[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Ok well back to the drawing board, pours not working again.. Tried stopping flowmon uploading the sketch and starting flow mon again but no luck.

Not the cable issue this time.. So what the hell else can it be???

2020-07-16 17:48:02 RPINTS: valve update: RPU:VALVE:0=0
2020-07-16 17:48:02 RPINTS: valve update: RPU:VALVE:1=0
2020-07-16 17:48:02 RPINTS: valve update: RPU:VALVE:2=0
2020-07-16 17:48:02 RPINTS: valve update: RPU:VALVE:3=0
2020-07-16 17:48:02 RPINTS: Could not import RFID Reader, RFID disabled. Assuming SPI not installed/configured
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: starting setup...
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: Ino newer than Hex. manual upload assumed
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: starting WS server
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: starting device monitors...
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: starting command server
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: resetting Arduino
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: starting fan control
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: Fan Control fanControl1 is Running
2020-07-16 17:48:04 RPINTS: Not Configured to run Fan
2020-07-16 17:48:05 RPINTS: 1Wire Temperature Thread 1 is Running
2020-07-16 17:48:05 RPINTS: waiting for Arduino to come alive

EDIT:- Got it working..hd to go into config.py and uncomment this line..
config['flowmon.port' ] = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Ive never had to do this before though. Is the update changing this perhaps?? @RandR+

Also since the update Im only seeing readings from 1 temp probe even though Ive got 2 setup in config.

Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 6.03.01 pm.png
Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 6.03.30 pm.png
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Is the update changing this perhaps??
No the update has not touched communication between the pi and Arduino.

1 temp probe even though Ive got 2 setup in config.
The display gets the temperature from the tempLog not the tempProbe table so to see both on the home screen they have to be reading.
Check /sys/bus/w1/devices/ and see how many directories start with 28 then check those directories for a file called w1_slave each directory should have 1 of those files.

You can also do a database check from the terminal (assuming your database is raspberrypints
sudo mysql
use raspberrypints;
select probe, takenDate from tempLog order by takenDate desc LIMIT 10

post the output here an I will review
@garzlok asked me how I manage my fork of the code on GitHub, so here's the details. This assumes that you're somewhat familiar with the GitHub Fork and Pull Model and want to make some local stylistic changes to your RPints install. If you want to contribute to the development, you probably already know how to do this so I am not including instructions for that. This also assumes that you have forked the the repository at rtlindne/RaspberryPints (do not fork the original repo as that is defunct) and that your original install was performed using the RandR+ version by the install script.

Thank you for these directions and your help getting this set-up. I always had this damned internal debate To Update or Not To Update my RPints. Over the last 6 months, I've seen the power of GitHub and started to become more familiar with it. To be able to utilize the functionality a little more...well, your help is greatly appreciated.

I know GitHub is not for everyone, but man....I like it!
No the update has not touched communication between the pi and Arduino.

The display gets the temperature from the tempLog not the tempProbe table so to see both on the home screen they have to be reading.
Check /sys/bus/w1/devices/ and see how many directories start with 28 then check those directories for a file called w1_slave each directory should have 1 of those files.

You can also do a database check from the terminal (assuming your database is raspberrypints
sudo mysql
use raspberrypints;
select probe, takenDate from tempLog order by takenDate desc LIMIT 10

post the output here an I will review

Only 1 directory starting wth 28 and only 1 file in it called w1_slave

When trying to run sudo mysql use raspberry pints;

select probe, takenDate from tempLog order by takenDate desc LIMIT 10. I get this..

pi@rpints:~ $ select probe, takenDate from tempLog order by takenDate desc LIMIT 10
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `takenDate'
You’re running the second sql query in the shell. Run
sudo mysql
and then you’ll get a mariadb prompt where you can run the use and select commands. exit; will get you back to the shell.
You’re running the second sql query in the shell. Run
sudo mysql
and then you’ll get a mariadb prompt where you can run the use and select commands. exit; will get you back to the shell.

Ok I tried that and I don't get anything

pi@rpints:~ $ sudo mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 105354
Server version: 10.3.22-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Raspbian 10

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use raspberrypints;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [raspberrypints]> select probe, takenDate from tempLog order by takenDate desc LIMIT 10
You need a semicolon after the LIMIT 10. Mariadb is expecting you to continue that command. If you still have that window open, you can just type a semicolon and hit return.
Ahh haa. That did it.... cheers mate.

