Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Wow that's bad. I have digital calipers, a tablet, iphone accessories and often forget my wallet at my desk. Our janitor puts them in my drawer and locks it for me when I forget. Also, someone knocked my pothos off my desk and the pot shattered on the floor while I was out. When I came back, he had potted it in a 2-litre bottle to save it. That one shocked me :D

Haha, at least they made an effort.

The thefts haven't happened since mid-last year. I only lost $2 in change and some Dr Peppers, so I couldn't complain too much. Back when things were really bad, I asked HR if we really *needed* a cleaning company. I mean, I'm not too proud to collect my own trash and take it to the dumpster, and I could probably haphazardly wax the floor in my area a couple times a year as well as they did. HR's response was that they agreed and didn't personally have a problem with it, but "certain people" in the building would take offense. SMH.
This will probably double post. Sue me. I have nothing you can have it all.

I learned not to long ago that sushi translate directly to rice. That's right, rice. Sashimi is the correct word for "raw fish."

On a similar note I was having some raw steak for lunch one day and a coworker was having all sorts of problems with this. The backstory is that I marinated 2, cooked one, then was running way late the next morning and quickly grabbed the one that I had been planning on cooking on day 2, declared it to be "good enough for lunch" and headed out the door. Another coworker was more along the lines of "I know it can be done, I just didn't know anyone who actually would do it."

I was just hoping to point out that coupling narrow mindedness and/or lack of an adventurous nature to advanced years is no more true than the idea that every twenty-something is an obnoxious know it all.

Being a cranky old fart I've been placed on a somewhat restrictive diet. Lucky for me beer & sashimi are still okay. Steak, raw or cooked, is not on my diet but I get to "cheat" one meal a week.
one of my office mates complains about people who waste tax $.
We happen to be funded by a revenue stream which includes mostly federal money. Ok it is all federal.
My office mate begins the day by calling an Alaska newspaper, leaves a voice mail on a reporters phone complaining that it is 38F in Alaska and only 11F in my state.
He does this all from his office phone and gives his full name and title!

Then goes about the office telling everyone.
Then he spent 1/2 complaining with another officeperson about how the this weeks special at the deli is not that great.

I work in IT so I have an endless list of things people do that annoy the hell out of me. A few are...

1. When I get call telling me "The internet is broken." If the internet is truly broken then I'm going home because the world is probably ending...
2. "I'm locked out of my computer because I didn't change my password the first 10 times it asked me to."
3. "Can you help me move offices?"
4. "My home computer is broken/slow/has a virus/ can you fix it?"
5. When people assume I play video games because I'm in the IT dept.
6. When people drop by or call me to fix an issue instead of submitting a helpdesk ticket.
7. When people assume I know how to use every single piece of software out there just because I'm in the IT dept.
8. When a user nags and nags me for a new PC and they finally get it then want the old one back because the new one is too "different"
9. When 2 monitors aren't enough and they want a 3rd one.
10. When their neighbor sees they have 3 monitors and now they all of a sudden "need" 3 as well.

Ha, That was way easier than I thought but after almost a decade in IT I have an extensive list. Anyone want to open a brewery in Northern VA so we can start a new gripe list???
Boss man calls me on my cell at lunch to ask me why I'm leasing a box truck instead of just using the 20 year old bucket we own. The bed's caved in in three places, the liftgate only works if you cross your eyes, stand on one foot, and wish on a candle up a cat's a**. I tried to get him to budget one last year, and submitted for one in this year's budget in January, gave him three quotes every time for decent used trucks. Now He wants three more, and wants to buy it by end of month. Thank goodness.

We've gone through similar processes on multiple items, break room fridge to forklift fleet, all of it. I have no idea how we ever buy anything around here with him making the call, he muddies every process to the point that people just give up. I have to remind myself thet I'm 37 and he's 72. I can outlast him.
Boss man calls me on my cell at lunch to ask me why I'm leasing a box truck instead of just using the 20 year old bucket we own. The bed's caved in in three places, the liftgate only works if you cross your eyes, stand on one foot, and wish on a candle up a cat's a**. I tried to get him to budget one last year, and submitted for one in this year's budget in January, gave him three quotes every time for decent used trucks. Now He wants three more, and wants to buy it by end of month. Thank goodness.

We've gone through similar processes on multiple items, break room fridge to forklift fleet, all of it. I have no idea how we ever buy anything around here with him making the call, he muddies every process to the point that people just give up. I have to remind myself thet I'm 37 and he's 72. I can outlast him.

