hop and add some centennial.


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