Heres the output @RandR+

probe | takenDate |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:12:29 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:11:48 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:11:08 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:10:34 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:09:56 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:09:15 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:08:38 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:08:04 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:07:30 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-17 19:06:56 |
10 rows in set (0.090 sec)

MariaDB [raspberrypints]>
Your RPints database only contains data from one probe. It looks like the problem is that your OS is only seeing one temperature probe, as each probe should create a separate directory that starts with 28 in /sys/bus/w1/devices

I’d start checking the probe connections and/or wiring. Do they have the right pull-up resistors and are the data lines connected to the same GPIO pin?
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Hello, New to Raspberry Pints.
I recently installed RPints on a Raspberry Pi and I'm looking to make a few adjustments to the layout and database. I'd like to add a location option for my bottled beer. I have a few refrigerators scattered throughout the house (basement, garage, kitchen) and I'd like to point my friends in the right direction. I'm trying to access the database to add a few columns for just this, where should I start? I'm familiar with SQL code, HTML, working knowledge of PHP and MySql Workbench on a Mac and I also installed SQuirreL on the raspberry PI.

1. Is there a post that points me to how to access the database? I tried a quick search for a few keywords in the hundreds of post but I wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
2. Should I use SQuirreL or remote connect via my Mac/MySQL workbench? (This is on a local home network)
2a. If so should I connect via SSH or another method?
1. Is there a post that points me to how to access the database? I tried a quick search for a few keywords in the hundreds of post but I wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
2. Should I use SQuirreL or remote connect via my Mac/MySQL workbench? (This is on a local home network)
2a. If so should I connect via SSH or another method?
most people use phpmyadmin, I find it slow so I enabled port 3306 on MySQL so I can remote into it using MySQL workbench. you can also do sudo mysql from the terminal (or ssh) to access the command line, which is useful for quick queries

The login information for the database and the database name are what you entered during installation
most people use phpmyadmin, I find it slow so I enabled port 3306 on MySQL so I can remote into it using MySQL workbench. you can also do sudo mysql from the terminal (or ssh) to access the command line, which is useful for quick queries

The login information for the database and the database name are what you entered during installation
Thank you. I had an issue connecting to the DB, but I found out I had to grant privileges in MySQL to my Mac's IP. Thanks for the reply. It helped steer me in the right direction. Have a great weekend.
Your RPints database only contains data from one probe. It looks like the problem is that your OS is only seeing one temperature probe, as each probe should create a separate directory that starts with 28 in /sys/bus/w1/devices

I’d start checking the probe connections and/or wiring. Do they have the right pull-up resistors and are the data lines connected to the same GPIO pin?
Everything is wired correctly and Im using the correct pull up resistor. (4.7K) Ive got both probes wired with Gnds together, Sensor wires together going to 1 GPIO. And 3v3 supplying both probes. Pull up is wired between the sensor wires and 3v3. Both probes worked fine for a week until I did the recent update after having the issues that others were.

EDIT:- Disconnected the freezer probe which is the one that was showing and now the fridge probe works, so its not a hardware issues. Any ideas @RandR+
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Try just one probe or the other alone. If one works but the other doesn't you have an obvious suspect.

The freezer probe was the one working. I disconnected it and now the fridge probe works. So they are both functioning just not together. They both worked fine no problem at all until I did the latest update.

This is the fridge probe with a different address to the freezer probe shown a few posts back

probe | takenDate |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:35:35 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:35:04 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:34:33 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:34:02 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:33:31 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:33:00 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:32:29 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:31:59 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:31:28 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:30:57 |
Re connected the freezer probe again and now everything is working. I have 2 x 28- folders in sys/bus/w1/devices and the log says this (Showing two probes)

probe | takenDate |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:50:07 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:49:34 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:49:01 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:48:29 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:47:56 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:47:23 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:46:50 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:46:18 |
| 28-011929e4f50c | 2020-07-18 08:45:45 |
| 28-0114532943aa | 2020-07-18 08:37:44 |
Ok so my display just seems to only show the freezer probe and doesn't show the fridge probe. I thought with the dates etc it would switch between them both after each refresh?
I thought with the dates etc it would switch between them both after each refresh
the latest update to Rpints is to save all probes with the same date, based on what you said it looks like it is only reading one probe that is connected, even in the database 28-0114532943aa was only inserted 1 time and that was 8 minutes before 28-011929e4f50c was.

The code only looks for sys/bus/w1/devices/28* directories and read the w1_slave file in them to get the temp probes reading, if there isn't a w1_slave file in the directory or the file isn't being updated with new temps then the display will be wrong
the latest update to Rpints is to save all probes with the same date, based on what you said it looks like it is only reading one probe that is connected, even in the database 28-0114532943aa was only inserted 1 time and that was 8 minutes before 28-011929e4f50c was.

