Strangest experience ever! (paranormal?!)

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Dude said:

Come to think of it, my ass hurt a little the next day too. WTF, man?

It sounds like you may be suffering from SISSY

Self Induced Sodomy SYndrone
Holy crap...

How many of you people have had these bad dreams/sleep paralysis? I'm canceling my order for my home brewing kit.

NitrouStang96 said:
Holy crap...

How many of you people have had these bad dreams/sleep paralysis? I'm canceling my order for my home brewing kit.


Not so fast my friend. You have to establish a causal effect. Are we out of our minds because we drink our own homebrew, or do we drink our own homebrew because we're out of our minds?
Fingers said:
Not so fast my friend. You have to establish a causal effect. Are we out of our minds because we drink our own homebrew, or do we drink our own homebrew because we're out of our minds?

Fingers said:
Not so fast my friend. You have to establish a causal effect. Are we out of our minds because we drink our own homebrew, or do we drink our own homebrew because we're out of our minds?
Ah, well, in that case I can testify that it's probably the latter.

I'll brew the haunted hefeweizen if you brew the apparitional ale.
I don't believe in spirits/poltergeist like that, but I do believe in demonic possession. Only because it's in the Bible several times. I have experienced a couple of miracles though...

(This is a true story, when I was young and dumb...)
I was riding a motorcycle down a mountain road at about 115 MPH. The road was curvy, with a mountain side on my right and a 400' drop to a river on my left. I saw a sign that said curve ahead...15 MPH (I think the speed limit was 45 MPH even though this was way out in the country) So I slowed down to about 45, thinking that a motorcycle could take a corner at 45 if a car could take it at 15. The road made a little bend to the right and I thought, "That was it! That's what they made me slow down for! That was nothing!" So I gassed the bike, and I'm guessing I was back up to about 70 MPH. Then I saw the corner that the sign was talking about. It was damn near a 90° turn. I immediately squeeze my front brake as hard as I dared, and locked up my back brake, committing to stopping in a straight line, as there was no way I could make that corner at the speed I was going.

I should stop here and explain a couple things about motorcycles...They say that if you lock your back brake, to keep it locked until you stop. They also say if you lock your front brake, to immediately release it, because a locked up front brake WILL ALWAYS result in a high-side, which is what it is called when the motorcycle flips to the outside of the corner, landing on top of you. Either way, motorcycles don't turn AT ALL with either brake locked up.

When I had crossed the yellow line, heading straight for the guard rail I realized that I wasn't going to stop (or even get close to stopping) before I hit the guard rail. So I locked my front brake, hoping to slow the bike down before I hit the rail. I was planning on hooking my arms under the handlebars before I hit, in hopes that I would bounce down the hillside. This would have been much better than flying off the bike for 40 or 50 feet then dropping the entire 400 feet straight down to the river.

At the last second, just before my front wheel hit the guard rail, my back tire washed out and the bike turned 90° to the right. Somehow at that moment I had the impulse to release both brakes. The bike rolled out of the turn perfectly, with no help from me.

Anyone that rides, knows that motorcycles just don't act like this. I KNOW that God reached his hand down and turned that bike for me.

It was several years after that before I accepted Christ as my Saviour, but I always knew that I wasn't the one that turned that bike and saved my life. So I do defiantly believe in God's supernatural abilities, and I believe in demonic possession because the Bibles (God's word) says it's true. But I never saw a poltergeist in the bible.
Yuri_Rage said:
Easy man. Don't $hit all over someone's beliefs just because they don't match your own, especially when they are kind and well intended.

Whoa, easy man yourself. Not one more peep out of me on this one.
You should check out if you have never listened to this before its a late night Radio show thats on and it only talks about the paranormal, The host George Norry has a lot of greats guests and a few latley have been talking about dreams and sleep paralysis Im sure that site will have some info if your interested.
I got really drunk on guinness one night and went to bed. I woke up around 3 am to my wife saying "Chris, what are you doing?!." I realized I was standing up pissing on the rug.

