Are Turn Signals Extra??

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Jun 13, 2007
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The "Ville"
Cause some ******** apparently didn't spring for them.

Are you too uncoordinated to drive and move the little lever at the same time?

Probably shouldn't drive then!

Are you too STUPID to know what a turn signal is?


Are you too inconsiderate to care that you are inconveniencing other people?

then F*CK YOU!!!

I wait patiently for a car to pass so that I can turn out onto the main!.....seems to be taking a while........OH. the A$$HOLE IS TURNING IN HERE! EITHER HE COULDN"T AFFORD THE TURN SIGNALS FOR HIS ENORMOUS FRIGGING ESCALADE OR........HE IS THE STUPIDEST *****BAG I HAVE ENCOUNTERED TODAY!!!!!!:mad:

If you do this, stop. It may have only made me wait an extra 15 seconds or so more than I needed to, but it makes me so mad I may just shoot the next moron who does it to me.

It is inconsiderate. Use the turn signals. Believe me, you are not TOO COOL to use turn signals.
Cheezydemon, I think you may have some unresolved anger issues that you may want to speak with someone about. :D
Actually this is how I resolve them, but thanks!

I get creative with the color and size from time to time, but the lack of misspellings should demonstrate that I was not actually pounding on the keyboard in a red rage.

But I do mean it. Inconsiderate people suck
cheezydemon said:
But I do mean it. Inconsiderate people suck

Yeah they do, but they're everywhere. Getting pissed off about them only adds injury to insult (thats how I meant to say it). They're gonna be *****ebags REGARDLESS of what you think, so dont let it bother you and brush it off. Stress kills!
I don't know if they're extra, but they're obviously not required in NC. Man, there are some retarded drivers down here. I lived in Boston for 2 years, and the drivers there are crazy, but they're good. Here the drivers are crazy, but they're terrible.
Soulvie I love your philosophy and you are right. I do not flip people the finger, or chase them down, or let it stress me out, but it does feel good to let out a good RANT!!

And odds are that homebrewers are more intelligent and more considerate than the average *******, so I am really just wanting to give people a good place to vent.
Soulive said:
Yeah they do, but they're everywhere. Getting pissed off about them only adds injury to insult (thats how I meant to say it). They're gonna be *****ebags REGARDLESS of what you think, so dont let it bother you and brush it off. Stress kills!


I live my life not letting too much get me upset. I like to think that I get along with most peeps because of this.

That's just how I roll, mutha****a!
I use my signals when I'm going to cross traffic, but I'm to the point where I refuse to use them for a lane change. Too many pricks try to close the gap as soon as you let them know you're coming
cheezydemon said:
Soulvie I love your philosophy and you are right. I do not flip people the finger, or chase them down, or let it stress me out, but it does feel good to let out a good RANT!!

And odds are that homebrewers are more intelligent and more considerate than the average *******, so I am really just wanting to give people a good place to vent.

Yeah venting is normal, just don't stress. I'm to the point that I don't even blame the drivers, I blame the system. The driver's test is so easy and there's no re-testing, so of course these people are out there...
I've always said that turn signals are optional equipment for vehicles in the UP, since I seem to be the only person up here who has them.

Of course, I usually know where everybody is going anyway so I don't stress about it. I recognize the vehicle, and pretty much know if they're turning (to go to the school) or going straight (to the grocery store), or heading home after work. Once in a blue moon, someone will surprise me and not go towards their house after work, so I still usually wait to make sure. Sometimes Mrs. Fish won't go straight home after work, and she'll stop at the store. So she'll turn right. But that's only about once a week. I think I'm going to ask her to use her turn signal on that day.

Living in a town with only a couple of intersections makes it easier, I must admit!
Something about that sounds really great Yooper! It sounds Canadian for some

I sent you a pm on something unrelated. Thanks.
I'll have to admit that lack of turn signal use is really friggin' annoying to me too. If I'm in the car alone I'll drop a couple f-bombs at someone for not using their signal.

In general, people suck at driving. They're too busy talking on cell phones, doing makeup, yelling at their kids, or fiddling with the redio/mp3 player to be bothered by things like turn signals and lane rules.

After I drop my f-bombs I shrug it off and move on.
I deal with this all day and everyday, Eventually you have to get used to it, I dont let it piss me off as much as the people who get up behind my trailer to where I cant see them. Then decide to fly around me and slam on there brakes after they cut me off to get off an exit, or people that are to impatient and pass me on the right.
I get to ticked at the people who don't use them. Even when someone is turning and using a signal I wait to make sure they are actually going to turn and not they just forgot to turn it off.