The code only looks for sys/bus/w1/devices/28* directories and read the w1_slave file in them to get the temp probes reading, if there isn't a w1_slave file in the directory or the file isn't being updated with new temps then the display will be wrong
There are 2x 28* directories and each one of them has a w1_slave file in them. For what reason could only the freezer temp be displayed but when I disconnect it the fridge one works fine?
There are 2x 28* directories and each one of them has a w1_slave file in them. For what reason could only the freezer temp be displayed but when I disconnect it the fridge one works fine?
Can you check the voltage on the probes when they are both connected and when one is connected? Maybe there is a voltage drop that is causing the issue
Can you check the voltage on the probes when they are both connected and when one is connected? Maybe there is a voltage drop that is causing the issue
I will check that thanks or the tip. But if that was the issue wouldn't one of them not work at all? They both worked until I did the latest update. (Although I know thats not the reason they are now not working)

EDIT- voltage is steady at 3v3 with both probes connected. I disconnected the GND on the freezer probe and rebooted and fridge probe works fine so both probes are woking fine just not together.
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fridge probe works fine so both probes are woking fine just not together.
are there any errors in /var/log/rpints.log?

We can try to add some logging to /python/FlowMonitor.py to see whats going on in the logic
line 717 add
log(probeName +" Got Temp-" + (str(temp))

restart flowmon service and check /var/log/rpints.log for Got Temp

if both are printing valid numbers then we need to see what the insert statement is doing
in /python/PinDispatch.py
after line 346 add
log("Returned " + str(result) + " from insertLogSql)
restart flowmon service and check log
Apologies if this has already been asked. I am an absolute beginner at this, but have just installed Raspberry Pints on my pi. Have changed the background image but it would be handy if I could alter the font colour of the writing so it shows up a bit better against the new background. Is this possible? Thanks.
font colour of the writing so it shows up a bit better against the new background. Is this possible?
you need to modify the style.css file in the root of the installation location (i.e. /var/www/html). search for " color:" (without quotes).
Most of the text is color: white so you can change white to the color you want.

By default you don't have permission to edit the file so you either need to give yourself permission (open a terminal at the root of the installation directory and give the command: sudo chmod +777 style.css) or use your favorite terminal text editor (i.e. vim, nano) with sudo infront of the command (i.e. sudo vim styles.css)
you need to modify the style.css file in the root of the installation location (i.e. /var/www/html). search for " color:" (without quotes).
Most of the text is color: white so you can change white to the color you want.

By default you don't have permission to edit the file so you either need to give yourself permission (open a terminal at the root of the installation directory and give the command: sudo chmod +777 style.css) or use your favorite terminal text editor (i.e. vim, nano) with sudo infront of the command (i.e. sudo vim styles.css)
Ok, I will attempt this...first, as raspberry pints automatically loads up when I switch the pi on, how do I get back out to the home page to open a terminal etc. (Like I said a total beginner at this!)
Finally got my temperature probe Ds18b20 in the mail today. Is it possible to install it to the arduino or does it have to go directly to the raspberry pi?
are there any errors in /var/log/rpints.log?

We can try to add some logging to /python/FlowMonitor.py to see whats going on in the logic
line 717 add
log(probeName +" Got Temp-" + (str(temp))

restart flowmon service and check /var/log/rpints.log for Got Temp

if both are printing valid numbers then we need to see what the insert statement is doing
in /python/PinDispatch.py
after line 346 add
log("Returned " + str(result) + " from insertLogSql)
restart flowmon service and check log

Ok after adding the above to line 17 the rpints.log shows this.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/python/PintDispatch.py", line 18, in <module>
from FlowMonitor import FlowMonitor
File "/var/www/html/python/FlowMonitor.py", line 720
if temp != None and temp >= self.bound_lo and temp <= self.bound_hi:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Then I added the line after 346 in Pindispatch.py and I get this in the log

File "/var/www/html/python/PintDispatch.py", line 347
log("Returned " + str(result) + " from insertLogSql)
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
Apologies if this has already been asked. I am an absolute beginner at this, but have just installed Raspberry Pints on my pi. Have changed the background image but it would be handy if I could alter the font colour of the writing so it shows up a bit better against the new background. Is this possible? Thanks.
Try changing these lines in your css file and note the difference. (Your lines might be slightly different numbers but will be the similar.)

style.css file
Line 106
h1 {
margin: 0;
font: Georgia;
color: #de6b32;
line 448
table thead th{
font: .65em Georgia;
color: orange;
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
line 468
table h1{
color: orange;
font: 1.5em Georgia;
font-weight: bold;
line 461
table h2 {
color: #0ef32b;
font: 1em Georgia;
-webkit-margin-before: 0px;
-webkit-margin-after: 0px;
text-align: center;

This is actually line 125 of BeerlistTable.php and will allow you to fit in the bigger tap images.

if(count($imgs) > 0) $style .= ($style != ""?";":"").'background:url('.$imgs[0].') no-repeat center; background-size:cover; -webkit-border-radius:0px; -mox-border-radius:0px; height:100px; width:70px';
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Hey guys I keep getting a pop up to re install chromium but can't find an option to do this? Any ideas?