That was kind of wierd.

... in all seriousness. That story freaked me out and gave me crazy chill bumps. I definintely believe there is energy in one form or another left over from humans after they die and some may be more restless than others.

EDIT: Oh yea, my wife had the arm dream thing as well. Her first night in the barracks in Germany she had a very vivid dream of an arm holding her down, she woke up to her own arm squeezing her very tightly.

1. Coldness - sweating.
2. Covers - leftover yeast in your gut rotted some food resulting in a beer fart that blew the covers off the bed.
3. Wife - also blew her outta the bed.
My mom died almost 2 months ago.. She was cremated and is currently in my 2nd bedroom, waiting on a trip to Montauk Point, NY in the spring...
My wife SWEARS she can hear my mom talking to her sometimes and it freaks her out.

Me? I don't believe in that hoopla. However, last year we were looking into moving and were doing the house hunting thing.. At one house, we climbed stairs into an attic to take a look at the area, but soon as I hit the attic floor, I had a panic attack. I never have panic attacks. I turned and got the hell out of Dodge with the quickness.
When I got back downstairs, the seller (previous owners daughter) told us that her mother died in the attic, putting boxes away. My wife thinks the woman saw my face and decided to come clean..
Don't know if it was just a coincidence, but it was enough for me to walk my ass out of that house right away.

lol- I got back from Kuwait and one night out with SWMBO we got home hammered and apparently I woke up later that night and picked a fight with the dresser. I pulled the entire theing over, yelled at it for a min and then crawled back into bed like nothing happened.

Dont remember a thing
My wife has always felt things that are unexplainable. Her most recent is the house we live at has a nice Rose garden out back and pretty nice grounds in general. The older couple that lived here before us took very good care of the place. Anyway the man had passed away and the wife couldn't keep so that is how we ended up getting the house. My wife was out back one day trimming the roses back and when she stepped back to look at her work, she swore it felt like someone put their arm around her and patted her on the shoulder. Kinda like a grandfather would do. We think it was the old guy thanking her for taking care of the Roses and cared for so well.
I like how everyone mentions their wife believing.

A few weeks ago we were sleeping, deep sleepers. At around 4:00AM we both sat up in bed because this very loud siren went off. It was a weird noise though, it sounded like a '40s, '50s police siren. It sounded like it came from inside our bedroom and stopped as soon as we sat up. I checked the room and house, nada. Tried to find something to duplicate the noise, nada. My wife got freaked out and couldn't get back to bed, I went right back to sleep.

Most of the ghost stories I hear involve perfect settings for the imagination to run wild.
TxBrew said:
I don't know. If a ghost could manifest shoving someone why wouldn't they shove something to form a word or attempt to make contact more logically. Most of the ghost stories I hear involve perfect settings for the imagination to run wild.
I've often wondered the same thing - if it's possible to manipulate the physical world, why wouldn't a "ghost" manipulate it in such a way as to send a clear message?

Though this thread may seem a bit to the contrary, I'm very skeptical of the supernatural and paranormal. My thoughts tend to be very logical and organized, and I always look for a rational explanation for everything. At the same time, I try to keep an open mind, and it's been very interesting to see differing reactions.

Thanks, everyone for all of your thoughts...and keep them coming!
Sounds dumb but family has a history of it. When my mother was a teenager her Grandmother would hold seances (sp?) and weird stuff used to go on in that house. My mom remembers waking up on a number of occasions when staying there with all this commotion in the attic in the middle of then night and they'd call the police but no one would be up there among various other stories. This was in Houston near Rice Univ. My great-grandmother also claimed to have saw my grandfather after he passed, stuff like that.

My last apartment in college was built in the 70s with all the original fixtures. A few times I'd come home and there would be water all over the bathroom but no sinks or anything would be on (this was probably just crappy plumbing in the apartment above me). Also, many, many times I would wake up because I felt someone tapping me on the top of the head while I was sleeping/napping.

