What freaks you out....

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Well, given that this is in a beer discussion forum, the OP might have originally intended your fear to be about brewing.
Mine would be seeing a fruit fly in or around any area I brew in.
Well, given that this is in a beer discussion forum, the OP might have originally intended your fear to be about brewing.
Mine would be seeing a fruit fly in or around any area I brew in.

Tripping over one of the dogs (they always manage to get underfoot) while carrying a full carboy down the basement stairs is one I always worry about.
Little yappin-a$$ dogs that explode into barking for no apparent reason -

And little yappin-a$$ kids that do the same...

... really freaks me out :eek::mad::smack::goat:

Oh yea - and spillin' chili on Psylo's shirt
Little yappin-a$$ dogs that explode into barking for no apparent reason -

And little yappin-a$$ kids that do the same...

... really freaks me out :eek::mad::smack::goat:

Oh yea - and spillin' chili on Psylo's shirt

Justifiable homicide comes to mind.
I swear - I'll never eat chili any where near your shirt...or your lap...

I swear!!:beard:

I believe you.

It's not even the thought of the shirt/pants being ruined by the chili. It's the thought of all that hot mess all over the freaking place and soaking through, onto my skin and not being able to pull my shirt over my head without it getting all over my face etc. (phrasing... lol)

I'd probably just freeze up and go into shock.

You know that scene in "Fire in the Sky" where the dude touches the syrup and has that massive flashback? Something like that.
Mimes... I hate those f&ckers! I se no reason for their existence. In a just world it would be legal to shoot them on sight.

Basically any tomato based soup/stew/pasta would be just terrible, chili being the worst. But certainly cream soups or the like would also apply.

I'm talking like, the whole plate/bowl, just WHAMMO! All over the front.

I don't know why, but the merest thought of it is enough to give me anxiety.

I can't help thinking that you've either got a limited imagination, or an unnatural fear of messy clothes...

But then again, that's what this thread is all about.
Moths... They just freak me out. I think it's the weird dust that's all over them and if you touch them you get the dust on yourself too. [emoji16][emoji27]
Maggots. This is topical because I just brought the trash and in from the curb and one was crawling with them.
Well, given that this is in a beer discussion forum, the OP might have originally intended your fear to be about brewing.
Mine would be seeing a fruit fly in or around any area I brew in.

Just add "while brewing" to all the threads.
An army of Millipedes crawling towards the open garage door while you're brewing at night. You tap them lightly with your toe and they curl up and if you kick them just right they roll back into the darkness. 15 minutes later you turn and the convergence has begun again. "No! You freak'n buggers ain't get'n none of my beer!" I yell with mash paddle raised. "You shall not pass!"

Edit: Ah, oh sorry I think I may have freaked out there a bit...:eek:
Leaving the house for work and my mind persuades me I left the gas stove on, oven blasting and garage door wide open. Dryer lint is evil as well.
How about the fact that the idiot is running for President? We need someone with common sense, not some perpetually bankrupt billionaire with a permanent bad hair day, who wants to run America like a business.

He's running, but I'm not worried about him winning.
Walking out of the house into the garage only to find the neighbor's Dacshund in there, again, barking at me like she owns the place.

Edit: either while or while not brewing beer!
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Black IPAs

"Hey, I've got an idea! Let's make a beer that's black, but with the roast flavor you get from black malts completely and totally overwhelmed by hops. And then let's think of ways to minimize that roast flavor even more!"

"Um, what's the point of that?"

"It looks cool!"

"Um, why not just let the dark malts do their thing?"

"Because then you'd just have a really hoppy stout."

"That sounds delicious. Far more delicious than a Black IPA."

"But I don't want roast flavor in my hoppy beer."


I really really don't get the point.
The thought that I may carelessly trip on the propane hose between the tank and my boiling wort, causing me to fall and my weight causing the pot of boiling wort to fall on me, scalding me, resulting in hospitalization, skin grafts, or even death. :(

That, and as a pedestrian, worrying about aholes in my town who drive and zip around corners without looking to see if a pedestrian is crossing. They approach an intersection, slow down, look to the left and drive on, without looking to the right to see if a pedestrian is in the crosswalk. Even if they see you in the cross walk (actual cross walk, not J-walking ) they frequently don't slow down, or will try and drive around you. Some of these aholes seem to have the idea that you are challenging them, daring to walk on "their street".

(In the town next to me a pedestrian was killed, so the 'solution' was to remove cross walks. Now you should walk 2 blocks to cross a street. My town has done that too, though not to that degree. One guy who almost his a pedestrian in a cross walk told the pedestrian that they would kill them if they got in their way. How do you handle that kind of attitude?)
Black IPAs

"Hey, I've got an idea! Let's make a beer that's black, but with the roast flavor you get from black malts completely and totally overwhelmed by hops. And then let's think of ways to minimize that roast flavor even more!"

"Um, what's the point of that?"

"It looks cool!"

"Um, why not just let the dark malts do their thing?"

"Because then you'd just have a really hoppy stout."

"That sounds delicious. Far more delicious than a Black IPA."

"But I don't want roast flavor in my hoppy beer."


I really really don't get the point.


I like a little roasty flavor in my Black IPA, Odell's Mountain Standard is as fine an example as I could recommend.

Maybe Trout Hop by Grand Teton as a close second.
How about the fact that the idiot is running for President?

I don't see how him being an idiot differentiates him from anyone else running... or anyone who has run in my lifetime. Really, being less than intelligent seems to be a job pre-requisite or something, as anyone with a dram of sense can see what a gilt albatross being the leader of a country, especially one the size of the US, is.

Now, him being an a-hole with the tact of an aggravated great white shark and the self-restraint of a methed-out ferret, that we can talk about.

But if we do, we should take it to the Debate forum.
Old man store clerks who seem to take a keen interest in my 7 year old daughter and start asking her questions and talking to her directly...while I'm buying beer.
1) my 3 year old trying to climb the single tier when all 3 vessels are full and the metal is red hot.

2) trying to jump high enough to touch the moon, but only making it far enough to get trapped between the two gravity wells, thus being stranded there for all eternity. My main nightmare when i was in elementary school.
I don't see how him being an idiot differentiates him from anyone else running... or anyone who has run in my lifetime. Really, being less than intelligent seems to be a job pre-requisite or something, as anyone with a dram of sense can see what a gilt albatross being the leader of a country, especially one the size of the US, is.

Now, him being an a-hole with the tact of an aggravated great white shark and the self-restraint of a methed-out ferret, that we can talk about.

But if we do, we should take it to the Debate forum.

Agreed. Debate forum. lol