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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Bruscar

    Your stupidest thread?

    Ever post one that thundered with "doofus?" I would have to say mine was one on another DB about worst song lyric grammer. Although I do find it terribly amusing that a drucken post about my keyboard is almost 3 pages long!
  2. Bruscar


    Spacebardon'twork!Can't_post_sarcastic,meaningless_comments! AtleastDell_sending_new_one_free
  3. Bruscar

    Went to my first BBQ competition

    Not as a competitor, but to visit/help/eat/drink/learn with a couple I know that does compete. I've been thinking about taking my Train on the road & wasn't sure what to expect. I expect my kids' college fund to disappear! Holy crap, if you think brewing has a lot of equipment, you are sadly...
  4. Bruscar

    Seems appropo on Black Friday

    YouTube - Yvonne Kriddle
  5. Bruscar

    So romantic!

    Rodney Carrington is great! YouTube - Rodney's Love Ballad
  6. Bruscar

    The ultimate beer worship!

    Found this link about a temple built out of beer bottles! I thought the tap wall at Yard House induced beer worshipping!
  7. Bruscar

    $10 for 3 sixers o'good??!!

    Gotta coupon in the mail from Pilsner Urquell to try a sixer for $2. Then, in the friggin' closeout rack at the market, of all places, 2 sixers of Stone Pale Ale for $3.99 each! :ban: Can't even brew that cheap! Cheers. :mug:
  8. Bruscar

    A tad twisted, yes, but....

    one of THE funniest posts I've ever read by a great friend of mine who's no longer around. "A Simple Question... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was givin' the dolphin a backrub in the shower this am. I stepped out and marveled at the...
  9. Bruscar

    Bestest FREE foto editing software??

    OK, Ima gots like 800+ pics from recent trip to Mowee Wowee but too cheap (broke) to buy FotoSlop. Other than the boring "crop, redeye fix" snoozer programs, what software do you use to do effects ie. convert to B&W, area specific fixes, etc.? Don't want some required search bar BS add-on...
  10. Bruscar

    Colonoscopies and other vacation destinations

    This is from newshound Dave Barry's colonoscopy journal: I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one...
  11. Bruscar

    Just a wish

    A man was riding his Harley along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head...In a booming voice, the Lord said, 'Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.' The biker pulled over and said, 'Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride...
  12. Bruscar

    What is your favorite site when your bored outta yur fargin' skull?

    Besides this one. Since this ain't posted in the Den of Iniquity, no pr0n. Besides, they're gimmes. Pick any decent one and your whole day's shot! Sez you?
  13. Bruscar

    Incredible, simply incredible

    In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University . On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down...
  14. Bruscar

    Any scuba divers here? Maui advice needed

    Since one certain member here is a fraud, a false advertiser & his handle does NOT mean that he is a scuba diver & shall go unnamed **coughstevecough**, I will not waste my oh so precious time PM'ing individuals for advice. So instead, I ask you, oh mighty collective blob of wisdom, who here...
  15. Bruscar

    THE definitive guide to brewing...Popular Mechanics

    Ask for a refund for any money you've paid here, throw out all the books you've ever read. Palmer? A know-nothing hack! Popular Mechanics has managed to transcend the Greater Wisdom of Brewing with their current issue, October '08, in the "The PM Manual - 100 Skills Every Man Should Know". At...
  16. Bruscar

    A new standard?

    Hey, Sam Adams is great, but anyone have a chance to try Firestone Double Barrel or Pale 31? Linky
  17. Bruscar

    2 batches sour in a row

    1st, figured, somethin' funky crawled into the process. Resolved to clean, baby clean on the next 2nd, did just that. Cleaned everything like life (and all that is holy, beer) depended on it. Still f'ing sour. I'm rekindled but a 3-peat may have me mowing my neighbor's cat! Sez you?
  18. Bruscar

    Been gone too long

    Couple of bad batches really took the wind out of my sails. "F' it. I'll buy some beer!" But a lifelong friend got turned on by a bottle of Arrogant Bastard I gave him when I went up to visit him so he asked me to give him an idea of what he'd need to homebrew. (Can I hear a collective "Oh,oh"...
  19. Bruscar

    Once & for all, the "I hate...." thread

    Let's just have rant thread, shall we? FedEx, cable TV, your ex, you name it. I'll start: I wish there were landmines along the dividing line for the carpool (HOV) lane. I CANNOT STAND people who think they are so superior that they can just cross into it wherever they want!! As an...
  20. Bruscar

    Heh, heh. Got me a BAC detector
