2010 Bigfoot is on the loose!

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Wow. 15 bucks for a six pack? I got mine for less than nine which is inline with what I normally pay for SN products around here (SE KS, NE OK). What are others paying?
Just busted open a 2008 25th anniversary bottle last week, it was quite epic. I probably should have held onto that one but I like to drink beer more so than collect it. I can't say that it would have benefited from any further aging, the entire beer was silky smooth from the aroma to the finish.
Jesus, people are getting ripped off with that stuff. It sells for about 7.50 a sixer in Chico, granted that across the road from the Brewery, but geez $15 for a sixer is ridiculous even if it is on the East Coast.
i just ran out to the store to grab some after reading this thread. this is my first sierra nevada ever. it is really quite good, def hoppy, but not to bad at all. very smooth. thinking about getting a case to store in the cave for a year to see what all the hype is about.
got a couple of sixers for $11.99 on Friday. Wanted to age some but for some reason I can’t find them anywhere in my house!
I had never heard of Bigfoot prior to it popping up on this forum over the past week or so (I just got into homebrewing and craft beer drinking within the past year). With all the hype it was getting, I figured I needed to pick some up. The grocery store right behind my house has a fantastic selection and had quite a few 6-packs on hand, so I picked one up on my way home from work today.

My question is this: what sort of drinking schedule should I have for this? It is clearly a beer that can stand some aging, so should I drink one now and then one every 6 months until its gone? 1 every year? Drink the sixer now and get a second pack to age? What do other people do?

Ok, one more question: when aging, what temperature should I age it at? Room temp, basement temp, or fridge temp?

My experience with bigfoot has been variable. 7 or 8 years ago when I first tried it, it was amazing fresh. It was pretty hoppy, but the hops were a bit rounder like it had already been aged. The last couple years, I'd say from 2007 and on, the hops have had a more aggressive bite. I let 2008 edition sit for a year in the fridge and it came out superb. I haven't tried the 2010 edition so I don't know how sharp the hops are, but aging it a year is probably a good thing. If you can keep it at cellar temps (mid 50s), that's probably the best way to store it for aging. Otherwise, I'd go with fridge temperatures. In my book, better go cooler rather than warmer.
I finally found it also. It was marked 13.99 a sixer. Had two in my hands. The place was busy so I showed them to the guy and put them on the floor. He charged me 9.99 like the rest of the SN sixers.
Put one sixer in the fridge, the other in the basement. First one I had was pretty good, but wasn't cold enough, I couldn't wait. I will have another tonight, and hopefully buy some more!
Finally got my hands on a 6-pack after having to get my local Spec's to order it. Popped one in the fridge and stashed the other 5. Poured myself a 6 ounce glass after it chilled for abour 48 hours. Not bad. This is the third barleywine I've tried, can't remember what the others were. This was by far the best of the bunch, but I'm still not sure if I'm a big barleywine plan. My plan is to open a bottle every six months to see how it ages, that'll have me sampling it at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 years... maybe I'll hold that last one til 3 years.
Got my 6 pack last week. I've had 2 so far, great beer! But even better aged a bit, I think I'm going to have to grab another 6er to store in the basement...
Smack that guy in the mouth.

Agreed, I was told that Judges use Bigfoot as the benchmark for testing other BarleyWines. It's sort of the de facto standard.

I like certain BarleyWines better, but Bigfoot is very good.

They have these now every where I go. It seems to be in even larger abundance than last year out here. Our local grocery stores seem to have many of them.
this stuff is moving slowly in iowa... guess that's what we get for being in iowa, more bigfoot! i finally bought a sixer tonight and have enjoyed my pint thoroughly... a little edgy still, but i'm sure it will be good in the future. i'm not a huge barley wine guy, but i reckon i'll get a few more sixers to stow away for future indulgence.
I tried my first bigfoot last night and it was very rough around the edges. Serious hop bitterness (chinook?) and serious caramel malt flavor. Those were the two flavors that hit you like a ton of bricks....and alcohol. I think they bottled it very green.....it tasted like it went straight from the fermenter to the bottle with no bulk aging.

