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  1. R

    Converting Extract Recipe to Partial Mash (Munich Malt)

    Ah! Half Munich and Half Pale...that sounds better already. Let's see how it goes.
  2. R

    Converting Extract Recipe to Partial Mash (Munich Malt)

    So...I have this old recipe (the first one I ever made, in fact) that I've been wanting to make again. It looked something like this: 8.5 lbs Bries Munich Liquid Extract .75 lbs Caramel Malt (Crystal Malt 120) 1 lb Smoked Beech Malt .5 oz Cascade Hops (boiling) .75 oz Willamette Hops...
  3. R

    Repitching Yeast After 2.5 Month Lagering

    Hrm...this is where notes come in handy, huh? A bit too crazy a year for that... We did add the saved bock yeast. I have the distinct memory of making a small starter for the yeast as was suggested to test viability, and then dumping just the yeast into the bottom of the bottling bucket...but...
  4. R

    StarSan Spill on Carpet

    So...I had some help from Five Star on this one. I actually waited 24 hours to do anything besides dry it. I was worried that adding water would spread the stuff farther, but they suggested adding lots and lots of water, as you all did. I added some water, soaked it up with paper towels...
  5. R

    StarSan Spill on Carpet

    Concentrated. Yep.
  6. R

    StarSan Spill on Carpet

    Anybody know what to do when your roommate dumps half a bottle of starsan on your carpet? I mean, about the carpet. Not much I can do about the roommate.
  7. R

    Overwhelmed with Options

    So, my partner and I have brewed 4 beers now. The last 3 have been partial mash and we've really enjoyed it and want to keep it up. In fact, we plan on doing that for at least another year or so before attempting all-grain. It's still challenging, so we figure we'll stick with it until it...
  8. R

    Repitching Yeast After 2.5 Month Lagering

    Washed yeast won't last more than a few weeks in the fridge? I thought it was viable, at least to make starters, for at least a year.... I haven't re-used my washed yeast yet, so I could be totally wrong there. Does it not matter what kind of yeast you use to carbonate at bottling? The...
  9. R

    Repitching Yeast After 2.5 Month Lagering

    So, I've been lagering a doppelbock for 10 weeks now. I believe it is ready to be bottled, but I've read that it's good to repitch some yeast into it to make sure the bottles get carbonated. I saved some of the yeast when I racked to secondary before lagering. Will I be able to use this...
  10. R

    Too Much Maple Syrup at Priming = Exploding Bottles?

    I'm not entirely sure how to tell what the fermentable sugar content is...I thought that having a similar hydrometer reading would mean that the corn sugar I put in the first half would have had the same sugar content as the maple syrup i put in the second. Is there anything else I can try with...
  11. R

    Too Much Maple Syrup at Priming = Exploding Bottles?

    So, decided to try a bit of an experiment tonight. My girlfriend and I just finished brewing an altbier with maple sap, and thought...hey, what would that taste like with a little maple syrup at bottling? So, we did the first half (2.5 gallons) with 2.5 ounces of corn sugar in a cup of...
  12. R

    Very Low Attenuation

    The OG for the original batch, I believe, was about 1.065. I had intended this one to be about the same, but wound up adding a bit too much top-up water at the end. As for aeration, both times I have poured the cooled wort into the fermentor, put a lid on it, then shook the hell out of it...
  13. R

    Very Low Attenuation

    So...I took my first shot at re-using yeast slurry a few weeks back. Things seemed to go fine for the first 2 days, but then the krauesen went and dropped back in before a full 3 days. I thought, maybe I underpitched. But I decided to give it a little while to do its thing. On day 10...
  14. R

    First Lager Question

    Yeah, I was going by the John Palmer "How to Brew" book, and he suggested racking when it gets to about 1 bubble per minute (which is where it is now). I think he said the gravity should be about 3/4 Terminal? The problem being...I've never done this beer before, so I'm not entirely sure what...
  15. R

    First Lager Question

    Awesome, thanks. Finished the diacetyl rest now, and was about to rack to secondary, but I just read something about waiting a little while for the trub to compress? I didn't do that last time, and I only wound up bottling about 4 of the 5 gallons. Is that recommended for lagers? If I do...