I probably just come from a superstitious family (or we have history of undiagnosed dementia heh) but it's kinda odd after all these years. Plus they say it happens more if you open yourself up to it which I guess my great-grandmother did back when.
Ok, when my wife and I were living in Stanton, CA we both felt strange vibes but kept them away from each other because of the great deal we got on the rental townhouse and how we both loved it.

We ended up living there for 4 1/2 years, but towards the end started discussing the feeling we both felt that "something" was there. She had many encounters where she would be sleeping (in the day) and a "dark figure" would be looming over her and she could not get up or move. She felt scared, but not overly threatened.

We both heard "something" rumaging through the kitchen cabinets at night and both felt as if someone was watching us the entire time we lived there, but never mentioned it to each other.

When her parents visited, they brought their dogs and one would sit and stare at the stair landing, as if looking at something or someone.

One night, we had the same, or similar experience as you, and I felt like someone or something was coming down on me and I rolled over and pushed her off the bed; both of us ending up on the floor. I eventually turned on a light and both of us came to, but it was like someone was in the room. Of course, no one was really there.

Both of us were sober and had nothing to drink that night. We eventually moved out of state and didn't stick around long enough to truly investigate.

There's alot to be said of gut feelings. Perhaps there's more here than meets the eye?

I had a somewhat similar thing happen a good many years ago, I woke up and all the sheets were in a little pile in the floor at the end of the bed - I was on a bare mattress. I think even the pillows were missing their covers.
I had a similar experience. One night years ago I was sleeping and I felt this 'presence' start to settle onto my body and I could feel my body get heavier and start pushing me into my mattress. My g/f sleeping right next to me didn't feel anything but this thing was after me and not her. Yes, this thing was intentionally targeting me and I'm fully aware of why and what it looked like. Long story, won't get into it.

Without going into a lot of details, these things can be real and can even be intentional. Most times I think they're just random enounters with random manifestations but my personal beliefs are that these things do exist.
Yuri_Rage said:
...If we'd woken up on the floor tangled in sheets and blankets, things would make a little more sense. But, it's nearly impossible to throw the covers into the position they were in, and they moved in a direction completely different from ours. That's the eerie, nagging thought in my mind...

That's pretty freaky. Good luck sleeping the next couple of weeks. I think I'd have a tough time after something like that.
Sounds Like you need to call Ghosthunters (TAPS) and have them come in and investigate/debunk

Hey, you could get on TV. At the very least you can laugh at the RI accents.

Plus I know one of them (Grant?) enjoys good beer because he frequents a very nice Irish pub here.
This is how religions start.

Yuri's story is spooky, even reading it on our computers in daylight. Now imagine hearing it around a campfire 20,000 years ago.
I don't believe in anything supernatural so I assume there's a completely rational explanation. The human mind has incredible capabilities for decieving its owner. Lucid dreams, imagination, denial, self delusion are all good examples. Just because you don't have a history of sleep walking or relating dreams to reality doesn't mean it can't happen. You might have done similar things previously without anyone noticing. We figured out that my wife has similar lucid dreams after she eats seafood. Totally weird but repeatable. Until you have reason to believe that it was NOT you who initiated the move onto the floor, relax and have a homebrew. Maybe you were trying to reenact the scene from Lampoon's Vacation where Clark breaks the vibrating bed in the notell motel.
I am a huge skeptic, but would love to find proof of something paranormal. As for the sheets...I know you have no history of sleepwalking, but neither do I yet a few years ago I got up, got dressed and stood on top of my bed. Reason I know I was asleep was when I woke up standing, I thought it was a dream and my brain didn't send the signal to my body to keep standing up. Down I went like a load of bricks.
It is very possible that you just don't remember being too warm and your wife felt warm in her sleep so your brain had you neatly take the covers off of you two and put them at the foot of the bed. You may have woken up at the very tail end of this and your brain fired on a different synapse causing you to get jumpy. No clue what really happened, but hey it is another explanation.
The people who live next door to the house my wife grew up in, bought the place 100 years after the old farm house had burned down, killing the entire family of 5. A developer bulldozed what was left and built a nice house.