He knows what he's doing. Trust me :D
I work in IT so I have an endless list of things people do that annoy the hell out of me. A few are...

1. When I get call telling me "The internet is broken." If the internet is truly broken then I'm going home because the world is probably ending...
2. "I'm locked out of my computer because I didn't change my password the first 10 times it asked me to."
3. "Can you help me move offices?"
4. "My home computer is broken/slow/has a virus/ can you fix it?"
5. When people assume I play video games because I'm in the IT dept.
6. When people drop by or call me to fix an issue instead of submitting a helpdesk ticket.
7. When people assume I know how to use every single piece of software out there just because I'm in the IT dept.
8. When a user nags and nags me for a new PC and they finally get it then want the old one back because the new one is too "different"
9. When 2 monitors aren't enough and they want a 3rd one.
10. When their neighbor sees they have 3 monitors and now they all of a sudden "need" 3 as well.

Ha, That was way easier than I thought but after almost a decade in IT I have an extensive list. Anyone want to open a brewery in Northern VA so we can start a new gripe list???

Seems like you still have a sense of humor for protection.
Boss man calls me on my cell at lunch to ask me why I'm leasing a box truck instead of just using the 20 year old bucket we own. The bed's caved in in three places, the liftgate only works if you cross your eyes, stand on one foot, and wish on a candle up a cat's a**. I tried to get him to budget one last year, and submitted for one in this year's budget in January, gave him three quotes every time for decent used trucks. Now He wants three more, and wants to buy it by end of month. Thank goodness.

We've gone through similar processes on multiple items, break room fridge to forklift fleet, all of it. I have no idea how we ever buy anything around here with him making the call, he muddies every process to the point that people just give up. I have to remind myself thet I'm 37 and he's 72. I can outlast him.

He knows what he's doing. Trust me :D

No he doesn't. Trust me.:pipe:

Suggest/get a quote for a new box to put on the old chassis. Or a repair quote for the floor. ;)

I learned from a few "old guys" to get more info to back your request as the best option.
Suggest/get a quote for a new box to put on the old chassis. Or a repair quote for the floor. ;)

I learned from a few "old guys" to get more info to back your request as the best option.

We've been down that road too. It's a 20 year old gas guzzling death trap. I put together a repair quote last January, patched the floor best I could, ands promptly leased a truck until he yelled about it the first time. Today I said the magic words. "Legitimate Safety Concerns".
7. When people assume I know how to use every single piece of software out there just because I'm in the IT dept.

^ Oh good God this...

I work for a small firm so granted I have a lot of hats to wear, but some people look at me like I'm a waste of space when I tell them I don't know the inner workings of Excel or QuickBooks... Believe me, if I did, I'd be working for Microsoft of Intuit

... and I'll stop there before I open the floodgates :)
It's amazing how often it works though.

And as for getting bosses to do as you want. I find its helpful to give them 3 choices of options (two of which can and should be terrible and the one you want done) that way they feel they have some say
Again, I never actually leave him with a decision. Just a "oh we're getting this one". The fridge was easy, the forklifts took 6 months. The truck should be a no brainer. I'm bringing one by on a test drive on Monday. We're a mile from 3 truck dealerships.
Again, I never actually leave him with a decision. Just a "oh we're getting this one"...

And that us most likely why it takes so long to get anything. He is management and therefore should be the one making the decisions... well at least he should think he is the one making the decisions.
If you want something the boss needs to know options and the costs, the benefits and the drawbacks for each option - how you spin all that is how you get to decide which option gets selected.

Unfortunately I work in a Novell infrastructure so you'd be shocked how many times I have to tell people to reboot. I always feel like an a$$ telling folks to reboot but it's the fastest way to fix their issue, most of the time.

IT is certainly a lot more of people management than they teach you in school. I'm still shocked that part of any IT degree excludes more than communications 101 since we get a bad rep for not being overly friendly. haha. Luckily, Mom and Dad made be get a job at 15 so I had plenty of retail jobs to learn my people skills!
Back to the cow-orkers.

