About sanitizing bottles

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I agree with you. There has been an amazing escalation of the asshat posts in the past week or two. To the tune of "as many in that time span as I've seen since the beginning of 2012 combined".

Thanks to you, Revvy, Yooper, JLem, and all the other vets who DO take the time to help out clueless jerks like me.

It's getting really old, and as you've seen on other threads lately, HBD, I'm not the guy who's gonna not tell these.... people.... what I think of their bafoonery. I've been a member here for only a little over a year, but I've been on other hobby forums (fish keeping mainly, I take no part is social network-type garbage) and never before this last week or so have I seen so many people simply attacking others for merely trying to help. It's really offensive. And I really, really hope that one day one of these trolls needs help with a real brewing issue, because I know I'm not the only one who'll laugh my happy Irish ass off while I don't reply to their crys for help.
And yeah, members like you listed and countless others are always there to lend a hand, and it makes me want to vomit when I see someone being so disrespectful to any member who's serious about this hobby.

Edit: saw this after I posted:
Wow, just wow. You regulars often times make me regret supporting this board. Sometimes simply not replying can make for a far better experience than always having to get in the last word.

You know what man, you're right. You're totally right, not about your regrets, but how some of us should learn to let these guys say their piece, know they're wrong and not say anything in response. I'm as guilty of it as the next guy, but you've been around for a while, you know this forum didn't use to be like this. I'm beginning to have the same regrets as you, not because of the regulars defending themselves, but because of the constant harassment me and many other regulars get for trying to be helpful.
homebrewdad said:
Thanks to you, Revvy, Yooper, JLem, and all the other vets who DO take the time to help out clueless jerks like me.

Repeating this for posterity. For now I consider myself a Disciple of Revvy (and the others) but this is mostly due to the fact that he and the other super experienced brewers always explain their positions and statements with lots of detail, experience, and science beyond "I do it this way and it always works for me". Until I understand exactly what is going on and have enough good AND bad brews under my belt to know why things happen the way they do, I'm going to keep listening.

It says a lot about people who are willing to explain the same thing day after day, post after post, with patience and understanding. It also says a lot about the people who criticize them or get on them for being smug when you don't see them answering damn near every post in the beginner's forum.

:off: WB NordEast, hope all is well!
Pminyard said:
I'm sure that Revvy's really hot, but does that mean that he (or she) needs to demean the opinion of anyone other than his or her self with no real understanding of what is being discussed? If you are about to pitch a batch, using an iodine based sterilizer and immediately pitching the brew is the best way to go. You are assured that there will be no residual odor or taste in your brew.
I can assure you that I am privy to the opinions of a multitude of pontificators and find few of them helpful. I know that it's hard for those who know everything there is to know about everything to resist chastising those who don't subscribe to their line.

Thanks, but next time know of what you speak and accept the opinions of those who could possibly have more experience that you!

I am confused by this post. What is your opinion?

Revvy isn't saying leave the sanitizer in the bottles.. You still dump it out, you just don't rinse with water.
I did a fun experiment about two decades ago in high school. Took home a sanitized swab, swabbed various faucets in the house and stuck it in growth medium.

Let's just say the faucets aren't actually clean. Most of it would die in beer, but get the right bug in there from your faucet and you are going to spoil your batch if it gets hold. Or worse end up with bottle bombs.
So spray the top rack of your dish washer or drying rack with iodophor or Starsan, then dunk your bottle, swirl them real good, empty them out and put them upside down on the rack to drain.

So not really an opinion that Revvy is stating more like scientifically supported fact.
Well I guess I can pay for shipping it, if it's that good I guess it's worth the extra price.

If no vendor will ship it to you, PM me your address. Next time I order from NB or whoever, I'll order an extra 4 oz. for you and ship it to you, double or triple-packed. Star San is that good.

Good luck.
Wow, just wow. You regulars often times make me regret supporting this board. Sometimes simply not replying can make for a far better experience than always having to get in the last word.

Really? To me, I could care less if somebody has two posts or twenty-two thousand; there's no excuse for personally attacking people who are simply trying to be helpful (and are offering solid advice in the process).

If anything, it would be nice to see the contributing membership* band together more (and perhaps report the egregious examples to the modhood). I have no problem calling a spade a spade, or a troll a troll, and I feel that the widespread practice of such can only improve this (or any) online community.

Disagree all you want on any given discussion - that's why we have discussion forums. As long as you can deal in facts, take any position that you like. But attacking other posters for providing accurate, helpful advice? Take that crap to facebook.

* - by contributing membership, I refer to the folks who answer questions, post advice, help out others, bring useful content, or otherwise CONTRIBUTE tot he community. I (though not the admin) could care less if you buy a HBT sticker or not... that's your business.
Make a freind on this site (I can do it if needed) wire some $ paypal and we can send the star san.... what country are you in?
I for one appreciate Revvy, Nordeast, and all the regulars how call it like they see it and help me learn. Thanks.
If anything, it would be nice to see the contributing membership* band together more (and perhaps report the egregious examples to the modhood). I have no problem calling a spade a spade, or a troll a troll, and I feel that the widespread practice of such can only improve this (or any) online community.

Disagree all you want on any given discussion - that's why we have discussion forums. As long as you can deal in facts, take any position that you like. But attacking other posters for providing accurate, helpful advice? Take that crap to facebook.

Dude, thanks. Cuz that's how I feel too. I personally don't give half a rats @$$ if some troll or flamer gets pi$$ed or offended or crys to the mods when I tell him/her/it what I think of what they're doing. And it goes against the way I live my life to just stand by silently while some jackwagon is disrespectful to me, or to anyone else who's using this site and trying to be helpful or trying to learn something. And I'm not gonna start candy coating the way I come across because a few candy @$$e$ are put off by the fact that I'm posting. Like some others here, I have a straightforward, blunt way of putting things, but the things I say aren't just something I made up. I speak from experience, and from endless research, and I couldn't care less if someone doesn't like how I come off 'cause I won't baby talk them or tell them how pretty they are when I explain what they're asking for.
It isn't just on this thread, but countless others. And this isn't just happening to me and Revvy because we tend to be very outspoken, but I've seen it happening to many other regs who are known for giving solid information. Yesterday another member and I were talking about what it will be like here when this younger generation of folks, the one's who've always had a cell phone, Facecrook, anti-bullying laws, etc., the ones who've grown up with everything being handed to them, everyone holding their hand through life become of age and can sign up here. I think we're seeing it. I can only assume that the current batch of trolls is of the age which they act, and if that's the case, we're in for a whole new lot of thin skinned sallys that get offended over nothing at all.

Edit: I mean no offense to you young bucks out there, I'm glad the hobby is so popular with younger brewers. My comments are about the spoiled, whiney younger generation that can't even wipe their own @$$e$ anymore without crying about it. :mug:
Up till now i used chlorium something, it worked fine but the issue was i had to let it sit for atleast 2-3 mins then rinse it out 5 times or so to get everything out.

2 weeks ago i made the jump, i ordered from UK Star San, i'ev been waiting a long time for star san and now i finaly have it ;)
Up till now i used chlorium something, it worked fine but the issue was i had to let it sit for atleast 2-3 mins then rinse it out 5 times or so to get everything out.

2 weeks ago i made the jump, i ordered from UK Star San, i'ev been waiting a long time for star san and now i finaly have it ;)

You CAN get it in the UK now? Do you have a link? We get folks from your side of the pond asking about it all the time. We've been under the assumption you couldn't. If you have a link, I'll have something to post, when inevitably, I'll stumble upon this question.