Anniversary of the Boston Tean Party

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Forgot that was today. Amazingly the only thing I thought of was the whole send lots of tea bags to the politicians thing someone on the internet had going...I'm happy with my representative though... and senators for that matter. Other people though... that don't represent me, not so much.
ghostofdavid said:
Anyone doing anything patriotic today (assuming you are an American, too) to celebrate?
History is only commentary on a point of view.

Don't you find it funny that we call ourselves "patriotic" when we became disloyal to our country (Great Britain).

Also, Benedict Arnold, who was the only one who stayed loyal to his country, was branded a traitor.

As a reminder: Taxation WITH Representation ain't all it's cut out to be either...;)

Incidently, we didn't officially become the "United States" until 1789 after the treaty was signed so our birthday is not really 1776. Just thought I'd let you know...and rarely are we ever taught that there were 14 Presidents before Geo. Washington, only difference is GW was the first president of the United States. :D

Anyone know where we can find a fortune teller that can read harbors??? Cue the fireworks....
Don't you also love that the Boston Tea Party was the result of lowering taxes. The Colonists resented the fact that Parliament lowered taxes on tea and undercut their smuggling profits. Also, it was an act of terrorism. They'd be hung out to dry in Gitmo these days.
homebrewer_99 said:
History is only commentary on a point of view.

Incidently, we didn't officially become the "United States" until 1789 after the treaty was signed so our birthday is not really 1776. Just thought I'd let you know...and rarely are we ever taught that there were 14 Presidents before Geo. Washington, only difference is GW was the first president of the United States. :D
The Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War and recognized a truly independant United States, was signed in 1783. The name United States became official with the signing of the Articles of Confederation in 1777 and became the official government in 1781. The Constitution was ratified in 1788, but the name United States had been in use for 11 years by then.

Also, there weren't really any Presidents before G. Washington. Instead there were presidents of the Continental Congress and Congress under the Articles. These were not the same as the President we know now. They were nothing more then heads of the Congress and not a true executive.
What he said.

Just because your an American today and the Boston Tea Party happened before the original official founding of the country, doesn't mean that it hasn't influenced the culture that now exists. :off:


I am not a Spartan or 2400+ years old, but I can appreciate the Μολὼν λαβέ slogan in regards to laying down arms.

Have a good one, everyone!
ghostofdavid said:
Just because your an American today and the Boston Tea Party happened before the original official founding of the country, doesn't mean that it hasn't influenced the culture that now exists.

Statement's like that are, to me, the most vivid example of patriotism there is. Sometimes I think people get blinded by what history recorded rather than what the past teaches us.

Here's to learning from the past irrespective of labels. :mug:
Dependence Day is July 3.
Kevin Dean said:
Statement's like that are, to me, the most vivid example of patriotism there is. Sometimes I think people get blinded by what history recorded rather than what the past teaches us.

Here's to learning from the past irrespective of labels. :mug:

So wait... let me get this straight. I am blinded by patriotism because taxation without representation (what started the movement for the beginning of our culture) isn't an American event because the United States wasn't a country yet, even though it heavily influences the culture that we live in now?

Is that like saying Passover isn't an (important) part of Israeli culture because it occurred before Israel was established as a country of its own (both BCE and CE)? :D
Im just glad it was only tea that they threw into Boston Harbor.....Not like hundreds of Lbs of Hops, or grains, or even BEER for that matter........
adx said:
Also, there weren't really any Presidents before G. Washington. Instead there were presidents of the Continental Congress and Congress under the Articles. These were not the same as the President we know now. They were nothing more then heads of the Congress and not a true executive.
You agreed with everything I said...
homebrewer_99 said:
As a reminder: Taxation WITH Representation ain't all it's cut out to be either...;)

Anyone know where we can find a fortune teller that can read harbors??? Cue the fireworks....

Nice monologue, especially considering we're in the middle of a SAG writer's strike! I swear I could hear a few rimshots after the punchlines. :D

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