The first thing that they did upon moving in was to remove the family grave stones from the private cemetery and throw them away. They then dammed up the neighborhood stream to make themselves a lake.

Needless to say, they were already ass holes, but we like to think that they were tormented by the dead. If so they have never mentioned it.
when i was a kid, i had the x-wing fighter toy from starwars. it had the laser beems on the wig tips, that would fall off. i lost one of them one day and searched for hours. couldn't find it. that night i dreamed i was under our dining room table, and found it under the leg of the table.

the next morning i went downstairs, and low and behold, there it was, in the exact place i found it in my dream.

in the old victorian we used to live in, my little girls room was soo creepy at times, she wouldn't even play in there. i'd only get the willies when i went into the closet, which ran the length of the room. i'm pretty sure something unsavory went on in there before we moved in, and i am certian i left a few boxes in there when we moved, cause they were too far back in there for me to go.
Wow, what a bizarre occurrence.

I've only had a few times where something even close to that happened. It usually occurs soon after I go to bed, and I feel awake and fully aware of everything, even though I should be sleeping. It's generally a falling feeling, like I'm falling onto the bed, at which point I wake up for real. It's odd.

More importantly, how did you sleep last night? :)
Joe Dragon said:
The Sherlock in me asks what you and the wife had to eat in common. Or did you drink the same thing even liberally? Was the party at your house? Was it with the same neighbors you talked to the next day? You said neighbors had no similar incidents but were the neighbors fellow partygoers?
We have quite different tastes in food and beverage, so it'd be hard to pin this down to a gastronomic occurrence. I've spoken both with other partygoers (who live both in and out of our neighborhood) as well as neighbors who did not attend - no one else had a weird experience.

Here's another "spooky" thing - the party was at an old hotel in the mountains that is supposedly haunted. SWMBO felt very uneasy when I left her in the lobby while I got the car - so uneasy that she came outside into the cold to get out of the hotel. She didn't tell me about the uneasy feeling until the day after our experience, so I can't attribute an associative dream (of mine, anyway) to that. A friend of hers mentioned that sometimes "things" can follow you home from places with "energy." When these "things" realize there's nothing to be gained by following you, they return to a more familiar place.

I'm still REALLY skeptical of the whole supernatural thing, and I'm pretty convinced that I just had a bad dream. I have to admit, though, that it's quite interesting to explore the "other worldly" possibilities, however remote they may be.

And yes, it was quite difficult to get a good night's sleep last night. Between irrational thoughts of the bizarre and a very real fear that I might "freak out" in my sleep again, I slept pretty poorly. So did SWMBO.

Even worse, at 3:00 AM, almost exactly the time that our "incident" occurred, we both heard a strange beep. It turned out that it was a spam-type text message on one of our cell phones. The beep was a pretty unfamiliar sound because neither of us ever do much text messaging. Not cool!
Yea maybe someone spiked with punch.

I recall a story about how some researchers think the entire Witch craze of Midevil Europe was due to ergot getting into the food stock making some people hallucinate and such thus people thinking they were witches.
Bulls Beers said:
A toaster talked to me once.....I think it was some bad mushrooms...

I dunno, sounds like good mushrooms to me.

TxBrew said:
Yea maybe someone spiked with punch.

I recall a story about how some researchers think the entire Witch craze of Midevil Europe was due to ergot getting into the food stock making some people hallucinate and such thus people thinking they were witches.

I think that was the Salem witches that you heard about, TX. They found that the grain they had stored under those particular weather conditions were ideal for ergot.
I dunno, I think there are tons of things we mortals simply don't understand about Life, The Universe and Everything, so I'm not really ready to dismiss anything until proven otherwise. Ages ago, sailors spoke of great sea beasties over a hundred feet long that swallowed ships. Last week I may have seen photographic proof of the same beasts on The History Channel.