However, the one that gets me is that turn signals at some point turned into traffice separators. There will be 50' behind me with no cars and some jerk off the is just slightly ahead of me will put on his signal and start coming over expecting me to hit the brakes and make room for him.
Fact is, few people actually drive their cars. Most just pilot them around while thinking about or doing other stuff. Some days thats how I am. I'm a pretty defensive driver and almost always use my blinker, even for lane changes.

The only thing that really gets my goat is when a road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 and cheaters rush ahead in the merging lane because they don't want to sit in line and wait patiently in the thru lane like everyone else. I usually don't let those people cut in.
Beerthoven said:
The only thing that really gets my goat is when a road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 and cheaters rush ahead in the merging lane because they don't want to sit in line and wait patiently in the thru lane like everyone else. I usually don't let those people cut in.

That urkes me to, If I can get through the gears fast enough I have no problem running them off onto the shoulder, But I have realized that I have to take the bad with the good, and probably 85% of people on the roads that do stupid **** Have no Idea they did it and just drive on enjoying there lives leaving you wanting to stomp the hell out of them.
I was pleasantly surprised when I moved to Oregon and discovered that most of the vehicles have turn signals and people actually know how to merge. Both are illegal in California. I have noticed, though, the closer I get to Washington, the worse the drivers get.;)

I think the log trucks have something to do with it. To them, a Ford Exploder is just another speed bump.
AAAAHHHH! One of my pet peeves!

There are only 12 people (I'm one) in Omaha that use their blinkers. It's been a while since I took a driving test but had wondered if they had changed the law and made blinkers optional. It actually makes me happy to hear that other places are equally bad.

While we're onto driving rants:
*According to Omaha drivers when the "NO RIGHT TURN" light is on, it's optional whether you turn or not. (Same goes for left turns)
*No matter what the street light indicates, just pull out into the middle of the intersection to make your turn.
*You can turn right or left from any lane you happen to be in (no blinker of course).
Beerthoven said:
Fact is, few people actually drive their cars. Most just pilot them around while thinking about or doing other stuff. Some days thats how I am. I'm a pretty defensive driver and almost always use my blinker, even for lane changes.

The only thing that really gets my goat is when a road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 and cheaters rush ahead in the merging lane because they don't want to sit in line and wait patiently in the thru lane like everyone else. I usually don't let those people cut in.

Right on, same difference, but I hate people who know they are getting on the expressway 30 feet past the light, but get in the shorter middle or left lane and then speed up and force themselves in line, often dangerously.

Or likewise, when there is obviously an obstruction a mile or so up blocking 1 lane, but 10% of the people (the real ********) deciede that they are important enough to ride up to the front in the blocked lane, and then put their blinker on until some dip$hit lets them in. This process causes the dip$hits to stop now and again, slowing and stopping a line that could proceed on smoothly if everyone just farging got in line.:mad:
Hmm, well I dunno. I always just hop out of the car, smash my fists into the hood, creating a big dent. "Instant Justice Baby" (as my Sensei used to say :D).
Apparently lights are optional as well. Here's an idea -- if it's dark out, make sure you can see lights shining out in front of you. Can you even buy a new car today where the lights aren't automatic? I know on mine I have to go out of my way to turn them off.

It amazes me how driving seems to be the last thing on people's minds when they're behind the wheel of a car.
rdwj said:
I use my signals when I'm going to cross traffic, but I'm to the point where I refuse to use them for a lane change. Too many pricks try to close the gap as soon as you let them know you're coming

This is why I drive a Suburban. I just move over anyway. Not my problem if they have to slam on the brakes. I use my blinker and there is space when I turn it on. There will be space when I move over, and I am moving over.
jdoiv said:
This is why I drive a Suburban. I just move over anyway. Not my problem if they have to slam on the brakes. I use my blinker and there is space when I turn it on. There will be space when I move over, and I am moving over.

ha, typical SUV driver, always trying to run my little Jetta off the road!

BTW, i rarely use my blinker on the interstate.. but i do pretty good on the highway.
I just got a new car and the Owners manual says nothing about having to actually, physically activate the signal. It only shows where they are.

So you mean to tell me they aren't automatic when you turn the wheel?

Oh Maaaaan. That's why I get all those people saying I am "Number 1".:ban: :drunk:
cheezydemon said:
but the lack of misspellings should demonstrate that I was not actually pounding on the keyboard in a red rage.

