brewpi remix

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  1. potseeslc

    Ep 5 - BrewPI Remix with Lee Bussy

    Hey everyone, I know that Lee Bussy is a regular on this forum and that he has helped a ton of homebrewers navigate getting their systems setup with Fermentrack, iSpindel, and all variations of BrewPI. I talked with him on my podcast about his new project BrewPI Remix and the history of BrewPi...
  2. muhteeus

    muh's Fermentrack\BrewPi Remix Build

    Decided to convert the old fermentation deep freeze from STC-1000 to a IoT web enabled thing. I am using the BrewPi Remix firmware for the arduino and Fermentrack on the front-end for the pi. Most of the parts were leftovers from an old project, but I will still link what I used. Parts: 1 -...