IMHO, I just don't think that we as humans know everything about everything, so I'm reluctant to dismiss anything. :drunk:

SEMI- :off: this reminds me of Todd_K's thread from a while back, and where has he been?

Ize said:
SEMI- :off: this reminds me of Todd_K's thread from a while back, and where has he been?


I was wondering the same thing, his ghosties follow him from house to house. I'm never going back to his place.:D
I really don't believe in ghosts, but my grandparents swear their house was haunted. Weird things would always happen -- the front door would never stay shut, even when the stiff deadbolt was latched. If they were downstairs, they would hear VERY loud thuds, like something very heavy dropping to the floor. They would come upstairs, and nothing was out of place to explain the sound. They would also hear the very clear sound of footsteps walking around upstairs when nobody else was home. A few years ago my grandma admitted to me that she was scared to pieces every time she had to do laundry in the basement on her own -- she always felt like someone was watching her. The really weird part is that they had this strange little room in the corner of the basement that connected to two other rooms. My grandma said that room was ALWAYS cold, even though it was well insulated. In fact, before my grandfather died, he used to put space heaters and stuff in there just to warm it up (I think he wanted to use it as an office). Anyways, my grandmother said it always just felt freezing cold in there, even though it was the warmest room in the basement according to the thermometer.

What is funny is that she only ever mentioned any of this to us grandchildren when we were all grown up. We had a retirement party for my folks last year that brought the whole family together, and my aunts and uncles and cousins all got talking about that house and all the weird experiences -- I remembered them right away from when I was a kid. All of my cousins remembered that creepy room that we were all terrified of, too. But nobody had talked about it or the other weird stuff openly before, even though clearly it had made a lifelong impression on us all.

Anyways, to make a long story short, after 15 years in that house, as soon as my youngest aunt moved out, my grandparents sold that house and moved into the house right next door. I never knew why until my grandmother all told us why a year ago.
During the Jimmy Carter administration when the embassy hostages were being held in Iran, my mother would wake up every night at 4:44am and not be able to fall back asleep. The hostages were released after 444 days in captivity. After that my mom was able to sleep through the night again.

Until she started having dreams about fire. Eventually they got so bad that she took my brother and me (parents were divorced) to stay the night at our aunt's house. Our house burned down that night.

Other stuff like this happens fairly frequently to her. If she tells me she's been dreaming about something, then I pay attention.

I have a very active dream life as well. I can lucid dream, and I can remember dreams I had when I was 2 or 3 years old.

When I lived in Missoula, Montana I would often stay over at my g/f's house (now my wife). She lived in an old house and her room was in the basement. (The valley that Missoula now occupies was sacred land to the Native Americans.) Also in the basement was an old well that had been capped with a concrete cover. I used to have recurring vivid nightmares of a dark figure with red eyes clawing its way out of the well and falling on us in the middle of the night. I would wake up screaming and thrashing when I had these dreams.

Eventually I had a lucid dream where instead of being attacked by the figure, I stood up and was able to keep it from coming into the bedroom by sheer force of will. This dream recurred several times over the next few weeks until, dreaming, I was finally able to get me and Kellie out of the bedroom, past the open well, and up the stairs into the living room.

Once in the living room, the house was breathing in and out and groaning, all the doors and windows were open and ringed by blue, yellow, and red lights, like fire. There was an old man and an old woman there with us, with gray hair. I didn't know who they were. Kellie's two roommates were there as well, but they were clueless and talking gibberish. The old man and old woman seemed like they belonged there and they looked at Kellie and me and told us with some urgency to go outside now. Outside the sky was brown/yellow and wind was blowing leaves around hard. Ours was the only house standing. I felt very uncomfortable about going outside so I hesitated.

At this point I lost control of the lucid dream and things just started happening. The dark figure came up from the basement and burst into the living room. The old woman confronted the figure and the old man pushed me and Kellie out of the house. Then I woke up.

I remember this dream like I had it last night, but it was probably 15 years ago.

I never dreamed about the figure again.