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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Rapid City, South Dakota
Alright, I know there's several of us on here. What systems made you the pro you are today?

NES, SNES, Gameboy, Nintendo DS, Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Wii, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast (skipped the Saturn and the Sega CD), Atari 2600 (which I bought way too late off eBay), Sony Playstation, PS2, PS3, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360.
**In no particular order**

Come get some, console jockeys! :p
word. been at it since NES. SNES really set the hook - got into Final Fantasy and I was done for.

These days I'm on PS3, no 360 and no plans to buy one.
360 and Wii, but I play PC shooters and mmorpgs the most.

Currently still playing cod4 and tf2.

Yeah, I did the COD4 thing until Prestige mode was my next step. Sacrifice everything I have in order to get another symbol next to my name? Pfft, no thanks.

Also, TF2 is 100% all around fun. I love playing a Medic or a Heavy. :rockin:
Also, what about the MMO folks?

I played MUDs from the begining. Hell, my wife still plays a MUD. I moved on to Everquest, which sucked. From EQ, I've played almost every MMO out there. I played EQ, DDO online (which I loved, but ran out of content), WoW (which sucked from day 1, but managed to keep me playing for a few years), Star Wars Galaxies from launch day, Warhammer Online (awesome until you got to max level, then it was just a matter of riding the train), now I'm tinkering around with City of Heroes/City of Villans until the new Star Wars MMO (based on Knights of the Old Republic) comes out.
I mostly play PC games

the games in my LAN party rotation are:
rise of nations
Quake III (instagib mod)
Diablo 2 (everyone startes a hardcore char and play through the story until one dies, then deathmatch)
Warcraft III (DOTA, and Battleships mods)
I mostly play PC games

the games in my LAN party rotation are:
rise of nations
Quake III (instagib mod)
Diablo 2 (everyone startes a hardcore char and play through the story until one dies, then deathmatch)
Warcraft III (DOTA, and Battleships mods)

Damn, man, talk about dedicated. I didn't realize those games were still played (except for DOTA).
Played WOW for a while, found it tedious after a while. Plus all the kids in hose games drive me nuts with there immaturity.

I'll have to check into this new star wars game. I need a new computer. My laptops are not designed for gaming.
I played MUDs. My fave free one went paid and I quit. never got into GMUDS or modern MMOs.

I thought it was HOT when I met my wife and found out she had played MUDs. We adventured a bit together once, but by that time real life had kind of surpassed ASCII land, and it wasn't all that much fun.
Along the same lines, anyone ever play any IF (like Zork, etc)? I'm still a fan. It's a dead genre, but there are still a small number of fan-created offerings that get published now and then.
Damn, man, talk about dedicated. I didn't realize those games were still played (except for DOTA).

we like to keep it to the older games so our poor friends can still play.

that and there aren't any better games available. Graphics may have improved but game play has IMO went sharply downhill in the last few years.
Consoles? Pff. Back in my day, we had some funny-looking dice, a pencil and some notebooks and a couple photocopied players handbooks.

/old man mode

Ahem. I don't play a lot of computer games anymore but am in a couple of regular tabletop RPG groups. At one time or another we've played almost all the d20 variants (3.0/3.5 D&D, Star Wars, Traveller, Big Eyes Small Mouth) along with some of the older D&D and AD&D versions and Star Wars Saga edition.

I was in college when Everquest first came out, and I immediately thought, "Man, that looks *awesome*. I can never, ever play that game." Same thing for World of Warcraft.

The only console I have is a PS1 that I bought after I built a pair of Dance Dance Revolution pads. I figured I needed something to use 'em with, and the PS1 was cheap.
I spend way too much time on my PS3 rock bandin it up. I have had NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, and copious amounts of computer games. Strategy, FPS or whatever is most eye appealing.

Anyway im always looking for more people to add to my PSN network my handle there is also Kevlar39.

RB1+2, 1943, Assassins Creed, X-Men Wolverine, Pain, LBP, NHL, WarHawk (<---i sux @), Burnout Paradise City, GT5, GTA
Also, what about the MMO folks?

I played MUDs from the begining. Hell, my wife still plays a MUD. I moved on to Everquest, which sucked. From EQ, I've played almost every MMO out there. I played EQ, DDO online (which I loved, but ran out of content), WoW (which sucked from day 1, but managed to keep me playing for a few years), Star Wars Galaxies from launch day, Warhammer Online (awesome until you got to max level, then it was just a matter of riding the train), now I'm tinkering around with City of Heroes/City of Villans until the new Star Wars MMO (based on Knights of the Old Republic) comes out.

