Why revvy should write a book.

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I would buy the book, but if you search and read the stickies you will find all the answers and information right here on HBT.
In my self-imposed work sabbatical (and as one who enjoys to write creatively now and then), I have plenty of time to assist the Revvy!:ban:
In the short time I've been browsing this site Revvy's posts have increased my brewing knowldge 10 fold (which still isn't saying much).
He already wrote the book. It's on his computer. Where do you think he pulls all his CTRL+C, CTRL+V responses from!?

Thats a good point... Revvy, if you could please post the book on here that would be great. I cant run all over the forums cutting and pasting everything into a word document! :mug:
I'm just waiting for Revvy to come on here and post a two page response on why he won't be writing a book, how many times he's answered this in the past, support his answer with a plethera of quotes/links and basically school us all ;)

Just kidding, Rev. Write the damn book already.
If it would stop the endless cut-and-paste and recycled blog links, I could deal with that.
All right, move along...there's nothing to see here. :eek:

I've got a book I'm already working on about the breweries of Michigan's Thumb to complete before I would ever consider writing a brewing book.

Beside's I think the market is really saturated, and despite what you may think, how to brew is one of the best beginning brewing books around. I would have liked to have written a "Brewing for Dummies" book but someone already did. Like I said, I think the market's already saturated.

So go away...I hate stuff like this. (Plus it's an invite for the trolls) I just do what I do. People think I do this for some ego gratification, but I just do it to be helpful. Kinda the same reason I became a minister. I have something I'm good at conveying, and that's calming new brewers down. SO I do it.

I'm glad what I write helps folks be better brewers, and to learn to rdwhahb, and that's all that matters. :mug:
All right, move along...there's nothing to see here. :eek:


I'm glad what I write helps folks be better brewers, and to learn to rdwhahb, and that's all that matters. :mug:


I appreciate your responses...

In fact, when I reply to a question, I often find myself thinking HWRR...

(How Would Revvy Respond)

I thought he had written 3 already?

As a one time noob, I sure appreciate the level of detail in his responses.
In the few weeks I have been here, revvy has answered so much of my questions (directly and indirectly).
I also have learned so much from Revvy too. I have also read the Dummies Homebrewing book and The New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, but it is Revvy's up to date guidance that I fall back on. And yeah if Revvy wrote a book Id probably buy it too...
The various books and online advice is helpful, but often a new home brewer like myself gets discouraged when the reader is constantly told "make sure you do this" or "make sure you don't do this." This and the constant reference to potential off-flavors and infections give the impression that making beer is far more difficult than it really is.

Revvy's "whatever you do will turn out fine" approach is far more encouraging.
I would have liked to have written a "Brewing for Dummies" book but someone already did. Like I said, I think the market's already saturated.
You could call it "Brewing for Newbies". :)

But like everyone else says, Thanks Revvy!
Revvy you are the best! Pretty much every question I've ever had I could find an answer to by looking at one of your posts. Who cares if the market is saturated? Homebrewing for Dummies wasn't that great anyways, you should write something and set the record straight. I've been scared more that once that I'll end up with "off flavors", but your posts have convinced me to RDWHAHB, and everything has turned out fine so far.

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