Guy that sits at the cube next to me. Lazy as **** - he's a decent worker in the field, but constantly whines about how his truck got bumped from the heated garage attached to our office, and has to park in the parking lot now. He HATES having to walk to his truck (all of 50 feet), even though once he gets to the jobsite he might have to walk several miles over the course of the day. So instead, if our chief surveyor is going to be in the office for the day, or the guy on the other side of me, he'll drive their trucks instead. Which then screws THEM, if during the middle of the day they get called out to a jobsite and the tools or information they need is in their work truck. He absolutely refuses to go buy supplies either - we're all on the company charge account at the farm/hardware store just down the street for that very reason. If he breaks or loses a hatchet, or shovel, or any other tool out of his truck, he'll "borrow" it out of someone elses truck - but he forgets to either TELL someone he 'borrowed' from their truck, or never puts it back until he's asked. It has gotten to the point that the guy next to me got tired of it, went to the store and bought two new spades, gave one to Tim, and told him "don't ever take mine out of my truck again". Most of us have cables at our desks to hook up our data collectors..he doesn't, so instead of asking the secretary to order one from Amazon, he "borrows" mine, which I never realize until I try to use it and have to go hunt it down.

He's been pulling our side-by-side UTV behind his truck for two weeks now because he needed it on one job, and it's "too much of a pain to unhook"... except I hooked up to that thing every single day this summer - and the new trailer is a heck of a lot easier than the old one. If he wants to pull it around, fine...but it KILLS fuel mileage. On one day this summer, I filled up when I left the office...and had to fill up again to get home.

But the worst is the drinking. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with having a beer or two, or twelve on occasion, but for crap's sake... you're a 28-30 yr old man, working in a professional office setting. Maybe, just MAYBE, you shouldn't tie one on so hard on a Thursday night you come to work smelling like booze on Friday. Or drink so hard on Sunday that you have to call in "sick" on Monday. He damn near got fired the day our head surveyor had it lined up for Tim to meet a client at 9:00 on a Wednesday morning (and the head surveyor was on vacation); Tim drank enough at darts on Tuesday night that he called in sick, but didn't let the boss know. Boss gets a phone call from the client at 9:30 saying "Hey, where is your guy? Haven't seen him yet."

If you can't guess, I'm catching whiffs of booze over the wall here at work right now. Don't believe he's drunk, but pretty sure it's starting to sweat out of him. He's a good guy (aside from his work issues), and I like him...but I wouldn't be real sad to see him get fired right now.
Aaaaand.....reeks of a bar rag again today. Monday is a bad enough under normal circumstances, but starting the week off coming down off a bender?
If the guy who sits across from me (bloody open office) slurps his smeggin' coffee ONE MORE TIME I will wrest his mug from his hand, pour the contents over his head, and beat him with it until the handle falls off.
I'm still shocked that part of any IT degree excludes more than communications 101 since we get a bad rep for not being overly friendly. haha. Luckily, Mom and Dad made be get a job at 15 so I had plenty of retail jobs to learn my people skills!

Guilty as charged. I worked around members of the general public for a few years now. My most common review is: "Zepth did a great job, everything worked out better than I expected. Not the friendliest guy though." After a couple times I thought I'd speak with HQ about them asking the client a question after the next time they comment.
"Would you use Zepth again?"
"Certainly. I'd rather get great results from someone without people skills than have it done wrong by the nice guy."
My coworkers that make gross amounts of money, coming in after each day off talking about where they went to eat and what kind of charcuterie was served. They look down their noses at me when I tell them yeah I cooked (insert meat/vegetable meal) at home. That's fine. Then on lunch in the office, they strut to the microwave and heat up the nastiest gas station type food you could imagine.
My friend sips his coffee extremely loud and says he has to, it is too hot. I don't even know how it can be so hot after the 1/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup sugar he puts in it, especially after stirring and clanking the spoon for two minutes straight. It hurts my brain and if I knew it wouldn't land on me, I'd sucker punch him each time he got a new cup.
My friend sips his coffee extremely loud and says he has to, it is too hot. I don't even know how it can be so hot after the 1/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup sugar he puts in it, especially after stirring and clanking the spoon for two minutes straight. It hurts my brain and if I knew it wouldn't land on me, I'd sucker punch him each time he got a new cup.

I was at a coffee place recently. Only one employee in the front and they were on the headset with someone at the drive through.
"I'm sorry ma'am but when you add that much cold dairy to a coffee it gets colder...No, we don't keep warm milk on hand.... I'm afraid not our cups are not microwave safe."
Trying to brighten the mood "Another customer took a 8 cream and 6 sugar?"
Smiles "Yeah, something like that."
"Large black to go please."
It's 2015, how do people not know how to accept a meeting invite with conference call information?

In the big box on the email you click ACCEPT And the meeting information goes FROM the email TO your calendar. Get a clue!!!

Exclamation points!!!
Worse is the customer who starts with "I don't know anything about computers..."

