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Oct 13, 2009
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How'd your New Years start?? This is what I was greeted to on New Years day...BTW...My Birthday...

The lone carboy WITHOUT the airlock was the Porter that the wife & I brewed on 12/30/09. I checked the carboy on Thursday..not a bubble could be found...

The other carboys are a club brew. O! Not a word was heard when $hit hit the walls & ceiling. The fermentation room is in our apartment in our barn/brewery.

Thank heavens for vis-queen...the carpet is in great shape, one closet curtain soaked up a bunch of wort. The walls and ceiling cleaning up real nice!! So all's good now. Oh yea, the air lock took a fatal hit. Knock a chunk out and a hair line fracture running laterally down to the bung...

Enjoy all!
All but two of the caboys belong to a club brew. We have a 53 gallon bourbon county barrel. The club brewed a RIS for the barrel. That brew is going well... The wife & I decided to brew a Robust Porter on Wed prior to New Years... Then woke to this mess...:)
"The wife & I decided to brew a Robust Porter on Wed prior to New Years... Then woke to this mess..."

Lucky you. If my wife woke up to find that mess on New Years Day I would not have lived to experience 2010... Montanaandy
Two blessings on my part... 1st-The wife never LQQKed... Only saw pictures and 2nd, New Years was my birhtday.... Gotta the "B-Day Pass". O! Forgot to mention. The fermentation chamber is located in our two-bedroom apartment in the barn. Wife did mention that carboys are no longer allowed in the house-proper.
"I've never used a mop on the ceiling because I always ALWAYS use a blowoff tube for primary fermentation."

While I have not had to mop the ceiling per se I have had a several batches that blew out the #10 connected to a blow off tube on the BB. The Wyeast Irish Ale has been the culprit most of the time and that has made a pretty good mess. I just had it happen with an American Ale II jacked up on a large starter. So while I would agree that you want to use a blow off depending on the brew/yeast, I have found that it is not foolproof. Montanaandy
People have asked me why I do not ferment inside.....this is why. My pregnant wife would not only kick my a$$ but then she would puke all over me from the smell....she couldn't stand the smell before, she DESPISES the smell now that she is pregnant.