Oh Peterson, what wont you do?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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So I have been loosely following this whole Peterson missing wife case, and while Im still not sure if in fact he is as big of a ****** as the news makes him seem, I am leaning towards this being foul play on his part, given all the reported "possibilities" with his previous and current wives mysterious deaths and dissapearances.

Then this morning I read this

Is he serious?
Another pretty white woman goes missing and the world follows. Almost makes it seem like no one but affluent, attractive, white women ever disappear. Not far from her town, in Lisle, there's a man missing and the family has rented a billboard off the highway asking for help in their case. That didn't make the news.
He lives fairly close to me, so we get local tons of local news on him as well as personal accounts. From all reports, he IS that big if a ******.
Yeah, I'm Serious. Youse gahta problem wit dayt?!

Cheesefood said:
Another pretty white woman goes missing and the world follows. Almost makes it seem like no one but affluent, attractive, white women ever disappear. Not far from her town, in Lisle, there's a man missing and the family has rented a billboard off the highway asking for help in their case. That didn't make the news.

That's the media for you. No biases there, hmm?:rolleyes:
sTango said:
Cheesefood, I couldn't agree more about the double standard.

Ummmm. not to say that we shouldn't have equal attention for victims across the board, but the unveiling of a new serial killer is why this is news. Not because she was white. If she had been black, it might have been even bigger news! With all due respect start a new thread and I will chime in with full support of your views, but as to this thread, I feel that you are off topic.
Cheese has a great point, Im not going to say its off topic at all.

But I also agree that its probably getting more attention because he was a cop, and this is potentially his second(or more) murder.

Still I cant believe this guy, what a goofball.
Of course it is foul play and yes, it's media driven. But good luck ever convicting The Drewster. I hope he gets what's coming to him, but no matter how dumb he may be, he seems to have been able to conceal this one pretty well.

Before I moved to my current home, I accidentally drove past his house trying to find an acquaintance's place. You should see all the media vans and satellite trucks just sitting there, waiting for him to do something - anything!:rolleyes: Fittingly for an ex-cop, he lives right by the Krispy Kreme on Weber Rd.!
mr_stimey said:
That picture in itself is incriminating, haha.

Ya like dayt pitcher? Here's my 1972 high school yearbook pitcher. I handed it out to dah media myself. No, seriously, I did! Cuz I'm a man of dah people.

Pretty hat stud I was, huh?

It gets attention because:

1. He's white
2. She's white
3. They're of sound economic status
4. She's young

Him being a cop has nothing to do with it. Police Brutality is talked about constantly in Chicago area, but only on the very liberal radio AM news channels.

The news media is highly interested in painting the picture of the murderous cheating husband. Happens quite often.
Well, any reasons this makes the news aside, does he honestly think people are going to donate money to him? No matter what its for?
The guy has (unproven) probably killed upwards of 6 people. That puts him right up there with some of the more famous serial killers.

I just think that "Peterson the Freak" deserves it's own thread here as does "ratings driven media" and "racially driven justice unfairness".

But just because the media is eating this up doesn't mean that he isn't the anti-christ!

"just because you're paranoid
don't mean they're not after you."
- Curt Cobain
cheezydemon said:
The guy has (unproven) probably killed upwards of 6 people. That puts him right up there with some of the more famous serial killers.

I just think that "Peterson the Freak" deserves it's own thread here as does "ratings driven media" and "racially driven justice unfairness".

But just because the media is eating this up doesn't mean that he isn't the anti-christ!

amen to that brother. but what's this about "upwards of 6 people"?
cd2448 said:
amen to that brother. but what's this about "upwards of 6 people"?
So far, it's only two. His current wife and possibly his ex-wife. Or are there some late breaking developments that I missed?
Cheesefood said:
It gets attention because:

1. He's white
2. She's white
3. They're of sound economic status
4. She's young

Him being a cop has nothing to do with it. Police Brutality is talked about constantly in Chicago area, but only on the very liberal radio AM news channels.

The news media is highly interested in painting the picture of the murderous cheating husband. Happens quite often.

I agree with you for the most part, but you've got to be kidding me that it's got nothing to do with the fact that he was a Bollingbrook cop. Ever single news story mentions within the lead that he is/was an Illinois (Bollingbrook) cop.

If, for example, he were a financial auditor, marketing executive or statitician do you think that would be mentioned in every story about him? No, it's because cops have certain amount of public trust vested in them and he, it's believed, violated that trust.

