There are rules in life...

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Now you are taking away one of life's little pleasures, leaving a bomb in an elevator as you leave. Once again, a good idea soon gets over regulated.

To be honest, the fart bomb on the elevator offends me the least on that list. I've been guilty of dropping a fart bomb in the elevator.

It's the residual perfume, BO, and cigarette smell that I really, really don't like. The exterior of someone's body should not leave a lingering odor.
I'd like to propose a rule that if you lose your dog and plaster the neighborhood with flyers, you have to provide updates. I always wonder what happened to the poor guy. Those things keep me up nights. Just a simple 'found him!' or a 'still looking :(' would give me some closure.
I'd like to propose a rule that if you lose your dog and plaster the neighborhood with flyers, you have to provide updates. I always wonder what happened to the poor guy. Those things keep me up nights. Just a simple 'found him!' or a 'still looking :(' would give me some closure.

Will there be dogs on the moon? How will they howl at the moon if they are on the moon? No telephone poles to staple the flyer to. The problems are endless. This is sheer lunacy!
Will there be dogs on the moon? How will they howl at the moon if they are on the moon? No telephone poles to staple the flyer to. The problems are endless. This is sheer lunacy!

Well, not that I've been invited, but if there's no dogs on the moon I'm not going. Plus lunacy=lunatic=maddened by the moon, so there.
I'd like to propose a rule that if you lose your dog and plaster the neighborhood with flyers, you have to provide updates. I always wonder what happened to the poor guy. Those things keep me up nights. Just a simple 'found him!' or a 'still looking :(' would give me some closure.

That is a great idea. Next time I find I stray I will go back around to all the poles with the lost dog posting and post one saying "found him" and include the recipe.:p
I'd like to propose a rule that if you lose your dog and plaster the neighborhood with flyers, you have to provide updates. I always wonder what happened to the poor guy. Those things keep me up nights. Just a simple 'found him!' or a 'still looking :(' would give me some closure.

To give you an idea of the setting, I live in the foothills and our town is about 5 miles past the end of the suburbs.

A couple years ago, a bunch of flyers went up in our neighborhood about 5 pug puppies that were lost. I looked at my wife and said, "Those puppies aren't lost. They were coyote snacks."
Here are the two most important rules. The weekend rules;

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I'd like to propose a rule that if you lose your dog and plaster the neighborhood with flyers, you have to provide updates. I always wonder what happened to the poor guy. Those things keep me up nights. Just a simple 'found him!' or a 'still looking :(' would give me some closure.

At the very least, they should be required to remove the flyers they posted within a specified amount of time.

And nobody will be allowed to throw a "free newspaper or newspaper-like object" on my lawn/porch/property. This is not distribution of promotional items, it's LITTERING.
Hey man, youre going to deprive someone of the worst job they will every have in their life if you ban that.

I did that once a week for a summer. I think they paid me $20 for the day.
Being 11 and having to ride my bike all over town delivering circulars that no one ever read for $20 wasn't fun.

I don't even remember how I got that job. I think it was my brother's job and somehow I got roped into doing half the route.
And before anyone is a joke, abet a lame one. I don't have any dog recipes.

They are there on the webs if you need them. I have even seen a dog on a spit before. Not my thing but dogs are food all over the world.

The owners of dogs that bark all night should have their mouth taped shut for one day, second offense 1 week. After that we take the dog away and offender shall be woken every hour on the hour for a month.
At the very least, they should be required to remove the flyers they posted within a specified amount of time.

And nobody will be allowed to throw a "free newspaper or newspaper-like object" on my lawn/porch/property. This is not distribution of promotional items, it's LITTERING.

Add in phone books! When I bought my house there were 3 different companies that delivered each year, one was a Yellow and white listing with a second book of yellow. The next one had 2 copies of the same book large. The last published for the phone company contained 3, 2 full size and 1 mini. Funny thing is that I bought this place something like 10 years ago and have never had the phone line hooked up. In fact a branch came down and ripped the wire off the house the same week we signed and is till dangling from the pole. We did have Internet based phone for the first couple of years but soon found that it was easier to find the kids if they had cells.

This year we still had 2 companies... went from porch to recycle bin didn't even get opened. Probably been at least 6 years since I opened one. They are getting a lot thinner these days.
Since it works so well at La Casa de Creamy I think I am going to institute an optional bi weekly holiday (with incentives to be determined to participate) entitled "Stone Soup Day". On the day most people are cleaning the soon to be discarded food from their fridges (meat, limp veggies, etc.) they will instead bring these to the town square, where either an older man in a wizard hat or a beautiful young woman in a bikini (or hell, one of each) will throw all the foods in a huge cauldron of boiling water, season, and stir with mash paddles.

Alternatively a chili or stew might be assembled for a change.

After a round of the Lunarian National Anthem is sung by all in attendance the finished soup will be distributed to all. Its a social welfare program, theator, and community relations all in one evening.

For the record, there are seldom bikinis or wizard hats in my house, but I think you will agree they are a good addition.