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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. JefeTheVol

    Beer Buddy Barcode Scanner app Free Today

    Usual its $3.99 but today its free at the Apple App Store. I checked the android Google Play Store (stupid name btw) and I didnt see it so I think its only available for iphone, etc. Scanning a barcode pulls up its rating, description, style, ABV, and whatever else ratebeer has...
  2. JefeTheVol

    Quick Ferm Chamber Build

    I had an old Sanyo mini-fridge I had in the attic that was just a teensy bit too small to fit a fermenter inside. I could fit a 5 gallon carboy inside just barely but it would not fit a 6.5 gallon carboy or my 7 gallon bucket. Luckily, my friend had a Sanyo that was the next size up and I...
  3. JefeTheVol know...just a Tuesday and Im sippin Westvleteren 12!

    So my buddy shows up from atlanta about 30 minutes ago and says "My brother spent some time in Belgium and came back with some beers. He gave me two so we could each have one". Im like, "cool, whatevs" Then he pulls out a couple of beers with no labels and the cap says....well you can just...
  4. JefeTheVol

    Dollar Tree has pretty cheap glasswear...'psst' its $1

    I got #2, 27.5oz beer mugs for 1 dollar each at The Dollar Tree. Here's a pic of my Hopacolypse Now IPA in a whoppin' 27.5 oz mug. They also have some regular american pint glasses and some goblets all for a buck. Prost!
  5. JefeTheVol

    The World Map According to an Alcoholic!!!

    I found this at a Memphis Bear Bloggers site Fuzzy Brew. Here's the URL if anyone wants to visit. I did a quick search and didnt find the image on HBT. My favorite one is how South America is labelled "Where the Dos Equis Guy Goes for Vacation". I know some of...
  6. JefeTheVol

    So I thought that I had a gas leak, buuutt

    I walked into my house today and I was struck with an odd smell. Something organic? Something like feces? "Did the dog sh*t in the house", I said to SWMBO. "No!" She replied; reviled that I would even suggest that her golden angel would ever dishonor our house with his excrement...
  7. JefeTheVol

    Check out my awesome new tap handles!

    Here's a pic of my new tap handles that a friend of mine made for me. He is ex-Air Force and lives near Eglin AFB in Florida. He comes across crazy military surplus stuff and decided to make me some tap handles. Here's to you, man:mug: The one on the left is an authentic F16 flight stick...
  8. JefeTheVol

    Stocked Up!!! Ready for Winter! (pic included)

    Well, I just finished bottling #50 12.7% Barleywines and #52 12.2% Russian Imperial Stouts and they will be aging in my cupboard until Christmas! I brewed them both in January. I have kegging for the last 7 months and have forgotten what a mess bottling can be when: 1. Your autosiphon breaks...
  9. JefeTheVol

    Red Hot Iron Inserted in Beer? Gustungling?

    So one of the local Memphian Beer Bloggers cataloged a process called Gustungling(sp?) Its a process that involves inserting a red-hot iron into the beer pint to further carmalize some of the sugars. I have never heard of it and no threads on HBT turned up anything. Here's a video of the...
  10. JefeTheVol

    Beer Can Surf Board....far out!

    Some guys in SD decided to use their old BMC cans to make a surf board. It looks like surfers drink Pabst, Bud, Rolling Rock and Heineken.
  11. JefeTheVol

    Meet Gertie, The Beer Cow!!!

    Just finished my keezer conversion (been piecing it together for a year now) and I wanted to introduce everyone to Gertie, my beer cow! She's black and white and dispences beer from her teets! She's such a catch. Does anyone else name their keezer?
  12. JefeTheVol

    Home Depot Sellin' 10 gal coolers for $40

    I was at home depot yesterday picking up some brewing tools(stainer bags and tubing) and I came across this...
  13. JefeTheVol

    City Brewery, from WI, purchased Brewery/Bottling in Memphis

    According to this article, City Brewery from La Crosse, WI bought the old Hardy Bottling Co in Memphis TN and it got me thinking. City Brewery is contract brewery who...
  14. JefeTheVol

    So I finally had Pliny!!!

    After 2 years of drooling and "pining" for the mother of all brews I finally had a Pliny the Elder at the Memphis Winter Warmer Beerfest. It really was amazing and I loved every drop of it. I think I actually got goosebumps when I was drinking it and now I have an actual taste goal to shoot...
  15. JefeTheVol

    Custom beer glasses w/ everyday items

    I know there are a few threads about making your own beer glasses but I decided to do it with everyday household items. I didnt have those custom glass etching stencils or anything fancy so I decided to do this with the following items. Its a little more time consuming than ordering a custom...
  16. JefeTheVol

    Confession: I love brewing disaster pics!

    Whenever anyone of our users posts a brewing disaster story I immediately click on the post, giddy as a school boy, and hope to God that there are some pictures so I can visually quantify the gravity of the disaster. As much as I feel for any brewer who forgets to close the valve on his...
  17. JefeTheVol

    Bottled a wee heavy yesterday and almost fainted

    Yep. I took the top off my fermenter yesterday at bottling time and took a big whiff, and I must have sucked in a few liters of CO2 and dropped to my knees as my brain was quickly deprived of oxygen. It felt like my head got shocked with an electrode! Pretty funny, and I know Im not the only...
  18. JefeTheVol

    Into the belly of the beast I go, wish me luck

    Well, tomorrow, I take my USMLE Step 1 for medical school. For those of you who dont know, its the United States Medical Licensing Exam and comprises the first 2 years of medical school. It determines, more or less, where I will do my residency and is one of the most important test I will ever...
  19. JefeTheVol

    3.99 Lienenkugel? Dont mind if I do

    I saw this at the drug store by my house...yes, the same one that sells "Beer 30 Lite" and passed by this. Lets hope its better than the Sunset Wheat(aka Bottled Fruit Pebbles). Thanks Mr Manager -Jefe-
  20. JefeTheVol

    Going to Chicago in next week, anybody want anything?

    As my title included, I will be going to Chicago next week and I was wondering if anyone on HBT wanted me to pick them up something for a trade. I will be driving back to Memphis, so now worries of a plane ride or anything like that. I will be right downtown the whole time so I can pick up...