I mean, Chris Vaughn's occupation wasn't ever mentioned in stories talking about him murdering his wife and three kids.
Yeah, I included a "(not proven)" because several more cases are coming to light about people who were "never seen again" after run ins with this guy, like the mother of a girl he dated who objected to his advances. We will see, but the way this guy acts after he so obviously committed murder leads me to believe that he has gotten away with it more than twice.
Cheesefood said:
It gets attention because:

1. He's white
2. She's white
3. They're of sound economic status
4. She's young

Him being a cop has nothing to do with it. Police Brutality is talked about constantly in Chicago area, but only on the very liberal radio AM news channels.

The news media is highly interested in painting the picture of the murderous cheating husband. Happens quite often.

Spot on, cheese, spot f*cking on. Laci Peterson...that white chick who got kidnapped and killed on one the islands...it's always the same thing. People get murdered every day. But it's only when the case meets your criteria above (also, I'd add #2a: she's pretty...not model beautiful, but pretty) does it get national media attention.

It's pretty sad. Myself, I don't give two sh!ts about any of these dumbasses.
I really think It has nothing to do with white/black!!! What is this 1856?

It's a bid deal that he is a cop because the poor gal called the cops on him dozens of times for beating her up and he was never arrested or charged! It's the fact that the other cops were too busy protecting HIM to notice that he was an A$$HOLE that needs to be locked up!

I love how he intends on spending the money FIRST on himself and only after his case is over will he hire someone to look for his missing wife:D Sound familiar? OJ we will never forget you:)
White/black does matter. Same reason that they focus on upper/middle-class disappearances; most of the people who tune in to these shows are white, middle-class individuals (if for no other reason that those are still the demographics of the majority), so the natural, base instinct is "OH MY GOD, THAT COULD BE MY DAUGHTER!"

That's just how most people's minds are programmed; they see someone who looks like them, who comes from a similar background, they're naturally - if not more sympathetic, at least more interested.
Are you serious? Every time a pretty little white girl goes missing, it's a national news event. I can't remember the last time a minority child abduction or murder case like this was national news. The pretty white girl catches our eye...

And bird is exactly right...it's mainly about "identifying" with the victim.
White/black doesn't matter so much as whether the media can SELL it. It's all about ratings and subsequently advertising revenue. She's white, yes, and that certainly helps, but more importantly she's young and pretty. The news hounds were probably drooling all over themselves. The only thing that would have made it better for them would be if she had been pregnant.
mr_stimey said:
Well, any reasons this makes the news aside, does he honestly think people are going to donate money to him? No matter what its for?

The point at hand.................:cross:
The thing that worries me above all else is that the media had already judged him guilty despite not having any evidence that is comparable to that of what the police has. It's all "this could be significant, this might be important"....etc

I frankly don't care if he's innocent or not; what I DO care about is the media acting irresponsibly as judge, jury, and perhaps executioner for anyone. Maybe he is an asshat weirdo...but what if he's innocent too? Would YOU want to be crucified in the eye of the public if you were a weirdo and innocent at the same time? I think not.

Just my opinion everyone, try not to get riled up about it. :mug:
Any of you other Illinoisians keep thinking you see him at Jewell? I saw him there and at Country Donuts, I swear. Damn him for looking like a Soush-Sider.
Cheesefood said:
Any of you other Illinoisians keep thinking you see him at Jewell? I saw him there and at Country Donuts, I swear. Damn him for looking like a Soush-Sider.

Kroger in Decatur, I swear he was in the housewares aisle lookin' at drain cleaners with a gallon of anti-freeze in his cart. :drunk:

Seriously tho, the dude screams of a *****ie Award. But I think a lot of the attention comes from a few high profile Chicago area missing wife cases lately. I work in it, and yeah, the effin' media jumps on anything that moves, bleeds, or is missing...

cheezydemon said:
IT is how he acts too. He has agreed to go on quasi news shows what...4 or 5 times? He wants this feeding frenzy.
Or the only news shows asking him to come on tv and 'tell his side' are the quasi news shows. He's probably not aware how this all makes him look.

It my experience that most people involved in a 'newsworthy' event who don't get professional help with image/media management simply have no idea how to handle themselves in the press.

There's a reason many people won't speak to the public except through a professional mouthpiece and it is completely legitmate: because once you've said something in public, you no longer control the message. If you misspeak or say something that can be taken out of context to hurt you, odds are good that you will get bit in the ass by your own mouth.