In the early 90s when the multi line chat board running Major BBS was the big thing, there was a game called Tele-Arena which was the big game that everyone played. We would use Qmodem to script routes through the forest and even fight our battles. My buddy had this ridiculous script that you could program in your path and it would fight whatever came your way and would keep track if you got tumbled into another room or whatever and the whatnot, it was really genius. TA had 2 surges for me, back in the 90s then back 6 or 7 years ago we found a BBS who had a heavily customized version of the game that we played for a good while.

As for MUDs we would play a few of them, but there were too many high leveled people playing at the time and they really didn't want to have much of us around, so I eventually lost interest in it.

(for the other half of the original topic. I started off with a Coleco-Vision and an old Tandy Color Computer 3 that we would program from computer mags back in the day). I as mainly always a computer gamer, playing all the Sierra *Quest games and the LucasArts games (Maniac Mansion, Zak McCracken, etc). I eventually got a PS1 late in the game. Then moved on to the Xbox. I was on the Xbox Live Beta team (I'm sure so was everyone else, so it really wasn't this special thing). Now a days I play my 360 when I have the time. (Janzik on XBLive).
I'm a console and PC gamer. I play a lot of Left 4 Dead, TF2,(both PC) and Rock Band (360). Is there a thread for xbox gamertags or Steam names? Always good to see more gamers around! :mug:
I grew up with an Atari 2600, and then moved onto a Commodore 64/128. College honed my fighting skills with Street fighter for the SNES. I dabbled with a PS with twisted metal 2 (still a great game) and currently own a Wii with some guitar hero games.

But any gaming I do these days is PC based. I like FPS mostly. But Steam recently hooked me on Sword of the Stars, which is an incredible waste of time. And, no monthly fees. (can't wait for GW2)
I knew the search function was good for something. I'm a gamer growing up in the 90s, big influences are SNES, Genesis, Saturn, PS1. PC gaming currently is my thing, from BF2142, CoD4 and what not. I use to play WOW but just got sick of it and the immense time suck.

Back in college to get my B.A. with a double major of History and Education, so my gaming time is limited as of now. I don't care for a lot of newer Shooters, MMOS are no longer feasible, but I did build a smaller PC which I house all my emulators and ROMS on (From NES, Snes, Genesis, Gameboy Advanced, Playstation, Saturn, Mame) all that good stuff, so it serves as my nostalgia machine. Currently playing Ocarina of Time again for the 20th time, and about to beat it, again.
Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii...

Been on PCs since the TRS80 days. I even managed to scarf an emulated version of Dungeons of Daggoroth for the PC from back in the CoCo3 era. Should play that some more this winter.

Just about the only game I play now is WoW. Was pretty heavy into LAN games since the first Null Modem DOOM, right up until UT3.

I'd also be jamming on Guitar Hero if our Wii didn't die (Disc won't read correctly, still trying to decide if we want to replace it...)

I'd like to get back into paper games, but just don't have the time.
NES, Seqa Genesis, Play Station, PS2, and currently have 360 and Wii. The Wii is only used for Netflix these days. 360 is also primarily for TV viewing, but I occasionally get an evening for some Black Ops.
Pong, Atari 2600, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC. Shooters and RPGs mostly. Lord of the Rings Online is my current poison of choice, but only because Descent: Freespace was abandoned.

Hinermad said:
Pong, Atari 2600, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC. Shooters and RPGs mostly. Lord of the Rings Online is my current poison of choice, but only because Descent: Freespace was abandoned.


That was a sad day.

Started with a NES, then went to pc's, ps2, now 360.

Wing commander(series went downhill after II), Privateer, Xwing & Tie Fighter, EOB, Warcraft (3 sucked IMO). Currently playing fps, Borderlands, Space Marine. GoW3 is next.
I just can't shake my addiction to TES Oblivion...Hours upon hours upon hours of this game and I am still hooked. Haven't even touched the main quest...
Erm, started with Pong then on to TRS-80, Atari, Vic 20, C64, Intellivision, ColecoVision, Amiga, NES and into the modern consoles. I've owned most all of them though I had a dry spell for a bit and was mostly PC. For now it is the PS3 and XBox 360 with the Wii once in the lineup but it was stolen when the house was broken into and I never had the desire to replace it... and of course the PC.