*****bag = *********. D'oh! Somehow, I can't imagine you, sitting back in your chair, listening to Enya, calmly typing the original post :D

Seriously though, I hear you. It just happened to me today. When that kind of stuff happens, I wish life was like the A-Team. Where I could pull an RPG out, point it out the window, and blow the guy's Escalade through the air without him being hurt at all... and Colonel Decker would never catch up to me.:p But, alas, back to reality and acceptance of the fact that the average person out there really only cares about number one.
Well in fairness, I wouldn't run you off the road if you weren't hiding that little thing in my blind spot.:D

I only pull this maneuver on jerks that speed up to cut me off. If they were already going faster than me and were going to pass me, I wait and let them go by first. I just hate the jerks that think they have to be first somehow and want to block me off. So I just move over anyway. I'm bigger and I don't give a crap if they run into me (or so I make them think).
Beerthoven said:
Fact is, few people actually drive their cars. Most just pilot them around while thinking about or doing other stuff. Some days thats how I am. I'm a pretty defensive driver and almost always use my blinker, even for lane changes.

The only thing that really gets my goat is when a road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 and cheaters rush ahead in the merging lane because they don't want to sit in line and wait patiently in the thru lane like everyone else. I usually don't let those people cut in.

However, on the other hand, I've noticed that down here, if there's a sign that says "Merge in 1 mile", lots of people try to move over right away, instead of merging smoothly, slowing the traffic down.
I hate ******** that don't use their signals.

My rule of thumb: signal goes on BEFORE you have to touch the brake.

Also hate, halfway through turn, then turn on signal. ****ing idiots.
On the flip side, though, I have discovered while braving Dallas/Ft Worth traffic that using your blinker is often a sign of weakness. If you dare to turn on your signal, it tells others to cut you off quickly or speed up beside you so you can't get over and exit.

Why? I dunno...but DFW drivers are the most selfish drivers I've EVER seen.
rdwj said:
I use my signals when I'm going to cross traffic, but I'm to the point where I refuse to use them for a lane change. Too many pricks try to close the gap as soon as you let them know you're coming

Yep, just give them one blink after you've moved lanes. :D
cheezydemon said:
Actually this is how I resolve them, but thanks!

Don't worry, I do the same thing. It's better to vent to people than to bottle it up and then express it via road rage, et al.

I get creative with the color and size from time to time, but the lack of misspellings should demonstrate that I was not actually pounding on the keyboard in a red rage.

Not to pick too many nits, but it's "*********", not "*****bag". You misspelled the most important and significant word in that whole diatribe, dude!

I hear you, though. I could swear that there's a secret factory somewhere around here that produces cyborgs that exist for the sole purpose of clogging up the road with sh*tty driving. The asshats that go 15mph in a 35mph zone because they're so old or retarded that they shouldn't have a license in the first place? The jerkoffs who go slow, then speed up when you try to pass them? The pussies who will sit there waiting for an opening the size of Texas before they'll dare try to merge into traffic? The monkeys who drive like they've never been in a car before, or are sightseeing and paying attention to everything but the road?

:off: Funny story from high school, though. We were bored one day, so I got into my car with a couple friends, and the other three got into another's car, and we got onto the 4-lane road (2-lane each way) where the limit is 55mph. We sync'ed up next to each other and slowed down to 25 or so, and drove all the way into town that way. People were honking and waving fists out the window, it was hilarious. Then we got to a stop light, and were laughing so hard that we almost didn't see the dude in a big truck 3 cars back get out the truck and come running towards us brandishing a Croc Dundee-esque knife. Heh, not so funny anymore. We both floored it through the red light and left him standing in traffic waving his knife at us. Yeah, we were dicks sometimes. :D
rdwj said:
I use my signals when I'm going to cross traffic, but I'm to the point where I refuse to use them for a lane change. Too many pricks try to close the gap as soon as you let them know you're coming

You need to look at the flip side of that coin, rdwj.

What's worse are the people who don't realize that safe driving means actually leaving more than a c*nt hair in between you and the car in front of you...and when I leave a safe distance, they see that as a place for them to merge, and they nudge their way in, forcing me to slow down even more to get a safe distance from them...and the cycle continues to the point where I speed up when people try to nudge their way into my "safe following distance". What the hell, I mean, do you people want me to rear-end you? :mad: But if people give me a blinker, I'll back up to let them in...most of the time.
I'm with you. Even if someone has sped up and found nowhere to merge, if they put on a blinker, I figure that they made a mistake and I let them in. No blinker? F*CK OFF.

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