Me: then WHY the EFF did they put you in your job, 96.7% of which is done on the computer?

Boy, does it suck being a misanthrope & working customer service
Someone created a subroutine that converts one type of financial code into another type. Everyone here is loving it, and talking about what a great job she did. Turns out, she copied it from a developer forum online. It's there line for line. She didn't even bother to change the variable names. Unbelievable!
Someone created a subroutine that converts one type of financial code into another type. Everyone here is loving it, and talking about what a great job she did. Turns out, she copied it from a developer forum online. It's there line for line. She didn't even bother to change the variable names. Unbelievable!

You're just pissed you didn't think of doing it first:D
But I agree it's annoying when they don't admit that all they did was copy some code from the internet - since it seems you have access to it you should make a small change (like comment out one line) and see if she can figure it out ;)
the owners lap dog has been watching the cameras ever since they were put in. they claim they are for security purposes only, but if 2 people are talking he will call our boss and chew his butt. I ordered a bunch of shirts for the guys (as per their request) from ( now he's being a cry baby about it and watching the cameras even harder, which I feel is validating the point of the shirt further. the reason more people are talking more often is because they are pissed off. they have been taking away every flexible perk that has attracted people to the job. and they keep lying to our faces about the purpose of the cameras. and now they are putting in a bell system and shortening our 15 minute breaks to 13 minutes as well as making 12:00 mandatory lunch time for everyone. there has never been a problem with when people take their lunches before. a big step would be to admit to us that the cameras are (obviously) used to watch us work. funny thing is their Big Brother cameras and fancy Gestapbell isn't going to make anyone work harder, it's just making them angry.

anyhow, the lap dog is annoying.
the owners lap dog has been watching the cameras ever since they were put in. they claim they are for security purposes only, but if 2 people are talking he will call our boss and chew his butt. I ordered a bunch of shirts for the guys (as per their request) from ( now he's being a cry baby about it and watching the cameras even harder, which I feel is validating the point of the shirt further. the reason more people are talking more often is because they are pissed off. they have been taking away every flexible perk that has attracted people to the job. and they keep lying to our faces about the purpose of the cameras. and now they are putting in a bell system and shortening our 15 minute breaks to 13 minutes as well as making 12:00 mandatory lunch time for everyone. there has never been a problem with when people take their lunches before. a big step would be to admit to us that the cameras are (obviously) used to watch us work. funny thing is their Big Brother cameras and fancy Gestapbell isn't going to make anyone work harder, it's just making them angry.

anyhow, the lap dog is annoying.

Are they recorded? You could 'accidentally' pull a plug, or while carrying a piece of bar stock or something else you could 'accidentally' bump them so that they are pointing at a wall or away from the shop floor. If it takes the pomeranian less than an hour from the time of showing up to complain about it and or try to get it fixed you can ask him what he is expecting to prove.
You're just pissed you didn't think of doing it first:D

But I agree it's annoying when they don't admit that all they did was copy some code from the internet - since it seems you have access to it you should make a small change (like comment out one line) and see if she can figure it out ;)

Yeah! Change the decimal to a smiley face or something.
the owners lap dog has been watching the cameras ever since they were put in. they claim they are for security purposes only, but if 2 people are talking he will call our boss and chew his butt. I ordered a bunch of shirts for the guys (as per their request) from ( now he's being a cry baby about it and watching the cameras even harder, which I feel is validating the point of the shirt further. the reason more people are talking more often is because they are pissed off. they have been taking away every flexible perk that has attracted people to the job. and they keep lying to our faces about the purpose of the cameras. and now they are putting in a bell system and shortening our 15 minute breaks to 13 minutes as well as making 12:00 mandatory lunch time for everyone. there has never been a problem with when people take their lunches before. a big step would be to admit to us that the cameras are (obviously) used to watch us work. funny thing is their Big Brother cameras and fancy Gestapbell isn't going to make anyone work harder, it's just making them angry.

anyhow, the lap dog is annoying.

When will people figure out that it's easier to ask and lead than push and intimidate. My company put in a camera in one of our shops a couple years back to find someone stealing. After the situation was resolved and the union found out there was a camera there it was promptly removed. We have cameras outside watching various parts of the plant, but none are allowed outside. You wanna see some work slow waaaay down, put in a camera.
anyhow, the lap dog is annoying.

Nice shirt.

When they put camera's in at my last place we were furious. We always funked around but our job was always done on time and done well. The owner was well known as being big into those ghost hunting shows and easily creeped out. Once we realized that, we freaked him out pretty bad.

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