Is this a great barley wine as it stands? IMO, no.....will it be a great barley wine when aged properly...you bet!
I tried my first bigfoot last night and it was very rough around the edges. Serious hop bitterness (chinook?) and serious caramel malt flavor. Those were the two flavors that hit you like a ton of bricks....and alcohol. I think they bottled it very green.....it tasted like it went straight from the fermenter to the bottle with no bulk aging.

Is this a great barley wine as it stands? IMO, no.....will it be a great barley wine when aged properly...you bet!

Yep I agree,next year it will be excellent. I had some 2009 recently that I had been hanging on to, and it had balanced out nicely, with a very nice raiseny finish. A real pleasure to drink. I'm just starting to build up my BW collection. It will be nice to pop a few of these in 4-5 years or more.
stopped at the grocery store this evening. they had sixers for 11. then they had them loose in the mix and match section for 8.50 for 6.
you guys know how this story ends.

I put a couple away for a future time, and some for this weekend, ymmm
Picked up a 6'er last night at the grocery store. It wasn't even in the system yet so the boy price checked it at 5.99/6-pack. :) I had to get some more at that price.

Just finished my first one. A little less hoppy then last year. The hops hit at first with a nice malty finish. Surprising easy to drink. Cheers!

Damn I just paid $11.99
I picked some up for just under $10 / 6er.

Great beer. This is my 3rd barleywine, and I'm glad this is great. My first was Southern Tier's which i loved. Then I had Founders Crumudgeon which I didn't like at all.

This is awesome. I'll be buying more.
I picked some up for just under $10 / 6er.

Great beer. This is my 3rd barleywine, and I'm glad this is great. My first was Southern Tier's which i loved. Then I had Founders Crumudgeon which I didn't like at all.

This is awesome. I'll be buying more.

I love the Curmudgeon but I don't think it's a barely wine.

I'm going to get another case of this to store for long term.
Just bought a case for $51. They were running $11.99 a sixer. Dude at the store said they were shipped 15 cases in January and that was all they could get. Looked as if they still had atleast 4 cases left unless they had some stashed in the back. The top of my case says to keep it refrigerated but I see a lot of people claiming that you should hold onto it for atleast a year. Is it ok to stick it in a closet at room temp that long?
JThe top of my case says to keep it refrigerated but I see a lot of people claiming that you should hold onto it for atleast a year. Is it ok to stick it in a closet at room temp that long?

From everything I've ever been told, yes it is. The cooler the better, if you have a basement, put it there.

All the places I've been still have a number of cases on hand, more than they led me to believe they would have at this point. I might just have to snag another for cellar-ing...
I was at Spec's last weekend and came across both the 2009 and the 2010 edition, I went for the 2009. Hindsight I should have bought one of each year.
well, basements in New Mexico do not exist, We don't have any kind of air conditioning in our house either so a dark closet is just gonna have to do. Is it worth keeping it in these conditions or should I just drink it? In the summer our house can reach 80 degrees during the day.
Does anyone know when the 2010 Bigfoot was brewed? As in what month? I emailed SN, but never got a reply. I've got a case stashed away, and I've got a bottle of their anniversary Barleywine as well.
Not sure. I have a case stashed away as well. I wish you wouldn't have bumped this thread.... now I am going to have to drink one. :mug:
Does anyone know when the 2010 Bigfoot was brewed? As in what month? I emailed SN, but never got a reply. I've got a case stashed away, and I've got a bottle of their anniversary Barleywine as well.

The only date I see on my case is Jan. 28th but that is on a bar code on the box. I'm assuming that was a shipping date. I guess I'd have to guess it was made very early in Jan of 2010. And yeah, now that you brought it up, I had to dig one out and stick it in the fridge. I'm not doing to bad though. This will only be the 3rd one I've drank out of the case.
Mine was the third out of the case as well. No apology necessary. It was delicious. Quite Aa different beer than the first tiem around

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