I've never been a huge FPS fan though if the story is really good or if it has good coop and friends want to play I will have a good time. For the most part can't stand RTSs though a good turn based strat or squad based tactical game will keep me going through the night. Same for a good RPG or jRPG.
I never had any game systems growing up but for new years every year I got to rent one.
Then I got into computer games during/after college.
After College I played World of Warcraft (about 3-4 hours a day and 8+ hours on my days off) and was pretty much addicted to that for about 2 years, it filled all my free time.
Then I got bored and decided it was time to start moving my life forward so I moved across the country and got married and have a kid on the way now. We've got a Wii now and I'm occasionally working on Twilight Princess and Lego Star Wars (the COMPLETE Saga).
No more MMORPGS for me. My wife won't allow it and I don't have the time either.
Started off playing SNES with my dad back when I was 3 or 4. A link to the Past was my childhood game pretty much. So many good memories of playing that back in the day. Now I don't game on consoles. I have a pretty beastly computer I built up. I mainly play fps with some WoW thrown in. BF3 comes out really soon and then Skyrim in November. PUMPED
I just can't shake my addiction to TES Oblivion...Hours upon hours upon hours of this game and I am still hooked. Haven't even touched the main quest...

That game was so aggrivating for me. Accidentally pick up a spoon and set it back down, whole town wants you dead. Stuff like that made me so angry I couldn't even finish it. I got to the quest where you have to find a cure for your vampirism and gave up.
Eh... just pay 5 gp to the guard and you lose a little time. My biggest problem with TES is I dont want them to end, so I get a certain distance and then change race/class and try again.
Eh... just pay 5 gp to the guard and you lose a little time. My biggest problem with TES is I dont want them to end, so I get a certain distance and then change race/class and try again.

This is my main issue...I have started about 3 or 4 characters over the last couple years. Each one with probably 40+ hours on them. I have never beaten the main quest, or even gone much further than two quests into the main. I am determined to beat the game this time around though.

I did get drunk while playing one time and killed the wrong guy for a quest. I didn't find out until the next day I turned the game on and found a dead dude where my target was supposed to be. Poor sap, was on the wrong end of my drunken stupidity.
Eh... just pay 5 gp to the guard and you lose a little time. My biggest problem with TES is I dont want them to end, so I get a certain distance and then change race/class and try again.

Another thing that was stupid was if you would randomly kill someone in the middle of nowhere, all of a sudden every guard in the entire kingdom would suddenly know about it.
I recently found a copy of Dungeon Keeper 2 and although it was a bit of a struggle to get it to run on Windows 7 64-bit, I got it running. It's still a great game, and I needed a break from my PS3.
I recently found a copy of Dungeon Keeper 2 and although it was a bit of a struggle to get it to run on Windows 7 64-bit, I got it running. It's still a great game, and I needed a break from my PS3.

I love (Good Old Games) for finding the classics. They get old games, patch them up and tune them up for modern OSs then, if needed, package them with a preconfigured DOS box setup so it plays right out of the box. Most games are dirt cheap too which is cool. I've bought quite a few games from them to relive the golden days. :)
I love (Good Old Games) for finding the classics. They get old games, patch them up and tune them up for modern OSs then, if needed, package them with a preconfigured DOS box setup so it plays right out of the box. Most games are dirt cheap too which is cool. I've bought quite a few games from them to relive the golden days. :)

Never came across this site. Finding some classics and some great looking games I never had a chance to be exposed to. Nice!
Wow, what a great site Tom...After scrolling through I saw Lords of the Realm, one of my favorites from long ago. I feel the need to play that right now.
Yeah I have actually repurchased games that I had the discs for just cause they already did all the work for me. Beats the hell out of having to mess with DosBox or fight with compatibility issues when you can buy it there for 5-10 bucks.
aww snap! nice thread :rockin:

since my wife and i moved in together we have been decorating our place "modern boho" which means we don't have a TV or anything, just a retro 50's radio, an old typewriter, and some art hanging on the walls above our retro steamer trunks. that means no consoles.

so i rock the mac osx emu scene pretty hard. SNES9X, DOSbox, Yabause for Sega Saturn, Genesis Plus, busted out Final Fantasy 7 on the PCSX (i still have my original discs that play in my mac now).

though i've stopped playing recently, one modern MMO did catch my eye for a long while, the French anime-stylized Dofus. Anyone do that one?